Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Yeap, you are already good to go. As for the BIOS, it is indeed very possible that it was already compatible but they just never updated the actual ME firmware, probably because the ME is read/write lock protected so it wouldn’t change while flashing the BIOS, not without the manual use of FWUpdate.

I have tested it .
it Is true that a bios reflash dont change the me firmware.
Also this tool they provided only updates me firmware so if anyone want to update it, must make sure that it has the latest bios the latest me driver and then to try to update the me.

Mine personal opinion is everyrone who want to update the me firmware to use your tool rather than this asus tool.
The me they provided is the latetest i hash it and i compare it with the latest provided in this forum. (it is the same)

Funny! Nothing new from Asus for Q87 boards though! I wrote a complaint but am still waiting for response.

Asus EMEA sent an answer: For motherboards with Intel 8x chipset they will offer a BIOS update in July. They ask that one checks the Bios downloads on the support pages regularly…

(Why not simply announce that on the corresponding page?)

Sorry for possible bad English.

I am new here and until now, I didn’t know that the ME firmware can be flashed separately from the BIOS.

So, I explain shortly why I came here.
I have an issue with desktop PC – after shut down or sleep, randomly, not each time, after 1-2sec it is turning itself back or wakes up from sleep (depending on what was selected earlier in windows - if ‘shut down’ then turns itself back, if ‘sleep’ or by sleep timer - wakes itself up). Tried many common advices from forums(clear cmos, ‘wake up’ options in BIOS and windows’s device manager and etc) - nothing helps. Other troubles, sudden restarts/shutdowns or BSOD I don’t see

So I contacted local storage’s warranty via email and described the situation, they said that the issue is probably caused by ME firmware, that prevents CPU to stay in C6 state.
I have Gigabyte GA-H81M-HD3 rev 2.0 motherboard with latest BIOS(FB 2015/08/11). It was already in warranty when was new. First time they said that ME was dead and they sent it to the supplier and then to the service, where it was flashed(I hoped it will be replaced, but it was repaired). And the warranty process took a ~month.

Now came that another issue. The motherboard is still under warranty, but I am a bit tired of that again I will have to wait about a month, while the motherboard in service. And now I must decide -whether to bring it to the service again or maybe it can be repaired myself. But I’m afraid of that I can ‘kill’ motherboard, if something goes wrong during flashing process.

So the case that PC is turning/waking up itself back, really can be caused by ME Firmware and reflashing/updating ME firmware can resolve that?

Try the attached BIOS
with updated ME FW and disabled Anti-Theft Technology.
Flash it via Flash Programming Tool from Intel ME System Tools v9.0:

fptw64 -f outimage.bin

outimage.rar (5.59 MB)

@ andr84:

You have a Gigabyte board with Dual BIOS support. Switch to the 2nd chip (assumed untouched/operational) and tell me if the problem persists. Gigabyte leaves (at least used to back in the 8-series days) the read/write access to the ME region firmware unlocked so we can repair it if that’s where the problem is. All you have to do is flash the latest BIOS from Gigabyte via the in-BIOS updater/flasher. But first lets see if the 2nd BIOS chip behaves the same way as well.

@ Julien:

I’ve seen that error at ASUS motherboards before. I believe the BIOS tries to revert/downgrade the ME firmware (hardcoded expected version) to what the original BIOS includes which fails because ASUS locks the read/write access to the ME region firmware. Do you have a cheap hardware programmer? Your board has a socketed SPI/BIOS chip so we can reflash it.

thx. but Im not familiar yet with all that flashing tools so mby there is a separate simplified way.

thx for a quick answer.
But in BIOS setting i didnt see the possibility to switch between main and backup bios. And i cant say surely that it untouched or operational because MoBo was already repaired and i don’t know what and how did service exactly fix it.
Now i have the latest bios and it was flashed during warranty, I didn’t flash anything.

@ Julien:

A cheap one can get the job done. Other than that, it is as you said. You cannot downgrade because of VCN. If I’m right and the problem is indeed a forced ME rollback attempt from ASUS then you can either a) rollback manually to 11.6.10 via a programmer (locked FD) or b) ask ASUS to release a BIOS with whatever newer ME (I highly doubt they’ll do that). Also, no need to tag me at this thread, I monitor it regardless.

@ andr84:

Please read the manual, there is a small switch at the motherboard itself.

@ plutomaniac
Yes, I was reading it already in the past and recently because I wanted to use second chip for test too, but there is no mentions about bios switch in User Manual. Maybe is need to inspect motherboard itself for that switch. But when I googled about switching gigabyte dual bios, I only found articles about how to force/kick recover process of main bios chip from backup chip.

Press Ctrl+F10 while boot

@ Ferrous
Is it safe if happens that a second chip has corrupted bios? There no information anywhere which chip I’m using now.
Ctrl+F10 brings up selective menu or switching immediately, any chances return into previous chip?

@ andr84:

Update/reflash the latest Gigabyte BIOS from within the BIOS menu. After the restart, shutdown the system and remove all power (cord) for 1 minute. Plug it and check if the problem is gone.

@ plutomaniac
I did:
-load optimized defaults in bios
-reflash bios with built in utility(Q Flash) with restart
-shut down + power cord out(~5min)
The problem still persists.

*I forgot to mention that I could emulate/reproduce it for demo: after removing power and waiting(~1-2min) or holding power button down for 4s, every second shutdown or sleep it starts/wakes up itself back. And in future(power cord stays)behaves randomly.
*Also, I’m not sure 100%, but when disable Fast boot option in Windows I don’t see problem(works only for shutdown, for sleep still persists)
*Also i tried to disable c6/c7 state in bios’s CPU Advanced core setting- doesn’t help

Added MeInfo and MeManuf results from DOS

Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

FW Status Register1: 0x1E000255
FW Status Register2: 0x66002306
FW Status Register3: 0x00000200
FW Status Register4: 0x00000001
FW Status Register5: 0x00000000
FW Status Register6: 0x00000000

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Enabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: M0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: No Error
ModeOfOperation: Normal
Phase: HOSTCOMM Module
ICC: Valid OEM data, ICC programmed
ME File System Corrupted: No

Get ME FWU version command…done

SMBIOS Table Data
SM BIOS Spec Version : 2.7
Starting address: 0x EC130
Table Size in Bytes: 3095 ( 0xC17 )
Number of Table Entries: the 75 ( 0x4B )

Table Type 0 ( 0x 00 ) found, size of 24 (0x 18 ) bytes

SMBIOS Table Data
SM BIOS Spec Version : 2.7
Starting address: 0x EC130
Table Size in Bytes: 3095 ( 0xC17 )
Number of Table Entries: the 75 ( 0x4B )

Table Type 0 ( 0x 00 ) found, size of 24 (0x 18 ) bytes
Table Type 1 ( 0x 01 ) found, size of 27 (0x 1B ) bytes
Table Type 2 ( 0x 02 ) found, size of 15 (0x 0F ) bytes
Table Type 3 ( 0x 03 ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 7 ( 0x 07 ) found, size of 19 (0x 13 ) bytes
Table Type 7 ( 0x 07 ) found, size of 19 (0x 13 ) bytes
Table Type 7 ( 0x 07 ) found, size of 19 (0x 13 ) bytes
Table Type 16 ( 0x 10 ) found, size of 23 (0x 17 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 8 ( 0x 08 ) found, size of 9 (0x 09 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 9 ( 0x 09 ) found, size of 17 (0x 11 ) bytes
Table Type 10 ( 0x 0A ) found, size of 6 (0x 06 ) bytes
Table Type 11 ( 0x 0B ) found, size of 5 (0x 05 ) bytes
Table Type 12 ( 0x 0C ) found, size of 5 (0x 05 ) bytes
Table Type 32 ( 0x 20 ) found, size of 20 (0x 14 ) bytes
Table Type 34 ( 0x 22 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 26 ( 0x 1A ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 36 ( 0x 24 ) found, size of 16 (0x 10 ) bytes
Table Type 35 ( 0x 23 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 28 ( 0x 1C ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 36 ( 0x 24 ) found, size of 16 (0x 10 ) bytes
Table Type 35 ( 0x 23 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 27 ( 0x 1B ) found, size of 15 (0x 0F ) bytes
Table Type 36 ( 0x 24 ) found, size of 16 (0x 10 ) bytes
Table Type 35 ( 0x 23 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 27 ( 0x 1B ) found, size of 15 (0x 0F ) bytes
Table Type 36 ( 0x 24 ) found, size of 16 (0x 10 ) bytes
Table Type 35 ( 0x 23 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 29 ( 0x 1D ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 36 ( 0x 24 ) found, size of 16 (0x 10 ) bytes
Table Type 35 ( 0x 23 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 26 ( 0x 1A ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 28 ( 0x 1C ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 27 ( 0x 1B ) found, size of 15 (0x 0F ) bytes
Table Type 29 ( 0x 1D ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 39 ( 0x 27 ) found, size of 22 (0x 16 ) bytes
Table Type 41 ( 0x 29 ) found, size of 11 (0x 0B ) bytes
Table Type 4 ( 0x 04 ) found, size of 42 (0x 2A ) bytes
Table Type 17 ( 0x 11 ) found, size of 34 (0x 22 ) bytes
Table Type 20 ( 0x 14 ) found, size of 35 (0x 23 ) bytes
Table Type 17 ( 0x 11 ) found, size of 34 (0x 22 ) bytes
Table Type 17 ( 0x 11 ) found, size of 34 (0x 22 ) bytes
Table Type 17 ( 0x 11 ) found, size of 34 (0x 22 ) bytes
Table Type 19 ( 0x 13 ) found, size of 31 (0x 1F ) bytes
Table Type 136 ( 0x 88 ) found, size of 6 (0x 06 ) bytes
Table Type 131 ( 0x 83 ) found, size of 64 (0x 40 ) bytes
MEBx Version found is

Get ME FWU info command…done

Get ME FWU version command…done

Get ME FWU feature state command…done

Get ME FWU platform type command…done

Get ME FWU feature capability command…done

Get ME FWU OEM Id command…done
FW Capabilities value is 0x41101960
Feature enablement is 0x41101960
Platform type is 0x73130302
GBE Region does not exist.
Intel(R) ME code versions:

BIOS Version: FB
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: Unknown
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 5
FW Version: H

FW Capabilities: 0x41101960

Intel(R) Active Management Technology - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Standard Manageability - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED
Service Advertisement & Discovery - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) NFC Capabilities - NOT PRESENT
Intel(R) Platform Trust Technology - NOT PRESENT

TLS: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled

Get BIOS flash lockdown status…done
BIOS Config Lock: Enabled

Get flash master region access status…done
Host Read Access to ME: Enabled
Host Write Access to ME: Enabled
SPI Flash ID #1: C22017
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20452045
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20452045
Protected Range Register Base #0 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #0 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #1 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #1 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #2 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #2 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #3 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #3 0x0
Protected Range Register Base #4 0x0
Protected Range Register Limit #4 0x0
BIOS boot State: Post Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled

Get ME FWU OEM Tag command…done
OEM Tag: 0x00000000

Get ME FWU Platform Attribute (WLAN ucode) command…done
Localized Language: Unknown

Get ME FWU Info command…done
Independent Firmware Recovery: Disabled


Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

FW Status Register1: 0x1E000255
FW Status Register2: 0x66002306

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Enabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: M0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: No Error
ModeOfOperation: Normal
Phase: HOSTCOMM Module
ICC: Valid OEM data, ICC programmed
ME File System Corrupted: No

Get ME FWU info command…done

Get ME FWU version command…done

Get ME FWU feature state command…done

Get ME FWU platform type command…done

Get ME FWU feature capability command…done

Get ME FWU OEM Id command…done
Feature enablement is 0x41101960

Request Intel(R) ME test result command…done
System is running on consumer/1.5M image, start Intel(R) ME Runtime Test

ME initialization state valid
ME operation mode valid
Current operation state valid
ME error state valid
Verifying FW Status Register1…done
OEM ICC data valid and programmed correctly
MFS is not corrupted
PCH SKU Emulation is correct

Request Intel(R) ME test result command…done
vsccommn.bin was created on 17:50:05 06/28/2013 GMT
SPI Flash ID #1 ME VSCC value is 0x2045
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xC22017) ME VSCC value checked
SPI Flash ID #1 BIOS VSCC value is 0x2045
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xC22017) BIOS VSCC value checked
No Intel vPro Wireless device was found

Request Intel(R) ME Runtime BIST test command…done

Get Intel(R) ME test data command…done
Total of 10 Intel(R) ME test result retrieved
GBE Region does not exist.

MicroKernel - Internal Hardware Tests: Internal Hardware Tests - Passed
MicroKernel - Blob Manager: Set - Passed
MicroKernel - Blob Manager: Get - Passed
MicroKernel - Blob Manager: Remove - Passed

Policy Kernel - ME Configuration: Wlan Power Well - Passed
Policy Kernel - ME Configuration: PROC_MISSING - Passed
Policy Kernel - ME Configuration: M3 Power Rails Available - Passed
Policy Kernel - Embedded Controller: Power source type - Passed
Policy Kernel - SMBus: Read byte - Passed

Common Services - LAN: Connectivity to NIC in M0 - Skipped

Clear Intel(R) ME test data command…done

@ andr84
Try my modified BIOS

@ Ferrous
thx, i saved it.
But I’m not such experienced with bios tools, if something goes wrong at firmware level there are no chances fixing it by myself, dont have any usb flashers
And need to be sure that issue is in the bios itself.

@ andr84:

The “BIOS” (SPI) chip includes both BIOS and ME firmware among some other regions. The firmware provided by Ferrous should be the same as the one provided by Gigabyte, just with the ME firmware inside “cleaned” per the instructions of this guide. But I don’t think your problem is ME related at all. The “BIOS” (SPI image) you just flashed from Gigabyte has the stock (healthy) firmware in-place and the MEInfo/MEManuf tools report that everything is fine. That problem is almost certainly related to BIOS and/or Windows configuration. Try to exclude Windows first by trying another OS like Linux or whatever. At the BIOS try disabling options such as Intel Rapid Start, Intel Smart Connect etc.

@ plutomaniac
ok thx for help.

As for OS, I’m not familiar with Linux. I tried clean install 8.1 and win 10 already.
BIOS settings I reviewed many times(erP related and etc.)
I don’t know why warranty service assumed(remotely) its ME related. The current bios is ~2 years old, so i thought that updating ME firmware separately may help.

You can do that if you like just to rule it out. Update to "Intel ME 9.1 1.5MB Firmware v9.1.37.1002" using FWUpdate tool from "ME System Tools v9.1" package and try again after following the 1 minute shutdown procedure again.

ok i will think.
Using MEManuf under DOS I saw yellow message "GBe region not present",is it ok?

If I understood it right, on first page it is said that it is prohibited to update ME for 8 series chipsets from 9.0 to 9.1 if the bios is latest but still has 9.0(if don’t mistake I have ME ver.

The yellow message is ok as mentioned at the first post. Update to 9.1 just to rule out old firmware, you can revert back either way.