[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

Ok got secure boot to disabled state. Had to delete keys. Now trying to install again.
Secure boot options:

CSM options:

Boot tab options:

Drive was recognized during install…

Does not work…

I am out of ideas.


I would turn off ‘UEFI Boot only’ and select both Legacy and UEFI because it may be that the NVMExpressDXE driver isn’t working in real UEFI mode.

Grasping at straws but theres a chance… who knows…

Also worth trying either an older bios release or newer bios release because the UEFI version or implementation may be working against you…


Worth a try

What doesn’t work? Which message did you get? I cannot read it with my cell phone.

Sorry forgot to add the error message.

It did not recognize the drive properly. And in boot devices I have no drives.

Hello i am an new user but i not new to m.2 ssd

you will need this drivers for your Samsung NVMe 960 evo
unzip this files in an usb and Point at them inside the windows setup if that dont work the is stil an problem with intel sata controllers that force me to take an look into this small issue

or first of use an VirtualBox or some kind of WMare software

i did have the same problem as you but

but i did use the ntlite software to remove the sata intel sata controller driver form inside of boot.wim and install.esd must be convert to .install.wim so you can edit that way you want it
and even you haven done this you can add your Samsung_NVMeDriver_2 form an usb and just Point at them and this will work

the drivers i did use then install the drivers where Intel RST(e) drivers v15.2.5.1035 i did add them to the Windows setup them the setup find my m.2 ssd and then i can go pure uefi if


Hi and thanks for answer. My problem is not with setup and drive detection. Setup detects drive just fine. My Bios on the other hand does not recognize the drive before install or after (as Windows Boot Manager). According to the tutorial it should but… Something is wrong. The only drive connected is the M.2 SSD (via adapter to PCI-E slot) but nothing.

Hi guys! good 2017! i’m back 4 u :smiley:

it’s just arrived now… i’m waiting for m2 pciE adapter this afternoon
then i will share with u my troubles replacing my current Intel P3700
in my X79 sabertooth Bios 4801.

2 years ago i have not any problem booting and installing windows
in the Intel P3700 …

but reading these last posts… i’m thinking i must pray some gods… :smiley:

Good luck and let me know how you are doing. Maybe you are doing something different and get it to work. At least I hope so.

it’s evening … courier failed… :frowning:

hope for tomorrow … having 960 pro on the desk and cannot use it is very frustrating

After a ton of work I finally figured it out.
Aoemi partition manager pro. I had my m.2 unhooked. I converted my mbr partition to a gpt. This required a reboot and took a few minutes. Then I went into the bios and disabled just about everything so it would boot with windows boot manager.
Next step was to run chkdsk. It found a few errors and fixed them all.
Windows boots great in uefi mode now off of original drive.

Next step. create the uefi windows install media. Unlpug original hard drive, insert the m.2 and boot off of the thumb drive. let windows create the 4 partitions on the m.2
Now, STOP and exit the windows installer. don’t let it install windows

power off and hook up original hard drive or ssd. go into bios and make sure it boots off the original drive. go into windows and run Samsung data migration. I had to delete a lot of files for some reason even though the drives are the exact same size.
Anyway, when done, power off and remove original disk. Boot up, tell bios to boot off window boot manager.


I am typing this to you now off my 960 evo on a p9x79pro motherboard computer!

Thanks to all that helped me, and I will return the favor if I can.

disable launch CSM. It needs to be turned off completely to make it work.

Did that. Got new message.

checked with dskprt for errors. no errors existed. If i boot from thumb drive I can access SSD via command prompt.

Does it show windows boot manager in the bios after you installed windows?


Nothing in bios. 0 drives available. I disconnected others only ssd is attached.


check there and see if that helps.

Thanks Dieter
I’ve gone try!!

Little heads-up for all poeple using a Asus Z9PE-D8 WS board:
I got a Samsung SM961 NVME drive a few days ago and the drive itself worked perfectly fine. However, two things:
- only PCIe-slots 5-7 detected it
- of course, it was not bootable

The various nvme ffs files available here did not let me succeed on that very board. The drive was never detected.

What worked in the end was acombination of the nvme efi driver, linked here in this post:

That efi driver module was then converted into a FFS file, like described here:

That resulting ffs is what I inserted then into the BIOS (5802), like described in this thread.
With this modification I can now directly boot the drive in EFI mode. Hope this helps some others!

A big thanks to to all who contributed!

hi guis pci-m2 adapter just arrived.

first test STOCK msNmve driver & Samsung Nmve driver (Windows x64 8.1 Enterprise)

of course driver was not bootable neither Bios 4801 on X79 sabertooth see the drive.

PS: 40-48° Celsius si the drive Temp in Hd sentil with PX1 radiator!! are these temps normal? without px1 what hell ?!??
tonight i will try to mod bios as Fernando suggest … see you tonight.

Reporting back with my results:
Motherboard: ASUS Crosshair V Formula Z
SSD: Intel 600p 256GB NVMe
BIOS used: ASUS CrossHair V Formula Z MOD bios 2201

Used flashback to flash the BIOS and followed the instructions here:
ASUS CrossHair V Formula Z MOD bios 2201

Worked great, no complications at all. Able to boot into both previous Win7 SSD and Win10 M2 SSD.

@celemine1gig :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report!
It is great, that you succeeded and got the NVMe SSD bootable with your system.

It would be fine for other users, if you would attach the *.ffs file as *.zip or *.rar archive.

Enjoy the Forum and the performance of your NVMe drive!
Dieter (alias Fernando)