[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

And to you as well, Dieter. Everyone’s willingness to ‘boldly go’ before me on this one was exactly what makes communities and sites like this so valuable. Many, many thanks.

Hi, Fernando. I’m using ga-z68a-d3-b3 can i use nvme insert method working for this mainboard?

EDIT by Fernando: Moved into the better matching thread

@mediakomputer :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I am pretty sure, that it will work, if you follow the related guide.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi Fernando & others.

I finally received the 960 EVO 500GB yesterday. Went thru the guide, modded latest version of 4901 bios for Rampage 4 Extreme and flashbacked it to the board. Than I spend about 6-7 hours trying all sorts of things to get drive working at optimal speeds and I don’t feel like I’ve achieved that goal :frowning:

This is what I’m getting :

While people are getting 4KQ32 at 1000MB/s+ speeds and in Atto I’m maxing at ± 2GB/s while others can do 3GB/s+

As for small sized files I do get better results with my old 850 EVO SATA3 which is frustrating.

@Flisker :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
It is fine, that you got the Samsung 960 EVO working with your X79 chipset system.

Your problem has nothing to do with the inserted NVMe BIOS module and the topic of this thread.
Nobody here has promised you, that an NVMe SSD like the Samsung 960 EVO will give you the same performance boost while writing or reading very small sized files as with much bigger sized ones.
You should have read the related informations before you bought the NVMe SSD.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I’m not whining about performance of the drive, I’m sad that I can’t get it performing as good as it should.
This is how it should look like (250Gb version only)

source : http://www.thessdreview.com/featured/sam…iew-250gb1tb/3/
I’m curious if I’m not getting those 4KQ32 speeds because of X79 chipset or because I did something wrong (driver/some more tuning/who knows :slight_smile: )

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded part of the fully quoted post and blank lines removed (to save space)

This question cannot be answered by us, because nobody except you knows, what exactly you have done to optimize your current configuration.
Have you already done a view into the start post of >this< thread? Although I have written these tips for AHCI users, many of them are valid for users with an NVMe SSD as well.

Thank you for the link, I’ll go thru it to see if I have everything set up right.

I was just hoping that you might have some tip like this.

Marry Christmas to you too :wink:

Thank you for this outstanding write up! I have followed your procedures for a GigaByte Z87XUD4H Bios (versions F9, and 10b). Unfortunately it appears that I lack space for the new module. I am guessing there are modules currently in the Bios image that I have no need for, but I am new to Bios mods so I don’t have a clue about what could be a candidate to be removed to make space available. I would also be concerned about removing something that then causes the Bios not to initialize something critical in the chip set or some other potential fail mode.

Can you provide any guidance on what modules may be candidates for removal in favor of adding the NVMe module?

@David359 :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Provided, that your on-board Intel SATA Controller is running in AHCI mode, the stock BIOS module named "SataDriver" (other name: "RaidDriver") will be a very good candidate for a safe removal. This EFI module is only needed and will only be used by systems, where the system drive (drive C:) is running in RAID mode.
After having removed this big sized module, there will be enough space for the NVMe EFI module named NvmeExpressDxE.ffs.

Good luck, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Provided, that your on-board Intel SATA Controller is running in AHCI mode, the stock BIOS module named "SataDriver" (other name: "RaidDriver") will be a very good candidate for a safe removal. This EFI module is only needed and will only be used by systems, where the system drive (drive C:) is running in RAID mode.
After having removed this big sized module, there will be enough space for the NVMe EFI module named NvmeExpressDxE.ffs.

I see the SataDriver, I’ll give this a try. I have a Samsung 950 PRO arriving tomorrow. I had initially made an error and purchased the m.2 version of a Crucial MX 300 which is not NVMe. I found that I am not able to to get the Bios to recognize it even though it should look like a SATA drive on the PCIe bus (using an adapter). I’ll let you know the results after tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to you as well and a Happy New Year!

EDIT by Fernando: Already posted text and unneeded parts of the fully quoted post removed (to save space within this already very voluminous thread)

Reporting results: It is up and running! I am booting from the Samsung 950 Pro NVMe (256MB) on a four lane adapter card. I was able to remove the “SataDriver” in order to make space for the addition of the NVMe module in the Bios image. I have to be careful in the Bios GUI. Some selections will freeze the screen requiring a hardware reset, such as attempting to save a Bios profile with F11. I can’t have two physical drives with bootable partitions connected at the same time without conflicts (needs more investigation). There is no way to set boot priority in the Bios with the 950 Pro. It is not visible as a selection anywhere. As long as it is the only bootable drive in the system, then the boot up happens normally and all appears well.

The biggest issue I had with booting off of the 950 Pro was a Bios setting for security, Boot Security I believe it was. Once I turned that off it booted (after wasting several hours). I think I read that in a thread here or somewhere else, but somehow I had overlooked it.

Results so far are very promising. I have not yet run benchmarks, but when I copied the drive image from an Intel Sata drive to the 950 Pro, the Sata drive was maxed out and the 950 Pro was barely using 10% to 20% of its capability (These estimates are from my memory last night, not stating them as fact) per the performance monitor tool in Windows 10.

I appreciate your help very much!!

Hello I received a Samsung evo 960 with an ableconn m.2 pcie adapter for Christmas. So I soon figured out my bios isn’t compatible with the ssd. I have attempted to modify the bios of my article but it says the file size exceeds the volume size. I tried both of the modules linked in the original post. I have a gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H. I tried every version of the bios on the gigabyte to see if one might be smaller than the other. I am considering just getting a new motherboard maybe one that is easier to modify so I can use my nvme ssd. Any suggestions? I have a intel 3570k lga1155. Any hep would be much appreciated because I am up a creek without a paddle!

@tex0z :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You have to remove an unneeded EFI module. After having done that, you will be able to get the NVMe module inserted according my guide.
Please read the last posts of this thread. The Forum member David359 had a similar problem and was able to solve it.

Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I am pretty sure, that your mainboard natively will support the booting off an Intel 750 NVMe SSD.
You can check it yourself by opening the latest mainboard BIOS and looking for NVMe modules.

Hi Fernando

I am afraid, the concern of @Jojobalee87 is solid. The motherboard Z9PE-D8 WS does not natively support NVMe SSD drives. There are no NVMe modules, neither on the latest BIOS 5802 (end of life) nor on earlier versions. The junger sister, the Z10PE-D8 WS does support NVMe with an Intel C612 PCH, however it carries an enhanced BIOS version (at date 3304) twice as large, which includes modules (the usual suspects) that do not land themselves to "porting".

Unfortunately your NvmeExpressDxE.ffs is not sufficient either for such a BIOS mix. @lordkag has also recognized the complexity of such a cluttered BIOS back in 2014 [Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions (25)

Now the question: Is there a chance that some one of you experts of matters get his "hands dirty" on such an issue? The goal would be to identify which modules get to be back-ported, or even better to provide an all-in-one module that makes the magic. Obvious I am ready to actively contribute to this undertaking.

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded parts of the fully quoted post removed (to save space within this voluminous thread).

@Francesco :
Hello Franco,
welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanksfor your input!

Since I hadn’t downloaded and opened the related BIOS myself before posting my reply, this is possible. I didn’t give any guarantee regarding the NVMe support, but I thought, that all ASUS mainboards with an Intel C600+ Series Chipset natively do support NVME.
After having done a look into the related ASUS Support page, I have realized, that latest official BIOS 3109 delivered by ASUS is dated 09/27/2012, that means a long time before NVMe SSDs were available for the users.

@Jojobalee87 :
@Francesco :

I doubt, that anyone among our BIOS modding Gurus will offer such already modded BIOS, but I found something by doing a Google Search, which may be interesting for you.
Within the BIOS-Mods Forum a user named netboy69 recently offered >here< an already NVMe modded BIOS for the ASUS P9PE-D8 WS.
The unanswered questions are
1. Will you be able to get the modded BIOS flashed at all (netboy69 obviously didn’t succeed yet)?
2. Will the modded BIOS really make the NVMe SSD bootable for you?

Happy New Year
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello Fernando
First of all, thank you for investing your time in regularly posting in this forum to help other users.
I followed your summary post on page 1, but still can not install Windows 10 or boot from the SSD and would ask you for further help.
My System:
*Asus Maximus V Extreme (Z77 Chipset, https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/MAXIMUS_V_EXTREME/) with newest BIOS 1903 from 2013/09/16
*Samsung SSD 960 pro NVMe m.2

What I did:
*I modified the Bios with the NVMe module in your post. I also tried to extract the 3 NVMe relevant modules from an Asus z97 Pro motherboard. Both worked for modding and flashing
Flashing itself I performed with the Asus Bios Flashback via USB-Stick. The LED blinked as described in the manual, and afterwards the BIOS settings were at default. So I concluded that the flash procedure was successful
I enabled UEFI and legacy boot in the bios, and set preference to uefi for PCIe devices. Secure Boot" and “Fast Boot” are off. Still, the Samsung 960 was nowhere to be seen in the bios - which seems to be not unusual.
In Windows 10 installed on an other SSD, the new Samsung 960 was perfectly accessible.
I disconnected all SATA drives, and prepared a USB stick with Rufus and Windows 10 (UEFI mode partition table = GPT)
The Samsung 960 was detected during the installation process, but Windows 10 refused to install it on the SSD. It asked me to check in the BIOS if the controller allows booting from that device.
I also mirrored the existing Windows 10 installation to the new Samsung 960, but could not boot from it.

As I mentioned before, I tried BIOS mods with your module as well as with ones I extracted from another asus z97 bios.
Any idea what is wrong, or ideas for troubleshooting?

Two thoughts come to mind. I was performing these mods on a Gigabyte Z87X board. There as a bios checkbox for boot security (or something close to that). The NVMe module was not bootable until I disabled that setting (I killed hours on that). Second thought, I never tried to install Windows 10. I copied a disk image from a SATA SSD using a tool called Paragon Hard Disk manager. It will copy all that is required from the source disk including the hidden partitions and it will offer to create a new UFEI partition on the target disk. In addition it (optionally) resized the Windows partition to maximize the use of additional space on the slightly larger target drive.

Paragon Disk Manager was around $50 if I remember correctly (i have owned it for a while). There may be a free trial period. You may wish to try moving an existing installation, or install to another drive that the BIOS recognizes and then copy the image to the NVMe drive.

Note: My NVMe drive does not appear on any lists (like boot order) in the BIOS. It is the highest number drive (last to boot from) so after you move the image to the target drive you must disconnect the source drive and be certain there are no other bootable drives connected.

I hope one of these thoughts will be of help to you!
Good luck!!

Hi Dieter, thank you for the prompt answer.

My post is about the ASUS Z9PE-D8 WS. Such a board runs the latest BIOS version 5802 dated 2015/10/15. The board and its bios has reached end of life, no more support from asus.

I believe I was misunderstood. No need to provide a modded BIOS. I am looking for instructions on "how to get full NVMe support for Intel Chipset systems from 6-Series up". The matter is that just using the basic instructions of this thread, i.e. injecting NvmeExpressDxE.ffs, the modded BIOS will not bring any NVMe support for the ASUS Z9PE-D8 WS. That is my point of asking for expert support.

The modded BIOS of netboy69 is broken. It contains 7 additional modules (the 3 well-known nvme modules plus samsung_m2_dxe and usbworkarounddxe plus two undefined ones) that do not make sense to me.

Again any support in this endeavor is more than appreciated.
Happy new year,

Thats how I originally got my Intel 750 NVME SSD drive to boot using Paragon’s Hard Disk Manager Suite to clone or ‘Migrate the OS’ to the new NVME drive on my Asus Z68 Deluxe test system and the Clover NVMExpress Module installed. I never tried to do a direct install from USB installer key though I did try that on the Gigabyte Z87X UD5H board with the three nvme modules from the Z97X UD5H board and that failed to properly format the system partition to fat32. Not sure why. But Paragon Hard disk manager came to the rescue so using a cloned OS. In the future I may try to just use the Clover NVMexpress module next time and see if it will install from USB. In anycase all these techniques are hacks. They sometimes work and sometime don’t work. To anyone else trying to pull it off you’ve got to get creative and not give up.