[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

@josh4trunks :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report.
It is fine, that you finally were able to get the modded BIOS properly flashed, but did you get full NVMe support as well? Did you succeed getting the NVMe SSD bootable as system drive? Is a device named "PATA_SS" listed within the BIOS?

Both quoted test results are contradictory. I suspect, that the first of them was wrong (the modded BIOS only seemed to be flashed correctly, but wasn’t in reality). Am I right?
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi Fernando, yeah booting is working now and the PATA_SS device is showing!
Yes you are correct in your assessment. when i said afuwinx64 flashed, what I mean is the command ran without any error. I don’t think it actually did anything in reality.
What I probably could have done to verify is pulled the bios, flashed a modded bios, then pulled the bios again and verify is the checksums were different between pulls.

Hi, first off thanks to Fernando and other contributors on this website! Cool to see a lot of people getting helped through their problems.

Sorry if I am beating a dead horse. Does anyone know if I can m.2 boot(NVMe) my ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen 3? It’s UEFI… I’ve literally read a million times it’s not possible, but I don’t believe it. And if I can’t, it’s not difficult with a Z77 or Z68, correct? I do a decent amount of video editing. Trying to figure out what is (most likely) most logical to do. Would love to run a 500GB Evo+ on this 'ol thing.

@tekron :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
The BIOS 2.20, which is offered >here< by ASRock, is an Installer resp. a Flashing Tool and not a “pure” BIOS file, which can be modified by using an appropriate BIOS tool.
Since I was not even able to get the BIOS file extracted, I cannot answer your question regarding the ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen3. The BIOSes of all later released ASRock mainboards should be capable to get full NVMe support by adding the required NVMe module.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando :
Thanks for your help. I’m a bit confused still – you could’t get the BIOS file extracted? Are you suggesting since all the later boards should be capable, this one should in theory be, too? Since I don’t know exactly what I’m doing, and that it sounds like I’d have to try out different BIOS modules(i think), would you recommend buying a cheap Z68 or Z77, or even P67 which has been tested like the ASUS models, and then just following previously documented methods? sorry for all the questions, just trying to wrap my head around this.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded fully quoted post replaced by directly addressing to the author (to save space within this very voluminous thread).

@tekron :
Due to the fact, that I was not able to get the BIOS file extracted from the BIOS 2.20, I could not determine, whether it is possible to give the ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen3 full NVMe support by following my guide (= start post of this thread).
I do not even know the platform and structure (AMI UEFI?) of this specific BIOS. On the other hand I am pretty sure, that all ASRock Z68 and Z77 mainboard BIOSes are AMI UEFI ones and ready for the insertion of the NVMe module.

thanks, still more to look into I guess. Might be worth trying, but it doesn’t seem that big of a deal to switch over to a Z68 motherboard.

this is my UEFI BIOS menu:


thank you again

need help modding Bios
M5A99FX Pro R2.0

i get this error
after adding the file and saving the file "Saving secure capsule as unsigned"
when try to flash it i get this error " selected file is not a EFI BIOS!"

please advice…

@dodoland :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Please attach your modded BIOS (compressed with WinZip) and post the link to the original BIOS
Who is the mainboard manufacturer?
Dieter (alias Fernando)

here it is the the link for the stock bios

this is my modded bios
this is one with using your "Guide for the usage of AMI’s MMTool"
File name start with MMTool

i got this error during the process "Saving secure capsule as unsigned"
try to flash the file got this error "selected file is not a EFI BIOS!"

this one with using "Guide for the usage of the UEFIToo"
File name start with UEFIToo
try to flash this i got this error "Security verification failed"

new formatted fat 32 USB Drive.

Manufacture of the board is ASUS Model M5A99FX Pro R2.0

MMTool - M5A99FX-PRO-R20-ASUS-2501.zip (3.07 MB)

UEFIToo - M5A99FX-PRO-R20-ASUS-2501.zip (3.07 MB)

Hey. Great Forum. So much informatioin! Wish I had found it years ago.

ASUS P8Z77-V LX Can see NVMe from Win 8.1, 10 and Ubuntu 18.04, but no luck thus far adding NVMe support to the BIOS for booting. Using latest BIOS, 2501, modded with UEFITool adding NvmExpress Dxe_4, per guide, but no change in file size after saving. No issues flashing. Clearly I’m missing something.

P8Z77VLX.zip (4.21 MB)

@dodoland :
Your attached modded BIOSes are fine and absolutely identical. The insertion of the NVMe module has been done correctly and you can choose any of your modded BIOSes for the flashing procedure.
The error message you got is a general one all users get, who are trying to flash a modded capsuled ASUS BIOS (name: *.CAP) by using the standard ASUS flash tool. The BIOS is write protected by a certain code within the BIOS capsule.
Solution: Look >here< into the chapter about ASUS mainboard BIOSes If your ASUS mainboard doesn’t support the “USB Flash-Back” feature, you will have to circumvent the ASUS BIOS flashing security policies by another method (using an AFUWIN tool or the AISuite).

@RAWEast :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Please attach the origiinal and the modded BIOS file.
How did you try to flash the modded BIOS? Please have a look into the start post of >this< thread.
After having flashed the modded BIOS, do you see a device named “PATA_SS” within the “BOOT” section of the BIOS?
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hey Ferando, Thanks for the welcome and your assistance!

Both versions of the BIOS are attached. I was/am suspect of the modded version as the file size is the same for both. I do not see any additions to the BOOT section of the BIOS, or anywhere else darn it. I flashed the BIOS with EZ Flash from within Win 10.

Reg (alias RAWEast)

P8Z77-V-LX-ASUS-2501^Original.zip (4.2 MB)

P8Z77-V-LX-ASUS-2501^Mod.zip (4.21 MB)

@RAWEast :
1. Your modded BIOS seems to be fine and ready for being flashed.
2. The size of a modded BIOS must be identical with the original BIOS.
3. You cannot get the modded BIOS properly flashed by using the EZ Flash tool. Please read the ASUS related part of >this< start post.
Good luck!

@ Fernando

Thank you sir for replying back.
per you instruction on this page Guide for ASUS mainboards with an AMI UEFI BIOS
[Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

i tryied the option
A) witch after freshly formatted about 8 USB Flash Drive drive from 32MB Fat to 16GB FAT 32 did not work for me. when i hit the Flashback button on the board it will light up for time and just go dead. i try that about 8 to 10 times no luck.
B) try to flash the modded bios with freshly formatted fat32 drives but it’s keep giving me error " Selected file is not a EFI BIOS!) (error attached)

Please advise…


@dodoland :
How did you name the BIOS while trying to flash it by using the USB Flashback feature?
I suspect, that you didn’t give it the correct name, which is required for the USB Flashback action. It should be M5A99FX.CAP.

The correct name file of the mod bios should be: M5A99FX.cap
for Bios Flash Back operation, a small USB 2.0 fat32, after press BFB button if the led stays ON fixed, get another USB drive.
During BFB operation led will blink and it will take some time, with led flashing increasing until it stops. Depending on bios and model can take several minutes.
Seems that Fernando was quicker than me…

Alright, when I flashed with AFUWINx64_v3.05.04 I received a ROM size error. I also tried to flash it with the EZ Flash 2 Utility from within BIOS itself. THere I got a Security Verification failure. I’m wondering about re-modding with the smaller NVMe DXE. THoughts?



Flash error.jpg

@RAWEast :
The EZ Flash Utility doesn’t work with a modded BIOS.
How did you execute the AFUWIN method? Hod did you prepare and how did you name the BIOS file? What was the exact command?
Did you try the AISuite method as well? If yes, which result did you get?

This would not solve your BIOS flashing problem. It is not caused by the size of the inserted NVMe module.

Thanks for the quick reply.

I ran AFUWINx64 in a CMD window I started with administrator rights. I first put the origional BIOS file in the same directory as the AFU utility and named it as per usual, p8z77vlx.cap, then ran the utility. (afuwinx64.exe p8z77vlx.cap) It ran without errors.
Next I removed the CAP file and copied the modded BIOS file into the directory named as p8z77vlx.rom and ran the AFU (afuwinx64.exe p8z77vlx. /gan)
I am using Wingows 10 64 bit so I used afuwinx64 v3.05.04.
I took a screen shot of the dialogue.


AFU Flash Dialogue.jpg