[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

You obviously have used the UBU v1.71 Test3 version and will get the same message after having opened the original (untouched) BIOS file.
Please open the BIOS by using the latest “official” UBU version v1.70.rc20.1_updated-01-31-2019 and you will not get such message.

Will do trying now,
@Fernando here is the error message from stable.

Scanning BIOS… Please wait…
Define BIOS platform - Unknown
Press any key to continue . . .

Many thanks to CodeRush for utilites HexFind, DrvVer, FindVer and UEFIFind.

I think I have my answer. Its a Dell bios I should just be happy with what i have.

Oops, I was sleepy running the wrong version,

Scanning BIOS bios.bin. Please wait…
BIOS platform - AMI Aptio 4
BIOS version - 4.6.5
Manufacturer - INTEL Corporation

[EFI Drivers - Find and Extract]
Intel GOP GUID 5BBA83E6-F027-4CA7-BFD0-16358CC9E123
Intel GOP GUID 8D59EBC8-B85E-400E-970A-1F995D1DB91E
Intel RST GUID 90C8D394-4E04-439C-BA55-2D8CFCB414ED
NVMe Drv GUID 5BE3BDF4-53CF-46A3-A6A9-73C34A6E5EE3
Intel 1Gb GUID 1712AD21-B6EC-4764-97C7-837DA5DDE4CD

[OROM - Find and Extract]
VBIOS in GUID 94E150E8-70F1-472B-9780-F0ECDF84451D
OROM in GUID 58CDC779-DC8C-491B-BAC3-F86E06D1865F
OROM in GUID 82FBE26B-53D4-448F-924C-7BE0126ECA4F
OROM in GUID 492261E4-0659-424C-82B6-73274389E7A7
OROM in GUID BDFAAD26-4D7F-44A6-8719-375ECB4AA407
OROM in GUID 903718F3-575D-4D9C-BC78-65A11381A026
OROM in GUID EAC0D102-5982-4848-A38C-E34B2D8CE337
Press any key to continue . . .

mod_A29_modbyfernando_AMT.zip (5.86 MB)

Hi Fernando, just thought i’d update to say I now have the NVMe drive booting on my Asus P8Z77-M PRO motherboard! I did as you suggested and started again using your guide, the version 0.26 of the UEFI BIOS mod tool and the NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs file posted by Ethaniel. The reason for my original error is that I had started following an older guide on overclock.net which said to use the modules from a Z97 BIOS before coming across your one. (A.k.a not reading your guide properly!!)
Many thanks to you, Coderush and Ethaniel for your work in helping us with older systems take full advantage of this new tech!

@Maccer :
Thank you very much for your feedback. It makes me happy as well, that you finally succeeded by simply following my guide (= start post of this thread).

The guide on overclock.net is not only outdated, but misleading as well. The author had neither invented the method nor mentioned, that he had just overtaken my first test results, which I had published >here< in June 2015. Meanwhile we all know it better.

I tried everything to download the .rar files (begining of Forum) and they are not .rar files or corrupted. Can somebody tell me how the get the NvmExpressDxe_4.rar and the UEFITool_v0.26.0.rar?
I have an ASUS R4BE and now wanted to try the “boot form PCIe” with an m.2 adapter that fits on the PCIe. My bios is 0701 and didn’t want to go to 0801 since I won’t be able to go back, so I have read.
I was interested in doing this several years ago and never did. Now, the M.2 is more affordable and want to see if I can do it first before I buy.
Can someone help or is it me and downloading the wrong file?
Thanks in advance.


I just tried the download links you mentioned (and the mirror for each one) and they all download and work without issues.

@inlandchris :
The solution for your problem is to update your in-use WinRAR version.
All WinRAR v5xx have a new and much better compression method.
By the way - this is what I have written within the start post of this thread just above the download links:

oops. I have been reading all day so at my age, the eyes are done, sorry

Finally my adapter is in! I tried your bios mod and all I get is “Alert hard drive not found” I can get it to boot if I have a usb boot disk and then point at the nvme drive. But it will not boot from the device itself after I remove all drives except for the nvme on the adapter. I guess it could be the adapter. :frowning:
The bios information says mass storage controller in the pcie devices. Nothing shows up under drives.

This is a optiplex 7010 chipset Q77 everything else is pretty normal and operating, even AMT! which I also like.


EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded fully quoted post removed (to save space within this thread)

@snakeman :
Thanks for your report.
How did you flash the modded BIOS and what makes you so sure, that the flashing procedure was successful?
Do you see a device named “PATA” within the list of the bootable devices? Which BIOS settings have you done to allow booting in UEFI mode?
Before you are able to boot off the NVMe SSD, you have to install Win10 in UEFI mode onto it.

I flashed it with the service mode jumper in place. Booted from a prepared usb stick, with the commands fpt -f filename.bin and rebooted with fpt -greset just in case. I received no error messages. Did I miss something in the posts. I do not have a device named pata in the bootable devices. Sorry just woke up a few hours ago

I will reread the posts again. Done

How did you flash the modded BIOS and what makes you so sure, that the flashing procedure was successful? fpt -f mod_bios.bin flashing sucessfull
Do you see a device named “PATA” within the list of the bootable devices? No
Which BIOS settings have you done to allow booting in UEFI mode? Enabled UEFI booting only, no legacy although tried both.
Install Win10 in UEFI mode onto it. Done tried three times, but I still don’t see pata boot device.


@snakeman :
If a disk drive named “PATA” is not visible within the “BOOT” section of the BIOS, either the NVMe SSD resp. the adapter card has not been properly inserted into a matching and working PCIe slot or the modded BIOS has not been correctly flashed.

Hello my motherboard is the same as your Asrock P67 Extreme4, nothing happens to me!
I need help.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the fully quoted post removed (to save space)

@Fernando update I have it working sort of. I think my adapter blows. I put the service jumper back on and it worked!. Removed the service jumper it stopped working "hard disk not found" My new work around is to install spinning drive to slow the boot process. Works everytime until I find a better adapter or least what everyone else is using.

Thanks for all the help,


@Gendgy :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

I doubt, that the user brainless will read your post and can help you. Please follow my guide, which is within the start post of this thread and ask us, if you should have any problem or question.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

In the boot menu after preflusing with the modified bios, a PATA device appears:
At Storage Configuration, I chose AHCI mode.
When trying to install windows
The drivers for my nvme m.2 ssd are integrated into the windows distribution
The message comes out that your bios does not recognize your device.
CSM is Enabled
Bios link that modified

@Gendgy :
You obviously didn’t follow my guide (= start post of this thread).
The BIOS, which has been attached by you, has not been correctly modified:
1. It contains 4 NVMe modules, but only the NvmExpressDxe_4 one is required and useful.
2. All inserted NVMe modules were inserted into a wrong location (not beyond the undermost listed DXE Driver module of the DXE Volume).
Please restart the BIOS modding procedure from scratch using the latest available original BIOS for your mainboard and follow strictly my guide.
If you are unsure regarding the result of your BIOS modding work, attach it and I will give you my feedback.

I obviously do not do the right thing!
Okay now I’ll send you a link to the original bios .

@Gendgy :
If I would be willing to modify all BIOSes upon request myself, I wouldn’t have written the guide about how to do it.
Please try to modify the BIOS yourself and post the result.

Apparently I can not handle it!
At least let me know
where exactly I put in this bios NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs