Quote not working, this message for fernando and MeatWar:
Dell PFS Update Extractor v5.0
Enter input directory path: C:\Temp
*** 3360A12.exe
Error: This is not a Dell PFS update image!
@veloprofz Thanks for your feedback!
This was the obviously misleading word. Usually it is used, when the operation has been successful.
Error: This is not a Dell PFS update image!
I haven’t invented this program
We know you didn’t, would you please follow my indications on previous post… i really don’t understand what is wrong here.
Dell PFS is NOT the correct tool.
really is there anyone who can help extract the bios exe file?
I would love to do it myself if I could!
You can. Check Temp\ExtactTemp folder on error 255.
You can. Check Temp\ExtactTemp folder on error 255.
I tried this operation on three different computers and on all the same problem
Full permission files un Folder:
Which part here was difficult to understand? Download the tool, drop the Dell bios file on the exe… And just out of curiousity: What do you plan to do with the contents of the mentioned file?
Which part here was difficult to understand? Download the tool, drop the Dell bios file on the exe… And just out of curiousity: What do you plan to do with the contents of the mentioned file?
thanks everyone, managed to extract the files. I want to put the existing files in USB DOS and try to run on the computer before the Windows. because the computer is currently stopped with "F12 boot menu" on the screen.
hi i am new and i am stuck in a problem, i have dell 9020 mini tower and its bios is bricked, I have ch341a bios chip programmer and wand to program bios chip but have no luck to find or extract the programmable file from bios .exe file, can any body can help me out
@Gohar : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Since you had posted your request into a not matching thread, I have moved it into this one, where you hopefully will find hints about how to extract the bios.exe for your specific Dell PC.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Thank you Mr Fernand, I have dell 9020 and its bios has been bricked and it’s in orange light book loop, I have ch341 programmer and want to program bios chip my self, I copied chip dumps but I am unable to extract programmable file out of dell bios.exe so I am here looking for some expert how can help me out, thanks
@Gohar Dell package doesn’t contain a complete bios image. You’ll have to reuse FD, (GbE), ME. Do a valid(!!) backup of your bricked firmware.
i think i cant put link to external folder as i wanted to share my dump files here…
im so sad i didnt see these replies bc i just got rid of that laptop after keeping it for a year
@thetruthisalie @plutomaniac @MeatWar @Koekieezz @Gohar @MishimaPizza @lfb6 @veloprofz @Sweet_Kitten @Baboo85 @kingkenny
Since I found more than 1 thread about the topic "How to extract a Dell *.exe BIOS package", I have tried to merge them and to put all topic related contributions into this thread.
This may make it easier for the users to find a solution for their Dell BIOS extraction problem.