[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

@mrplamp Tried attaching the file as a .7z zipped file but this file type seems to be not allowed.
>Here< is a link, but looks like this has a finite time limit (a week from now).

@Fernando What file types are allowed to be attached?

@lji : Among the compressed archives only those with the extension *.zip or *.rar can be attached (max. size: 6 MB).

You can see the list of allowed attachment file extensions, when you go with the mouse cursor onto the blue circled "i":

List of allowed attachment files.png

hey guys,

sorry for the late reply. i was getting some rest, i tried even the lite nvme dxe with rev f13 but pc does not display when pcie adapter is inserted.

thank you @lji ! il download and try it out now, hopefully will all be successful. will let you’ll know

hey @lji it says bios error in qflash when i try to update via bios, did you update in windows with @bios?

@mrplamp Had done the flash via the BIOS (believe it’s Q-Flash). Did not use the Windows utility provided by Gigabyte.

Mine has “MVP” next to the motherboard model name and comparing the available BIOS’s from Gigabyte, it looks like your board has BIOS versions released to F15 (and F17 beta release) while the one with the MVP in the model name is only at F8 (and F9 beta release).

Thinking that the manufacturer BIOS for these two boards are not the same and probably why you’re obtaining the error while flashing.

@mrplamp :

What do you mean with "pc does not display". Where and for what did you look?
The NVMe SSD and the NVMe Controller should be detected and listed by the Win10 Device Management, no matter whether the NVMe module is within the BIOS or not.
The "BOOT" section of the BIOS will never list the manufacturer and model of the NVMe SSD, but you should see a device named "PATA" there, if the NVMe module has been successfully inserted into the mainboard’s BIOS file.

thanks alot @lji ! i see, i just got this board so i had no idea it had this variant!

@Fernando i uploaded my two nvme dxe bios mods to https://filebin.net/6v6395gszv0472bn
the revision is f13

pc turns on but no display, tried it with out gpu on x16 slot but no luck.

it did display the first post after my initial attempt weirdly enough after but it never worked after.

im on win 10, got latest win10 driver, dont want to load from usb for now. but the pc wont even show bios screen when pcie adapter is in any port

im using an orico m.2 to pcie adapter with an hikvision e2000 512gb m.2 ssd

@mrplamp :
1. Where is the original BIOS F13?
2. Which BIOS tool did you use?
3. Did you get any error message?
4. Are you sure, that the original BIOS, which you have used as source, matches exactly your specific mainboard model?

hi @Fernando

-i uploaded the f13.exe bios file from gigabyte(the extracted file was giving errors) https://filebin.net/6v6395gszv0472bn
-i used the free uefiTool
-i did not get any errors with any bios from the non mvp site (https://www.gigabyte.com/za/Motherboard/…support-dl-bios)
-i assume so as the mobo rejects any other bioses like the mvp variants

@mrplamp : Thanks for having answered my questions.

After having compared the original BIOS F13 with your modded ones, I found the reason for your troubles to get the modded BIOS working: You resp. the UEFITool has deleted a "Padding" file while trying to insert the NVMe module.
Here are the related pictures showing the BIOS Region before having expanded the related GUID sections and the "DXE Volume":

1. Original BIOS F13 (left Pic) and correctly modded BIOS F13 (right Pic):

BIOS F13 original.png

BIOS F13 modbyfern.png

2. Your modded BIOSes F13 (left Pic: with large NVMe module, right Pic: with small NVMe module):

BIOS F13 mod with large NVMe by mrplamp.png

BIOS F13 mod with small NVMe by mrplamp.png

It is not easy to understand why you used the UEFITool, because I have already given you the information, that you will succeed, if you
a) choose the MMTool v4.50 for the modification and
b) insert the “small” sized NVMe module.

By the way - I have moved this discussion into the correct thread (you had posted your request into >this< not matching one about another mainboard model).

@Fernando thanks alot.

i thought that MMTool v4.50 was a paid tool . i definitely misread that part. i will do it now quickly

hey @fernando i tried with mmtool for bios verions f13 and 15a and they both accepted but when i inserted the pcie adapter there was no display output or bios, then it kept tripping and said the bios is corrupt and it restored for the dual bios both times.
here they are https://filebin.net/f3i5p227tdn7kwx6
my flash was not completely empty though, im going to retry again with f15 hopefully

@mrplamp :
Your 2 freshly modded BIOSes (F13 and 15a) are fine (absolutely identical with the ones I had modded myself). So I don’t see any reason for problems while starting your PC, provided, that you have done the BIOS flashing correctly and redone the previous BIOS settings thereafter.

Does this mean, that everything was ok before you inserted the M.2>PCIe adapter with the NVMe SSD?
What did you do exactly in which order after having flashed the modded BIOS?
This is what I recommend to do, if you cannot solve the boot problems yourself:
1. Clear CMOS.
2. Flash the original BIOS by using Q-Flash, redo your previously used BIOS settings and save these settings. Power off the PC completely for a few minutes.
3. Flash the modded BIOS by using Q-Flash and repeat all other tasks of point 2.
Good luck!

Does this mean, that everything was ok before you inserted the M.2>PCIe adapter with the NVMe SSD?

yes, it does not output display when plugged in but does not trip on its own.

i went into bios. changed settings to uefi and loaded windows and shut down before plugging in the adapter

thanks il do that now @Fernando

@mrplamp :
Don’t insert the M.2>PCIe adapter and the NVMe SSD before having done the steps I have written in my last post!

I’m trying to apply this guide to my Intel DH61WW using BIOS 0120 but when opening file BE0120.bio on MMTool all I see are three rows and as you can guess, nothing related to CSMCORE nor DXE.


What can I do in this case?


@dh61ww : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Since the Intel BIOSes are no normal AMI UEFI ones, you should better use the UEFITool. This is what you will see:

Your problems will begin while trying to get the modded BIOS properly flashed. I cannot help you with this.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi @Fernando ,

I did the clear cmos jumper yesterday and then the pc did not display at all without the pcie adapter. I’m not sure why it did that, tired a few times.

Should i just remove the cmos battery and try it that way? im scared it did something coz it didnt want to display afterwards, any ideas?

@mrplamp : Yes, you can remove the CMOS battery and reinsert it after 1-2 minutes.
How old is the battery? Mabe you need a new one?

You are always writing about the adapter, but I suspect, that you mean the NVMe SSD (including the M.2>PCIe adapter). Am I right?