[Help] Unlock Advanced Tab on Acer

That’s pretty much what I’m thinking @LOST_N_BIOS. I have pretty much exhausted my resources at this point.

Only advice I can give, other than what I have so far is try to email Acer Tech Support, see if they can provide any guidance in obtaining what’s needed to recover the BIOS…

I have had luck with a few companies in the past…and recently.

Other than that it’s looking like programmer is the best bet.

Yes, see my edit just now on post #60 too Confirming ZAA2 is his ID, so only ZAA2.fd or ZAA2.bin or BIOS.fd or BIOS.bin would work, if it’s ever going to work
If recovery works on this exact model, exact directions would be easily found in google (not generic Acer method, although those do work sometimes, but not always)
Plus, BIOS may be bricked beyond recovery via this method anyway, hard to know for sure unless you’ve used recovery method in the past on this exact system to recover or flash mod BIOS etc.

@Lost_N_BIOS @fairestmeat

Yep must have been typing that post while you posted that one.

Then, AFAIK, it should be the LAST file I sent, renamed to ZAA2.fd or BIOS.fd… > HERE <

Not extracted any further, flashed as-is.

If neither of those work then either someone else will have to help you out on this one, or just get a programmer.

@Lost_N_BIOS @GooballDiesel

Ok guys, thanks alot for the help!

I’ll try contacting acer, if I dont succeed I’llget back here once programmer arrives!

@fairestmeat - Good luck! Hope they will tell you specific recovery method, but sadly to me it looks like it’s bricked beyond what recovery method can repair so it’s not being invoked (unless the two methods mentioned here do not apply to this system)
You can get programmer shipped faster than what I linked on ebay, but you have to pay more $$ Plus, sucks now, ALL shipping is slow, even within countries/locally, due to the alien virus
Stay healthy! And don’t worry, once you have programmer we’ll fix it back to where you was at post #13 in one programming!

@GooballDiesel - yes, we must have been replying at same time. Aside from name, be sure you don’t use those other actual BIOS files either (the ZAAA one etc, only ZAA2 file should be used, renamed etc - I didn’t download anything you linked to check)

@fairestmeat @Lost_N_BIOS

Three days without sleep was messing with my brain.

I dug through the files some more. ZAA2.fd is 100% the correct file name (IF THIS IS THE SAME BIOS YOU ALREADY HAVE FLASHED OVER!!!)

Found the recovery file name in a raw section at offset 790h & 7A0h

Put the last file I sent you > HERE < renamed to " ZAA2.fd " on FAT/16/32 USB drive.

1. Copy the " ZAA2.fd " file to an empty FAT16/32 formatted usb stick.
2. Unplug the AC adapter.
3. Plug in the USB flash disk.
4. NOW press and hold <Fn> and <Esc>, and then plug in the AC adapter while still holding <Fn> and <Esc>.
5. Press the Power button. You can now stop holding <Fn> and <Esc>.
6. The BIOS flash should now begin, the fan will spin up and the power led should change its state.
7. After everything is done, the notebook will shut down.


Sometimes recovery is looking for the drive in a different USB port…Try other side of laptop, etc…

EDIT - If you still have the files yourself and @LOST_N_BIOS originally flashed over to the machine, I can check through those too to see if the FW you flashed is set up with a different recovery name…*

Do either of you still have the last biosreg.bin backup that was made?
Something may have changed…


Nice! I’ll try in a sec…

Yes the latest biosreg is here:

f16t6302p108222n2_CExZkFjU.rar (3.75 MB)


Thanks. I’ll take a look and see if it’s the same.

EDIT - Yes, it is EXACTLY the same in your biosreg.bin


So, I found a pen drive that has a led on it, and apparently when I start the machine with the keys pressed the USB flashes once, very quicky, then stops, doesn’t seem to be reading anything…


If the LED flashes at all, then the Recovery is 100% looking for the needed file. It either doesn’t like the name, or the file is not the correct one…



Try renaming the LAST file that @Lost_N_BIOS sent to you, the one with his final edits completed to " ZAA2.fd "

Again make SURE you test other USB ports!!! If you have a USB on the opposite side of the laptop, try that one, etc…

Or the USB is not compatible due to size, method used to format etc. Smaller, older, cheaper USB usually work best

Did you order flash programmer + SOIC8 test clip yet? If not, get on it, the sooner you order the sooner it will arrive

@Lost_N_BIOS @GooballDiesel

First of all, I’m really Sorry for the delay, got stuck with some personal stuff thèse days…

But here we go, the recovery process didnt work, I tried everything, and im really greatfull for the help!

And yes, programmer is on its way, i got it from china, so this could take a while.

Now, some doubts i had these days, the programmer works with every chip, we only have to use the correct software, right?

Yesterday just for curiosity i powered the laptop with the back cover off to see what was going on, and for my surprise, when I turn the computer on the fan starts for half a second than stops, since the fan is controled by Motherboard this is a expected behavior of a board with a bad bios, right? And in a system with a bad fan but everything else working properly the pc would start normally, it would just get really hot After a certain point, right?

And last question, I searched for my bios chip model on Google but didnt found a thing… I could not find any reference to winbond, atmel ir any of those famous models… Should i worry about?


@fairestmeat - Yes, you’ll be back up and running once programmer arrives! DO NOT GET IN HURRY! Do not erase or write anything, until you’ve sent your BIOS file to me or someone to check to confirm it’s OK/Good dump
Use 1.30 or 1.34 and Gigadevice GD25Q64. Do not use AUTO function in software, best to open software before anything connected and uncheck Erase and blank in the Auto drop-down menu, in case it accidentaly gets clicked
Once connected, read, then verify, then save, that is all.

Here is guide - [GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer
And here is software package - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…695330485827902

Yes, that is correct, about the fan/system. Your BIOS chip is Gigadevice chip

Hello @Lost_N_BIOS and everyone!

Programmer just arrived, right now i’m trying to read the chip according to GUIDE, but with no success… Using the 1.30 and 1.34 versions, the device state is “not connected”, with the 1.29 version i get an error when starting app, saying the driver is not installed correctly. The other version is not in english. At the device maneger i could not find the programmer either.
I looked at the tutorial carefully, and everything is connected just fine. And i installed the driver that came with the files, got no errors…

How can I proceed?

@fairestmeat - Only use what versions I mentioned above. Both 1.30 and 1.34 are English, if not change them in the menu. In package I linked you above at #73 there is one driver, install that first and only and that’s it, for all versions/software etc.
You may need to connect main battery and or PSU to the board, or you may need to remove both if connected now, all boards differ in this aspect. Also, you may need to reclamp 10+ times until it’s on there perfectly, do that carefully and lightly, do not pull or slide off the clip or it will wear out quickly and not grip.
If you still cannot make any progress, show me images of your programmer, how the cable goes into it, and then your board/chip without the clip and then with the clip on, so I can see how you have everything connected.


So, I restore windows to a previous to start from scratch. First of all I installed the driver before plugin de programmer, than I put the clip at the chip, than connected the programmer to computer. Used versions 1.30 and 1.34 but no luck… still says “device state: not connected” at the bottom right corner, tried to reconnect a bunch of times and everytime the same thing. the device doesn’t appear active at the device maneger, but at devices and printers he is there and it seems to be working… I’m sending some pictures.

Also, tried what tou mentioned about psu and battery. Tried with psu only, battery only, and the 2 together, but still same thing.

And one question, the software should say device state: connected, and give me the option to read chip only when chip is connected to programmer properly, or should say device state: connected with only programmer pluged in?

@fairestmeat - Please put all those images into a max compressed zip, thanks
Not detected has nothing to do with software version, this is due to physical issue (incorrect connection, clip not on perfectly, board needs to have power connected (or not), bad cable, etc) - Device manger has nothing to do here

It looks like you are missing jumper on CH341A, there should be a jumper on the lever side, first two pins in the middle (look at all stock images of device online, you will see it there)
This is the main issue I see here, then you just need to struggle to get the perfect clip/chip connection and find out of this board needs power connected or not.


Hhmm ok, If i can’t find jumper, can i short that connection by taping paper chip in It? Sorry about the pics…

Best to find a jumper, check on old motherboards, maybe in old systems you aren’t using now, or at least one you can borrow from some system you are using.
Taping paperclip in there wont work very well.


Found a jumper! Just to be sure, the jumper connects pins 1 and 2 (according to the back of the device) wich are the First 2 pins further from the Lever, right?


Got it! I made a backup of the bricked BIOS, but I’m not sure what file to program back. Why the extracted BIOS is 8mb and the original file has 6mb?

I’m uploading a file with the backup and the other BIOSes for some assistance. Thanks alot for the help guys!
