Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

merry christmas to you all guys :slight_smile:
last time you helped with this problem when updating bios A12 to A13 !!!(thanks ),
but unfortunately this happens again when updating A13 to A14 in my Dell system ,please help
new bios link:-ā€¦n&categoryId=BI

guys please help me ???

Intel ME 11.6 Consumer PCH-LP Firmware v11.6.25.1229
Intel ME 11.6 Corporate PCH-LP Firmware v11.6.25.1229
Intel ME 11.0 Corporate PCH-H Firmware v11.0.22.1000


Intel ME System Tools v11.6 r6
Intel ME System Tools v11.0 r3

Hi guys.

This thread is 182 pages long so I didnt read all of it. but I did read main posts and warnings etc.
Im new at this, have some idea what Im doing but never done this bit before. So some guidance or help please?

Yesterday for no apparent reason (there were no drivers of this nature installed or upgraded), I get this error/notification just after POST

(A7) Me FW Downgrade - Request Me Spilock Failed

The system boots fine, Ive not yet taken steps to try remedy thisā€¦ So please some advice.

Now, if I go the root of firmware upgrade, can I just grab the Intel ME 11.6 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v11.6.20.1221 and flash that as is?
Ive no idea how to modify firmwares or flashing this type of firmwares, but certainly would like to get rid of that notification.

Ive analysed by system (Asus TUF Mark 1 + kaby lake i7-7700K (socket 1151) with the MEInfoWin64 r6 the result is as below.


If there is any other information you guys need let me know.

Really appreciate this guys, thanks in advance


@ atomota:

This is a brand new desktop motherboard so this is what you should do:

1) (Re-)Apply the latest BIOS from ASUS as provided at their site via the in-BIOS menu
2) If the error persists, try running Flash Programming Tool with parameter fptw -greset
3) If the error persists, contact ASUS support

1) While waiting for a reply, I reset CMOS and reflashed the latest BIOS, 0801 which was already in there but none-the-less reflashed and reconfigured ā€“ Result no dice ā€“ (A7) Me FW Downgrade - Request Me Spilock Failed still prints after POST
2) I used the 64bit version as well FPTW64.exe -greset, it was way to fast to see what popped up in terminal, but, the first line was yellow text, second some green text and system rebooted ā€” Result no dice ā€“ (A7) Me FW Downgrade - Request Me Spilock Failed still prints after POST
3) Contact Asus, hahahahahahahahaha you are the most hilarious person yet, may as well ask Elvis. Level 1 support dont care, and in order to get to level 2 you need to complain and they never replyā€¦ been there done that.

Any other ideas short of replacing the motherboard?

I read somewhere about disabling Intel C-state in Bios, but my Hardware and Bios configuration is unchanged since build and this never happened. it just literally started showing up without any apparent reason.

Anyone have any advice at all other than whats been said?

Sorry to seem impatient but, Im out of ideas and web results dont yield anything that seems to work or has nothing to do with Asus anything. The explanations to what that message means are also no clew to the possible causes hence no solution gleamed thus far.


Readingā€¦-SPilock-failed seems to indicate a reflash is needed for ME, so again I go back to my first post, as Ive simply no idea how to mod the ME FW for this mobo or if I just flash the one thats on the 1st post without modificationsā€¦

Also not being familiar with tools doesnt helpā€¦


As I have explained in the past to someone else, that error is entirely BIOS related so itā€™s up to ASUS to fix it. On such a new board, they have absolutely no excuse to not help you. Maybe try the support of a different country such as USA or Taiwan. Did you update the ME firmware via FWUpdate before it appeared or did it happen entirely on its own? Even if you solve it by reflashing the entire SPI image (BIOS+ME, not easy as ASUS locks read/write access to the ME region - you would need a hardware programmer), which is indeed a solution, it will probably be temporary unless the BIOS is fixed. You can find the example I mentioned earlier in post #1988 which continues at #2005,#2009,#2022 and #2024.

Thx for repIy,

I managed to speak to someone at Aus live Chat Germany (useless), but they will offer RMA, tbh Im not interested in RMA or downtime longer than 2 hours as this is a critical system, therefore its cheaper to buy a new board replace it and burn the old.

I havent tried to flash anything ME related, Or even touched anything ME related until you asked me to do the -greset, the only thing Ive updated was the the board bios from 0701 to 0801, which neither have the issue, then suddenly out of the blue this msg appears.

so what youre saying is Im stuffed without a hw programmer :wink:

Ive reported the issue after the live chat, to Asus, as a form of complaint, because theres no other way to get to level 2 support, level oneā€™s reason for existing is (it seems) to make you lose the will to live.

Ill have a read of those posts you suggest, thank you so much for pointing, if for no other reason but to further my education in this matter.
I dont get that 2nd message though Error sending End Of Post message to ME, so its not a OS boot stopper.

In meanwhile I would like to either reflash the ME only or if thats not possible get another board, replace it and hope Asus release a bios with a fix, Im not holding my breath.

What a waste of time though in 2017 youd think resolving something like this would be simple, yet its like the dark ages, which is probably why your avatar is, Don Quixote deā€™la Mancha and his trusted Rocinate.

Personally Iā€™ve been more lucky when using email support as the chat people are usually not even hired but just hobby assistants so yes, they are useless. No matter what, even if you pick another board, the other one is just fine. It just needs a new BIOS or at the most a reflash via a programmer, certainly not worth throwing it away.

Yeap, as I said, BIOS related. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve observed as well from past experience.

Well you can try to see if you have read/write access to the ME region but donā€™t get your hopes up as itā€™s common practice and an Intel recommendation to do the opposite for security purposes. Just run "fptw -d spi.bin" command and if you see CPU Access Error then you cannot do anything via software. I can already see from the MEInfo report you posted that it is locked so thatā€™s a bust too. Another way to enable read/write access is by doing the "pinmod" which requires shorting two pins of the audio chip while the system boots but in your case itā€™s not possible because the board has a) a shroud and b) the audio chip has an EMI shield which does not allow pin shorting. Now that I think about it, the SPI chip is probably also under the board shroud so you wouldnā€™t be able to get to it without first going through the trouble of removing that, let alone buying and using a programmer.

That error should not cause any actual issues to the system, meaning that you can use it. It must be that ASUS has messed something up and the BIOS is trying to restore an older ME firmware version which is not possible as long as there is no read/write access there (locked SPI Flash Descriptor, FD) and thus the "Request Me Spilock Failed" message.

The KBL boards are new so such bugs can happen. ASUS should fix it soon enough, hopefully. You can try updating the ME via FWUpdate as well just in case this will help the BIOS get over it. Who knows. I assume you have tried doing a clear CMOS, right?

I donā€™t honestly remember how I ended up using that avatar years ago but thatā€™s news to me. Ha-ha, thanks for letting me know.

Yes but its strange that nothing happens for ober two weeks after bios upgrade, then suddenly this? Odd to say the least, I did notice that after upgrade the only quirk was an increased POST time of extra 6+ seconds, but Asus support via email, dismissed it, but that was level 1, they dismiss pretty much everything.

I can throw system down for 2 hours tops, assuming that I know everything to do, which I dont and everything goes right the first time, which no one can say for sure, this sounds more than 2 hours.

Ive let them know whats what, but Im not holding my breath, from many years of Asus lack of support personal experience (maybe Im unlucky) they just dont seem to ever correct the serious issues.

Of course, CMOS clearing is the goto step as I did that first before anything in post #2731 more than once in two different ways, one was shorting the pins, the other short + battery out.
I reflashed 0701 previous bios and restored a 0701 compatible config (currently running) no dice.
Ill reflash the 0801 later on and restore the config for 0801 (which is incompatible with 0701 config too many changes)
and no making fresh configs makes no difference either, been there.

If it wasnt Don Quixote and Rocinate, it is now :smiley:

Maybe you could get your hands on a beta bios release if you ask the right people?

As for me I am trying to update my Dell Xps 13 laptop from LP to LP and get this error

Firmware update cannot be initiated because the OEM ID provided is incorrect

after FWupdate -f 10.0.50.bin

EDIT: Googled for correct answer: added -oemidā€¦ Worked. Thanks.


Yea its definitely locked Meinfo spits this out

@plutomaniac I was reading those posts you suggested and grabbed some outputs.

        MEBx Version found is
MEBx Version
GbE Version 0.2
Vendor ID 8086
PCH Version 0
FW Version H
LMS Version Not Available
MEI Driver Version
Wireless Hardware Version Not Available
Wireless Driver Version Not Available
FW Capabilities 0x31111140
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED
Service Advertisement & Discovery - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) NFC Capabilities - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Platform Trust Technology - PRESENT/DISABLED
TLS Disabled
Last ME reset reason Firmware reset
Local FWUpdate Enabled
BIOS Config Lock Enabled
GbE Config Lock Enabled
Get flash master region access status...done
Host Read Access to ME Disabled
Host Write Access to ME Disabled
Get EC region access status...done
Host Read Access to EC Disabled
Host Write Access to EC Disabled
Protected Range Register Base #0 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #0 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #1 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #1 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #2 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #2 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #3 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #3 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #4 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #4 0x0
SPI Flash ID 1 EF4018
SPI Flash ID 2 Unknown
BIOS boot State Pre Boot
OEM ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service Enabled

then MEManuf spits this out


Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
FW Status Register1: 0x90202242
FW Status Register2: 0x04F60406
FW Status Register3: 0x00000020
FW Status Register4: 0x00080000
FW Status Register5: 0x00000000
FW Status Register6: 0x00000000
CurrentState: Recovery
ManufacturingMode: Disabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: CM0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: Disabled
ModeOfOperation: Normal
SPI Flash Log: Not Present
Phase: ROM/Preboot
ICC: Valid OEM data, ICC programmed
ME File System Corrupted: No
FPF and ME Config Status: Not committed
FW Capabilities value is 0x31111140
Feature enablement is 0x11111140
Platform type is 0x724F0322
No Intel Wireless device was found
Feature enablement is 0x11111140
ME initialization state valid
ME operation mode valid
Current operation state valid
ME error state invalid
Error 235: Internal error

Error 117: MEManuf Operation Failed

So it seems that ME is in an invalid state, still no idea how that happened.

Im somewhat intrigued by this message FPF and ME Config Status: Not committed though to me that means onions.

At least I hope this helps some, in what way idk.

thanks again.

The ME is in Recovery state due to that error you see before booting so thatā€™s why the MEInfo/MEManuf messages. Nothing invasive can be done and system up-time is important so you need to wait for ASUS to release a new BIOS for that board.

Canā€™t he fedex a new bios chip from eBay or somewhere? Would be an easy fix?

Intel ME 11.6 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v11.6.25.1229 (RGN)

Intel ME 11.6 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v11.6.25.1229


Thanks to jjxaker for the new firmware!

Ill keep you posted on what happens, but Im not holding my breath.

I was speaking with a friend who bought 3 of these boards and they all out of the blue decided to spit this error out with no good reason whatsoever, one of them he has the factory bios 0505, never been flashed and error still there.

Like you say its new kit, but its sold as 24/7 boards, so I hope Asus do the right thing, though neither him or I are holding our breaths.

Yeap, couldnā€™t be more obvious that itā€™s a BIOS thing. Itā€™s good that it happens to others as well, the more reports the fastest it will be fixed. If it wasnā€™t a KBL system I wouldnā€™t hold my breath either but in this case I think youā€™ll be up and running soon enough. Either way, it would be nice to let us know here. :wink:

Did not work for me, updating from firmware. The file is smaller, 174MB compared to 1.93MB and the updater say Error 1, unknown error after reading the .bin file.

@ Ataemonus:

FWUpdate 11.6.10 or later