[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

Thanks for the response. God bless you.

Can anyone explain which mod is best for what ?
Which is best for SSD and which is best for spinning drives?

@aQi : Your last questions have nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Iā€™m trying modding bios, following instriuctions given at Fernandoā€™s guide, to get an Hp z220 CMT workstation capable to boot from a pcie /nvme m.2 adatper with an SSD samsung 970 evo.
Insertion of NVMe module in source code ( HP z220 Moteherboard - chipset Intel c216 - CPU Intel Xeon E-1245v2), both with UEFItool and MMTool, generates a new pad-file not present in original source code ( se attached images).

Modified file wiht NVME module.png

Original bios file before NVMe insertion.png

Iā€™m a bit concerned to use new fil eto flash bios.
Can I use modified file genrated either by both UEFItool and MMTool , where aside from NVME module insertion it appears also a new pad-file line, to safely mod Bios without bricking the mob?
In case, how can be inserted an NVME module in bios source code and avoid other futher unwanted modifications in bios file ( non additional pad-files)?
In case of no chance to safely overcome the issue, is there any hint to get an HP z220 motherboard (with features above described) booting from Pcie ssd m.2 ssd?

@HPz220c216 : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Please attach the original BIOS file as *.ZIP archive. Then I will try to help you.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

thank you for your availability to try helping me.
In attach original ROM.bin file HP z220

Rom.rar (4.6 MB)

@HPz220c216 :
Yes, I can confirm, that it is not easy to get the NVMe module properly inserted into the original BIOS without creating a natively not present Pad-file directly behind/beyond the DXE Driver Volume. The problem seems to be caused by the extremely limited space within the compressed DXE Driver Volume,
Nevertheless I finally succeeded by inserting the "small" variant of the NVMe module with the MMTool v4.50. Here is the related picture:

Modded BIOS without new Pad-file.png

Good luck!

@Fernando ,

I have successfully flashed the modded BIOS (which was checked by you) on Mainboar MSI B75A-G43 and my PC now can boot very fast from a new Samsung 970 Evo Plus SSD.
Thank you for your hearty support. I noticed that the NVMe drive can be seen only in the Boot menu with merely the name ā€œPATAā€. However, thatā€™s perfect for the old mainboard.

Hi everybody,

I have a question considering one line in the ā€œwhat you should knowā€ overview of the OP (thanks for this!).
It says:
"Note: Some NVMe SSDs like Samsungā€™s 950 Pro SSD are natively bootable in LEGACY mode (CSM and loading of Option ROMs has to be enabled within the BIOS), because their Controller chip contains its own NVMe supporting Option ROM module."

So, this means that I can get some NVME SSDs to boot on some older systems without needing to modify the BIOS, right?
If I get that right, is there some way to tell whether this will work on a specific board with a specific NVME SSD?

In particular, I want to get an NVME SSD for a ASUS Rampage IV Extreme board (x79 chipset).
Which NVME SSD can I get that this could work with?


P.S.: Will there in general be a performance loss of booting in legacy mode?

@Phil_Smith :

Yes, but this requires an NVMe SSD, which has an NVMe Option ROM in-the-box (AFAIK the Samsung 950 Pro SSD is the only one).

The will work with all mainboards, but only in combination with the Samsung 950 Pro SSD.

If you want to boot off an NVMe SSD, but donā€™t want to flash a modded BIOS with an inserted NMe EFI module, you have to buy a Samsung 950 Pro SSD. Much better alternative: If you follow my Guide (= first post of this thread), you can use all availalable NVMe SSD models from all manufacturers.



thank you for your quick and detailed answer!

In the meantime I read some similar infos and decided that it was indeed worth modding the BIOS and I already managed to follow your guide and create the modded *rom file.
I did this for a friend, so I can only confirm success whenever he flashed my version (but I did all the double-checks you recommend in the instructions and it all looks good).

Thanks again for your quick support and your nice guide in the first place! :slight_smile:

@Fernando ,
thank for your effort and hint.
yes it is possible to insert " small version" as you indicated and I actually did it but unfortunatly final modded file cannot be flashed in z220 HP.
I 've tryed to flash by means of native setup utility of bios with souce modded file on usb pendrive.
Once launched and confirmed the Rom flash procedure, immediatly an error message appears ( see picture ).

HP BIOS Flash Error.png

Is it possible that your NVme moduel insertion may not work for HP mobs?
I have not only checked that aside from NVMe module insertion nothing else changed in source file but renamed the modded file exactly as the origial one and, after that some failured flashing, replaced also the creation date allining it to the genuine HP file but result did not change.
Immedialy after error messagge appears, a check on "boot order" in bios shows that it disappears "Windows boot loader" and a strange "USB HDD booting" becoem available ā€¦In other words soem changes in biso happens but there is something does not work
Any hint?

@HPz220c216 :

No, the procedure to get the NVMe module inserted into the BIOS is identical for all AMI UEFI BIOSes from all manufacturers and should work with your HP mainboard as well.
Most likely your problem is caused by HPā€™s specific BIOS integrity check while doing the "normal" BIOS flash, which prevents the replacement of the original by any modded BIOS. According to my knowledge the only possibility to get a modded HP mainboard BIOS successfully flashed is either by using a programmer or a tool like Intelā€™s Flash Programming Tool (you have to modify the previously dumped in-use BIOS, which is within your mainboard chip and not the original one, which is offered by HP).
Since the specific procedure about how to dump, modify and flash an HP BIOS is rather difficult and not the topic of this thread, I recommend to start a "Help Request" thread within >this< Sub-Forum. Hopefully our BIOS modding Guru Lost_N_BIOS has the required time to help you.
Additional tip: Enter "HP BIOS modding" into the "Search" box of the Forum. This way you can find a lot of information about your specific problem and how to solve it.


I have successfully run a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500 GB NVMe on my old Asus Rog G751JY following the instructions. So far so goodā€¦

However, since the BIOS hack, my Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller can no longer be activated. I have tried many drivers, none of them work. Could I have made a mistake when adjusting the BIOS? It makes me wonder why the NVMEXpress module is right under the LAN driver module. I assume that this is the family controller? Could there be a connection? Does anyone have a tip?

2021-01-26 00_12_19-Window.png

2021-01-26 00_31_36-Window.png

I also miss the ā€œFast Bootā€ option in the BIOS. According to various tools, the BIOS runs in UEFI mode and CSM is deactivated. Not that it bothers me, Iā€™m just surprised that it has now disappeared. Does anyone have any tips?


Hi Fernando,
Please help me,
I could not add the NVME module into the BIOS, and got an error


the volume is not like your picture
i attached the BIOS file here

Really appreciateā€¦ thank you

fcjt99usa.zip (2.98 MB)

@Kaaybean : @simonhk : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
@Kaaybean : To be able to help you I need the original and your modded BIOS. Please attach them as *.ZIP archives.
@simonhk : There is not enough space within the DXE Driver Volume for the insertion of the NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs file. Additionally there is a Pad-file directly below the DXE Driver Volume, which may be moved by the MMTool. Solution: Use the UEFITool and insert the NvmExpressDxe_small.ffs file. This is what you should get:

successfully inserted small NVMe.png

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

hello Fernando,
i tried add nvme by UEFItool and saved image succesfully.
but when started flash the bios, it show the error
-18 Error: Secure Flash Rom Verify fail
Please help

@simonhk : The error message you got is normal. Nearly all mainboard manufacturers try to prevent the flashing of a modded BIOS into the BIOS chip of their systems. Unfortunately you didnā€™t even mention the manufacturer and model of your mainboard/PC.
You have to find out yourself how to circumvent the ā€œSecure Flashā€ protection, because this is not the topic of this thread. Maybe you will have to dump your currently in-use BIOS, to modify it and then to reflash it. For further details look into >this< thread.

Hi fernando,
Thank you for your quick response and help. My computer model is lenovo m73, any other easy method to achieve this?
Because i am not good at program and afraid that the mb would be crashed.

@simonhk : Since I am not an expert regarding your specific problem, I propose to start a new help request thread within >this< Sub-Forum. A title like ā€œ[Request] NVMe support for Lenovo M73ā€ would be fine. Donā€™t forget to attach/link to your modded BIOS.

Hi Fernando,

Thank you for your help.
I will do it