[Help] Unlock Advanced Tab on Acer

Once we are done, you can put all things back to however you want it

@Lost_N_BIOS ok here’s http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…178322570293837

@whatsmyname - here, program back via >> H2OUVE.exe -sv varsm2.txt
Then reboot, make new FPT BIOS region dump with new name, and send to me (no need to confirm you can write it back, we already know you can now)

@Lost_N_BIOS http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…991371414959239

@whatsmyname - Here is your unlocked BIOS, flash back via >>> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosregnew2unlock.bin

* Edit - Please confirm you can see >> Advanced >> OverClocking Performance Menu >> OverClocking Feature << if not, I will need to do additional edit to reveal “OverClocking Feature”

*** WARNING - To ANYONE with laptop and unlocked BIOS!!!
DO NOT try to enable this graphics card or disable that card, switch cards etc. Otherwise you will end up with no display output (ie black screen) and no way to recover except by blind flash or with flash programmer.
You can change graphics related settings, like changing memory sizes, or core speeds etc, just don’t try to disable one card or change which is main etc.

Additionally, be very careful when trying to undervolt CPU, you can leave BIOS unbootable due to CPU voltage too low (Sometimes even 0.05 is too much)

WARNING *** - This BIOS is user specific! If you are not user whatsmyname at Win-RAID.com forum, DO NOT USE THIS BIOS!!
If you do, and you are not whatsmyname, then you will loose your serial, UUID, OG NVRAM, and possibly LAN MAC ID as well.
You have been warned!!!

@Lost_N_BIOS Thanks You made it!
Now I’m afraid of touched my bios configurations lol

@whatsmyname - You’re welcome, thanks for quick report back!
Please see my edit on post #105 - And don’t be scared, it’s OK Just don’t change anything graphics related as mentioned in my warning, you can set voltage in OS like you did before now too it’s OK, you should be able to set in BIOS same way too but don’t set in BIOS and OS

@fairestmeat have you tried overclock memory Idk if it’s safe

Looks like it’s impossible to oc memory since the maximum supported freq by 7200u is 2400mgz
Also I tried to increase turbo ratio limit but it’s always getting back to 31

@Lost_N_BIOS There’s OC option but seems it’s not effective

Memory overclock always brick my system when I try. And turbo boost it’s hard locked at 31, I think we can’t pass that limit, at least I could not find a way until now. But you can deactivate some energy efficient option and disable passive cooling If your cpu have a good temp under load, these things gave me some performance boost…

@fairestmeat what you mean by ‘brick’ and how did you OC’d memory I changed ‘Maximum memory frequency’ but the actual memory freq still is 2133Mhz

I mean changing something in BIOS and then the PC doesn’t work anymore, and the only way to fix it is programming BIOS back directly on the chip.
And I could not OC memory, actually after Reading somewhere that the 7200u doesn’t benefit much from higher memory speeds I didn’t bother much. And I think the maximum memory frequency opition is Just where your memory os allowed to Go, but doesn’t mean overclocking, I could be wrong tho

@whatsmyname - Show me some images of your BIOS at the root of the page I mentioned ( Advanced >> OverClocking Performance Menu), and with the OverClocking Feature option I mentioned enabled (So CPU, memory etc show up)
And then add in image of inside of CPU and memory sections. Max memory freq setting is a limiter option as mentioned above, not "Change the speed" type of option, to change memory speed you need to change something else.

@Lost_N_Bios too late😭 I reduced memory timing now I can’t boot up my laptop

Sorry to hear Clear CMOS - Why would you set memory timing so low? Remove one stick of memory and try again. Then if no luck, boot with no memory and let it run a minute or two, that may clear the CMOS

@Lost_N_Bios I will give it a go but I don’t think it will reset cmos
Edit lower memory timings can reduces latency

@whatsmyname - Yes, I know why lower memory timings, I meant why did you push them so low it wouldn’t boot? Test with one stick, and then none as mentioned, it may force CMOS reset.
If you can’t get it, you need CH341A + SOIC8 test clip with cable, like I had to link fairestmeat to on his first day with unlock BIOS too You guys
See post #22 for linked examples of the items you need.

@Lost_N_BIOS remove memory or even change slot didn’t help, unfortunately it’s very to get those chips in my region; do I have any chance with boot block? I formatted a 8gb USB as fat32 then copied ZAA2.fd into it also took multiple copy of it with ZAA2.bin, BIOS.fd, BIOS.bin, ZAA1.fd, ZAA1.bin name
I left my laptop in bios recovery for about 30m but nothing happened
@GooballDiesel do u have any idea
Nvm guys I sent it for repair

@whatsmyname - Did you let it run for a minute with one stick installed, and then no sticks installed? Sometimes simply remove the HDD will reset CMOS too, or fully drain power by remove battery, CMOS battery, main power, press and hold power on for a minute. Sometimes there is clear CMOS pads on the board as well
Sorry to hear you sent it out, that will cost way more than waiting for clips to be sent from China (that’s all cheap, you just have to wait) Order now and then they will arrive as soon as you forget you ordered

Not sure if there is known recovery method for this model, or if it would work in this case due to how the system is currently running (Failed OC), it should have kicked into fail-safe boot