[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

When I try to insert something I get "file size exceeds the volume size"

Is it safe to remove modules I don’t need to make space? For instance eMail_DXE ?

I’m using UEFI 2.4 for Exterme6 Z87 right off ASRock’s website.

@ ewitte:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Which resp. what sort of modules do you want to insert?

It is only safe, if you are absolutely sure, that your system doesn’t need/use this module.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

The three NVME ones. I’m getting the 950 pro but I can’t order it for another week.

I removed
PCISerial (I may change this its fine if its the serial port I will never use it)
The one for mail on the UEFI bios

I’m going to dig around more to see if there are more optimal choices. Right now I have the image but I’m not applying it yet.

EDIT: I’ve had this sitting there waiting on a drive - Addonics M2 PCIe SSD - PCIe 3.0 4-Lane Adapter

@ ewitte:

Maybe it helps, if you insert the 3 modules one after the other and not at once.
Furthermore you should insert them "compressed".

Even just 1 fails and I did try compressed

I get this when I run a report

Bytes Free : 00212A ( 8 KB) Bytes Used : A8FED6 (10815 KB)


I’m still on the 850 pro but it was successful! I had a bit of trouble booting but I believe it was caused by setup defaults and system issues related to cryptolocker. This was not my first issue booting in since then.

Three questions:

-Must manufacturer of the "donor"-bios for the two/three nvme-files match to the bios, in which they are inserted?
-Is only Intel 750 supported yet?
-Possible to mod non-AMI-bios?

Not necessarily, but the chances, that the extracted modules match the target BIOS, are higher, when the source BIOS has been built by the same manufacturer.

Theoretically all NVMe SSDs should be supported.

The NVMe modules can only be used with UEFI BIOSes (even with non-AMI ones).

I have a Fujitsu-MB with UEFI-support, mod and flash worked. But i can’t test it yet, because i have no NVMe-SSD.

I didn’t found any nvme-files in latest Fujitsu-BIOSs, so i used Gigabyte Z97.

@ Ludolf:

Please report here the result of your BIOS modding, when you have tested an SSD with NVMe support.

I am getting some interesting GPU behavior and suspect either the NVMe drive or the bios mod to be the source (no other hardware changes were made, latest nvidia driver was installed when I setup the system but I havn’t seen anyone else with this happening). Basically I get screen flashing and desktop rearranging upon certain events, inserting a USB device will set it off, also some network events seem to cause it as well (I run an intel pcie network card). GPU benches just fine and everything else appears to work to spec. A little puzzling for me.

@ beginner:

I suspect, that this is a NVIDIA graphics driver issue.
Which OS are you running and which graphics driver version have you installed?

Hi. Ive looked through the tread but i cnanot find any information om my particular problem.
I hav an Asus P8Z77 Thunderbolt motherboard and i have access to an Intel 750 AND and Samsung SM951 NVMe.
Ive tried to modify the BIOS using the instructions and i got the info from the Asus Z97-E. But when i try to flash the BIOS, the flash program just say "Security verification faild". Ive trid using diffrent USB ports (only 4 to choose from) but to no avail. Anyone have any tips or trix that i can use to get this working?
Should i try getting the files from another Asus Z97 motherboard?

@ Tjalve:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You obviously have missed to read the start post of >this< thread.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Alright. I looked trough this tread, but didnt do a good enough search on the forum.

Thanks alot!
Everyting works like a charm.

Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-PRO Thunderbolt
SSDs tested: Samsung SM951 256GB and Intel 750 400GB
OS tested: MS Windows 7 x64

Win 10 pro 64, nvidia driver version 358.50. Looking around now I am starting to see other reports suggesting this is driver related. Will start by rolling back that driver to try and confirm

An Intel X58 Chipset Mainboard doesn’t have an UEFI BIOS. So it will not work.

X58-based Mac Pro, like the 2009 Mac Pro, has EFI. All Intel Macs have EFI. Is there a difference between UEFI and EFI?

I would think Apple could just update the EFI bios for this and we’re good. Why not?

In fact someone over at MacRumors is trying to mod the firmware to add the NVMe support to it. Maybe you could help us out, we want in on the NVMe fun.

But given what we paid for these Macs, I feel Apple should stop making cars for 5 minutes and update it for us :stuck_out_tongue: (Unless it’s impossible, but I’ll just use my reality distortion field until they make it happen.)

Are you sure about that? We are talking about the BIOS Interface architecture.

You can find the answer >here<.

i can confirm booting SM951 NVMe, PM951 NVMe and Intel P3600 on MSI Z77A-GD65 after inserting the Z97 NVMe modules from Post#1, no other changes.
SM951 AHCI model and XP941 still don’t work, so make sure you have the NVMe model

User jodd on Computerbase got his SM951 to work on a GA-Z77X-UD5H after inserting NVMe modules

Still no luck with X79 platform :frowning:

is there any one who actually got X79 working with NVMe on a modded UEFI?

As far as i understand fpompert used a version made by asus which works even without modding.
I also compared P9X79 Pro BIOS 4701 and 4801, there is almost no difference, no different modules included.