[Help] Unlock Advanced Tab on Acer

Hello guys!!

I started messing with bios modding stuff recently, I don’t know much yet, so here’s my journey to unlock the advanced menu of an insydeH2O BIOS…

My notebook is an ACER ASPIRE f5-573G My notebook and i’m trying to mod the same BIOS that is installed in it, I maneged to extract the EXE file provided by ACER and than followed donavan’s amazing tutorial on how to unlock hidden tabs, I found the setup ulility module, got the text using IFR extractor, my BIOS’ tabs were being referenced there, but I got stuck on how to find the function that hides the tabs, again, I dont have much knowledge regarding BIOSes, so I’m not sure if I was looking in the right module…

Since this was a failed attempt I tried to make other modificantions to see if I could flash a modded BIOS, so I extracted the vBIOS module, changed clock frequency using maxwell bios tweaker, put the module back in the image with H2OEZE and tried to flash with the H2OFFT exe that came with the BIOS file. This attempt resulted in “invalid firmware image” error during installation…

My third attempt was with FPT64, I backup my BIOS with FPTW, did the vBIOS alteration already described, tried to flash with FPTW, and BAM: error 368 . I had no luck following @Lost_N_BIOS tutorial on how to get around that error, i can’t find on what module the bios lock or any kind of lock is… When I open my file with H2OUVE the path Advanced → PCH-IO Configuration → security configuration I can see a bios lock enable/disable, but i could not find in the modules (BTW this h2OUVE version doesnt work for edits)

I read about editing the iscflash dll, but I have no clue on how to do that.
So guys, that’s my journey so far… Would love some help with unlocking the advanced tab and flashing it. I don’t have programer btw.

thanks alot

stock BIOS extracted from EXE

A dump of the stock image that o got with phoekix tool

the backup i got with FPTW

setup utility module

ZAA_127.rar (5.12 MB)

biosreg.rar (3.76 MB)

@fairestmeat - Be careful! Often “Module” insert with EZE is going to break the BIOS CRC checksum. That kind of extract/insert should be done with UEFITool 25 (not newer)
So, good thing it did not flash. You may need flash programmer to flash in mod BIOS on this system, experts on other forum say so, but we shall see

So you found my guide about BIOS Lock, and you linked the setup module above, how did you not find the variable to disable BIOS lock (it’s in setup)?
But, usually for Insyde BIOS, you need to edit this with H@OUVE not grub/setup_var, but I would try that first and see if it works OK or not.

OK, first, lets do this, so you can give me what I need and only that. Also, please tell me which .fd applies to your system since there is three in the stock EXE

Check BIOS main page and see if ME FW version is shown, if not then download HWINFO64
Then on the large window on left side, expand motherboard and find ME area, inside that get the ME Firmware version.
Once you have that, go to this thread and in the section “C.2” download the matching ME System Tools Package
(ie if ME FW version = 10.x get V10 package, if 9.0-9.1 get V9.1 package, if 9.5 or above get V9.5 package etc)
Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools

Once downloaded, inside you will find Flash Programming Tool folder, and inside that a Windows or Win/Win32 folder (NOT x64).
Select that Win folder, hold shift and press right click, choose open command window here (Not power shell).
At the command prompt type the following command and send me the created file to modify >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin

Right after you do that, try to write back the BIOS Region dump and see if you get any error >> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin
If you do get error, show me image of the command entered and the error given
^^ This is important step, don’t forget ^^ << I already know, you get error 368 here for now, we will fix this, and then check if other error exists after that

If you are stuck on Win10 and cannot easily get command prompt, and method I mentioned above does not work for you, here is some links that should help
Or, copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a USB Bootable disk and do the dump from DOS (FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin)

Or here is simply registry edit that adds “Open command window here as Administrator” to the right click menu
Double-click to install, reboot after install may be required
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…134606820377175 << I suggest this, it’s quick and easy way, reboot before enabled may be required

* Edit - @fairestmeat - Hope you get tagged for this edit so you refresh page and see this, if not, hope you notice on reply

Also, download this package, leave all files in place and once done upload back to me entire package.

From each folders location, that directly contains that versions exe, run the following command, then upload it all back to me
H2OUVE.exe -gv vars.txt

@Lost_N_BIOS hello!

Apparently, the IFR extractor version I was using was the problem (not really sure about that), but anyways, I did the whole thing again yesterday, and I found the “BIOS LOCK” in the setup module (didn’t do grub or h20uve yet)

Here are the things you asked me (the correct .fd image of my bios is in the file ZAA2)


@fairestmeat - Sorry, I can’t download from Google, Microsoft, dropbox, box, or mega.nz. Please upload to tinyupload.com or uploadfiles.io
* Edit - Never mind, I got it finally!

* Edit @fairestmeat - Here, please program back this varsm.txt, ignore errors, reboot and then dump BIOS region again with FPT (move or delete the old one), then test BIOS region write back with FPT again.
If you get success, then send me that new BIOS region file, if you get error show me image of the error.

Program back same way you dumped, but using this command >> H2OUVE.exe -sv varsM.txt


Got it! all fine, so, just for the record, you edited the bios lock disable variable on the "pch setup" and "custom" on the vars.txt file right? if so, what is this "custom"?

biosreg.rar (3.75 MB)

@fairestmeat - I disabled BIOS Lock and FPRR on both areas you mentioned in the vars. Custom is like OEM profile vs standard, something they store their desired variables in, instead of “default” area
So, you can now write back BIOS region with FPT, and the above BIOSreg file is after you rebooted and made a new FPT dump, correct? If yes, great and great, I will get on this for you tonight and see if I can unlock menu for you!
Sorry, heading out now so have to wait till I get back to get into this Be back in about 10 hours

All good, thanks alot !

*Edit: yeah, that biosreg.bin I sent you is after reboot and is a New FPT dump

@fairestmeat - what main sections can you see across top of stock BIOS? If you’d add an image that would be great (not a 2-10MB image, few hundred KB or 800px wide is more than plenty)

@Lost_N_BIOS I can see main, security, boot and exit

here’s image


Thanks! Not cool, you can’t see either Advanced - Lame of Acer
OK, I am not great at Insyde BIOS, but I will see if I can find locks for you and bypass!

Yeah… Acer is pretty anoying sometimes…

thanks! If you cannot bypass the locks, is it possible to enable features by editing the vars.txt?

@fairestmeat - Yes, I can change any setting in BIOS, without editing vars, just by direct edit of BIOS options and NVRAM, so yes, if we can’t make menus visible for you we can change any setting you want that you see in the setup IFR
Here though, I think I got it Fingers crossed - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…723689814032126

Program back via >> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosregm.bin


You certainly got it!! Thank you very much

Just one more thing, if I want to change something in my GPU, can I extract the correct oprom, edit with maxwell teaker, replace the old oprom with UEFItool 25 and flash the BIOS again with FPT? should I worry about correcting vBIOS checksum, or BIOS checksum, or something else?

@fairestmeat ! Very awesome to hear, thanks for quick report back! I HATE Insyde BIOS, mainly because I don’t do it often enough and sometimes I can never find correct place to do the proper edit.
So it’s always nice when I can get it figured out, especially on the first try too

To your question, first, I forgot my laptop mod BIOS warning…
*** WARNING - To ANYONE with laptop and unlocked BIOS!!! ***
DO NOT try to enable this graphics card or disable that card, switch cards etc. Otherwise you will end up with no display output (ie black screen) and no way to recover except by blind flash or with flash programmer.
You can change graphics related settings, like changing memory sizes, or core speeds etc, just don’t try to disable one card or change which is main etc.

Additionally, be very careful when trying to undervolt CPU, you can leave BIOS unbootable due to CPU voltage too low

Yes, that should be OK, provided that tool will work with your vBIOS. Make sure you extract and insert same way (as-is or body ect)
I believe that tool corrects checksum, if you don’t see checksum mentioned anywhere in the tool then upload your vBIOS and let me see. If yo do see it, then reopen your post edit vBIOS and make sure it still says OK like original.


So, when I open vBIOS with maxwell tweaker and do any alteration the checksum changes on the top left corner



So, are you saying that maybe UEFItool corrects that checksum? Or that maxwell tweaker should correct it? Or this checksum has nothing to do with BIOS checksum?

@fairestmeat - Changed checksum is expected, as long as your edited BIOS opened in app after (close app, then open new instance and your new mod vBIOS), as long as it’s Green/OK then it’s OK
UEFITool does not correct that checksum, the Maxwell app should. I meant when you reinsert vBIOS body into BIOS it will correct the checksum on that GUID in the BIOS itself, if there is one in the header. We’re discussing two possible checksums here

What GUID is the vBIOS you are editing, there is several vBIOS there so I’m not sure. Ohh, doesn’t matter, I checked a few of them, and each GUID has it’s own checksum.
So yes, once you replace with UEFITool (be sure it’s same way you extracted), the UEFITool will correct the checksum on rebuild and new file will have different checksum for that GUID than the original.
You can see these checksums if you use UEFITool NE Alpha (version 51-x), ohh, sorry, I see you can also see this in the regular versions too (such as 25), it’s in the info on right side when you select a GUID at it’s base/root

Be careful here, without flash programmer if vBIOS is a brick then you wont have any display output to recover BIOS! If I were you, I would wait until I have flash programmer in hand so you can recover if necessary.


So, I’ve just installed intel xtu, and after a reboot I have a black screen

I didn’t change anything in BIOS yet, now the computer turns on, the fan spins a bit, stops and nothing happen…

How can I try a blind flash, or some other recovery method?

@fairestmeat - Installing software shouldn’t cause anything like this, you sure you didn’t change anything in BIOS yet? Remove HDD and see if that helps, if not, remove one stick of memory and try again and see if you can load BIOS or not.

You’d have to google Acer BIOS recovery and see if you can find some recovery methods, I think there is a USB recover method but I’m not familiar with any of that. Programmer is the way to go, with backup made before you flash anything (even stock BIOS)
Blind flash would only work, if two things.
1. You changed some graphics setting (or thing ie vBIOS edit you mentioned) that caused you to have no display output, but board would otherwise be running and fine (so blind flash would work here, maybe not in vBIOS edit situation, depending on edit/rebuild).
2. You know which exact keys to press to get to BIOS flash are (In BIOS, or DOS etc) and wrote all that down, prepared in advance.

You said #1 doesn’t apply, so BIOS is likely bricked, if removing the HDD doesn’t get it booting again (since you mentioned software caused this, that’s why I said remove the drive, usually though software isn’t going to affect BIOS, but maybe it made some changes to BIOS settings?)

YOu need flash programmer probably, it’s cheap if you purchase from China and have shipped slow (less than $7 total), price goes up from there if you buy more locally or have someone ship faster etc.
Let me know if you need linked examples. You need CH341A + SOIC8 test clip with cable.

Final thought… Why would you install or want to use XTU, when you now have full unlocked BIOS?


Can you try holding ALT+F10, continue holding ALT+F10 while pressing power, and report what happens please.

@Lost_N _BIOS
Well, i downloaded xtu so I didnt have to go to bios everytime to ajust something xD taking the hdd off and memory didnt work :confused:

O found somethings about puting the bios on a USB, and start the computer pressing fn + ESC, by doing that the Power light keeps flashing, and the fan runs hard for a while, but nothing happens… I Saw some other things about using wincrisis/crisdisk etc but nothing solide.
I Guess programmer is the way to go, i would appreciate some exemples