Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

according to version number in the lenovo readme, my firmware is a 8M first release .

here are the info i got :

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Number of LPC Devices supported: 61
LPC Device Id: 3B0B.
Platform: Intel(R) HM57 Express Chipset Revision: B3
Initializing SPI utilities
Reading HSFSTS register… Flash Descriptor: Valid

— Flash Devices Found —

Error 103: There are no supported SPI flash devices installed. Please check connectivity and orientation of SPI flash device.

Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform stepping value is 6

FW Status Register: 0x00000245
FW Status Register1: 0x60000000

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Disabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: M0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: No Error
ModeOfOperation: Normal
Phase: HOSTCOMM Module

SMBIOS table starting address is 000FBAD0
Maximum SMBIOS table size is 219
Searching end-of-table (double null) terminator
Found end-of-table (double null) terminator, size 69

Get ME FWU info command…done

Get ME FWU version command…done

Get ME FWU feature state command…done

Get ME FWU platform type command…done

Get ME FWU feature capability command…done

Get ME FWU OEM Id command…done
FW Capabilities value is 0x1C60
Feature enablement is 0x1C60
Platform type is 0x321

Error 9269: Access to SPI Flash device(s) failed
Intel(R) ME code versions:

BIOS Version: 6.08
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: Unknown
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 6
FW Version:
UNS Version: Not Available
LMS Version: Not Available
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

FW Capabilities: 7264

Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology PC Protection
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service
Protect Audio Video Path

Cryptography Support: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
BIOS and GbE Config Lock: Unknown
BIOS boot State: Post Boot
FWU Override Counter: Always
FWU Override Qualifier: Always
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
FW behavior on Flash Descriptor Override Pin-Strap: Halt

Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform stepping value is 6

FW Status Register: 0x00000245
FW Status Register1: 0x60000000

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Disabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: M0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: No Error
ModeOfOperation: Normal
Phase: HOSTCOMM Module

Get FWU info command…done

Get FWU version command…done

Get FWU feature state command…done

Get ME FWU feature capability command…done

Get ME FWU platform type command…done
Feature enablement is 0x1C60
gFeatureAvailability value is 0x0
vsccommn.bin was created on 00:29:16 07/16/2009 GMT
SPI Flash ID #1 ME VSCC value is 0x2005
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xEF4016) ME VSCC value checked
SPI Flash ID #1 BIOS VSCC value is 0x2001
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xEF4016) BIOS VSCC value checked
FPBA value is 0x0

FRAP register value is 0x00000A0B
Flash Master1 (Host/BIOS) value is 0x0A0B0000
Flash Master2 (ME) value is 0x0C0D0000
Flash Master3 (Gbe) value is 0x08080118
RCBA Base Address read as [0xFED1C000] expecting 0xFED1C000
Data read from RCBA offset for SPIBA: 0xFED1F800
Data read from offset [0x00000038]: 0x00000000
Data read from offset [0x00000028]: 0x00017144
Data read from offset [0x3440]: 0xDEADDEED

Request Intel(R) ME kernel test command…done

Request Intel(R) ME kernel test result command…done
ME kernel test run was successful

MEManuf Test Passed

The ME firmware has a 1.5MB & 5MB SKU for all versions, v6.0.31 is not 5MB exclusive so that’s not it.

The error that you are getting at FPT has to do with fparts.txt file, basically it does not include your SPI chip’s specifications. MEManuf helped me identify what was missing and I made a new FPT package for you to download which should work with your system from now on. Download it (preferably use the DOS version as it’s newer that the Windows one) and run:

FPT -verbose -I

Your chip is either W25Q32BV or W25Q32FVSSIQ or S25FL032K. All of them are 32Mbit according to spec so 4MB SPI flash size and thus you have a 1.5MB firmware at your machine. FPT will verify.

EDIT: Reuploaded file to add S25FL032K chip as well. Still 32Mbit all three of them.

Flash Programming Tool.rar (241 KB)

NEW! Intel ME6 Firmware 5MB v6.2.50.1062 DT (for Desktop Intel 5-series)

* Updated at ME System Tools v5.x: FW Bringup Guide from v0.49 (ME5.0 , 09/2008) → v0.3 (ME5.1 , 11/2008)

that is weird both version have same number, mostly because from what i have seen with drivers , bad size leads to non working tool…
beside that your tool worked better but made a new error with both commands

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Number of LPC Devices supported: 61
LPC Device Id: 3B0B.
Platform: Intel(R) HM57 Express Chipset Revision: B3

Error 363: Invalid Chip Erase Timeout value in “fparts.txt”.

Try this one, I think it will work now. Reminder on what to run:

FPT -verbose -I

Also, run MEManuf -verbose and post the results here please.

Flash Programming Tool.rar (240 KB)

Why is there no instructions 5 Series platform for me firmware? Although very old


An interesting finding. At Intel BIOS files (.bio) there are always two ME Regions of the same version and SKU. The first is the normal production one and the second is always smaller in size (less FF) and slightly different.

For example, a TXE Intel .bio I tested has two TXE Regions that are different because the second one reports all errors (not only the critical) and has NFC disabled. At another firmware, ME, the differences between the two images seem to be similar to what I saw at TXE.

While extracting the firmware, the second image can be easily identified because a) of the smaller size and b) at the $FPT ("krid") header the actual ME/TXE version is shown exactly like before the $MN2 regions (that’s not the case for the full-sized Production firmware).

It seems to me that the second image a "debug" version of sorts and no it’s not a PreProduction image. I don’t know why it’s included every time though at Intel .bio files. Why do you think they do that? If interested, there’s an attachment.

I would like to retract that statement as it’s wrong. I checked FITC and it’s Wizard. Indeed a ME image can be adjusted to work on many different models with some differences at clocks etc. That’s what the Profiles are for under ICC settings at FITC.


ME_INTEL-BIO_Debug.rar (6.47 MB)

i am ready to check but is it useful for a later update of firmware ?
Pegatron has not yet answered …[ i am happy to be a samsung user ;’] ] or helped …
they do the 5 minutes warranty on their products : only the time to buy and leave the shop with the product… if you come back , shop owner acts like it is first time you get in…
some call it the fish memory of 5s… [5s memory : strange idea because fishes are always hiding or not with same predators]

It is my belief that you have 1.5MB firmware and in this case you are more updated that the firmware I provide in the first post. I haven’ been able to find any newer UPD images. The whole point is to a) check if indeed you have 1.5MB firmware and b) check whether you can dump your current ME version.

The file to download as well as instructions are HERE.

your new zip is working well

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Number of LPC Devices supported: 61
LPC Device Id: 3B0B.
Platform: Intel(R) HM57 Express Chipset Revision: B3
Initializing SPI utilities
Reading HSFSTS register… Flash Descriptor: Valid

— Flash Devices Found —
W25Q32BV ID:0xEF4016 Size: 4096KB (32768Kb)
Using software sequencing.
Reading region information from flash descriptor.
Base: 0x000000, Limit: 0x000FFF
Base: 0x200000, Limit: 0x3FFFFF
Base: 0x001000, Limit: 0x1FFFFF
FW Status Register1: 0x00000245
FW Status Register2: 0x69000000
— Flash Image Information –
Signature: VALID
Number of Flash Components: 1
Component 1 - 4096KB (32768Kb)
Descriptor - Base: 0x000000, Limit: 0x000FFF
BIOS - Base: 0x200000, Limit: 0x3FFFFF
ME - Base: 0x001000, Limit: 0x1FFFFF
GbE - Not present
PDR - Not present
Master Region Access:
CPU/BIOS - ID: 0x0000, Read: 0x0B, Write: 0x0A
ME - ID: 0x0000, Read: 0x0D, Write: 0x0C
GbE - ID: 0x0118, Read: 0x08, Write: 0x08

Used Space: 4096KB, Actual Space: 4096KB

FPT Operation Passed

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Number of LPC Devices supported: 61
LPC Device Id: 3B0B.
Platform: Intel(R) HM57 Express Chipset Revision: B3
Initializing SPI utilities
Reading HSFSTS register… Flash Descriptor: Valid

— Flash Devices Found —
W25Q32BV ID:0xEF4016 Size: 4096KB (32768Kb)
Using software sequencing.
Reading region information from flash descriptor.
Base: 0x000000, Limit: 0x000FFF
Base: 0x200000, Limit: 0x3FFFFF
Base: 0x001000, Limit: 0x1FFFFF
FW Status Register1: 0x00000245
FW Status Register2: 0x69000000
DumpFlashToFile(ME57BIOS.bin, 0x0, 0xffffffff)…

Error 26: The host CPU does not have read access to the target flash area. To enable read access for this operation you must modify the descriptor settings to give host access to this region.

Intel(R) MEManuf Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform stepping value is 6

FW Status Register: 0x00000245
FW Status Register1: 0x69000000

CurrentState: Normal
ManufacturingMode: Disabled
FlashPartition: Valid
OperationalState: M0 with UMA
InitComplete: Complete
BUPLoadState: Success
ErrorCode: No Error
ModeOfOperation: Normal
Phase: HOSTCOMM Module

Get FWU info command…done

Get FWU version command…done

Get FWU feature state command…done

Get ME FWU feature capability command…done

Get ME FWU platform type command…done
Feature enablement is 0x1C60
gFeatureAvailability value is 0x0
vsccommn.bin was created on 00:29:16 07/16/2009 GMT
SPI Flash ID #1 ME VSCC value is 0x2005
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xEF4016) ME VSCC value checked
SPI Flash ID #1 BIOS VSCC value is 0x2001
SPI Flash ID #1 (ID: 0xEF4016) BIOS VSCC value checked
FPBA value is 0x0

FRAP register value is 0x00000A0B
Flash Master1 (Host/BIOS) value is 0x0A0B0000
Flash Master2 (ME) value is 0x0C0D0000
Flash Master3 (Gbe) value is 0x08080118
RCBA Base Address read as [0xFED1C000] expecting 0xFED1C000
Data read from RCBA offset for SPIBA: 0xFED1F800
Data read from offset [0x00000038]: 0x00000000
Data read from offset [0x00000028]: 0x00017144
Data read from offset [0x3440]: 0xDEADDEED

Request Intel(R) ME kernel test command…done

MEManuf Test Done
Use -R option to get results

Ok, your chip is indeed W25Q32BV which is 4MB and thus you have ME6 1.5MB firmware. Your current 6.0.31 firmware is newer than the provided 6.0.3 here. So, leave it as it is. Your flash descriptor is locked so you cannot do a full BIOS dump. Not that it’s required anymore, we definitely know the SKU of your ME now.

so i use driver 10 for 1.5 M ? or else ?

i have another pc like this one but a bit older and with an older bios [ the first i bought in 2010 and that is for my father ], if fw is not as up 2 date as the one of this pc , will i be able to update it to 6.0.30 ?

Drivers v10.0.30.1054 via Have Disk Method (no full package required/needed)

To 6.0.30 no. Here I provide 6.0.3 as the latest as I haven’t found a newer UPD image. If it’s older than 6.0.3, update to that. Otherwise nothing more can be done.

mediafire is overloaded … mega is better : full speed all time
needs a plug-in but always do a perfect download


i noticed that the 8.1 ME Software contains the 9.0 Driver?! =

I’ve seen this for a while, with GUIDs like FC1FA4A9-034E-46D5-93EE-E6ECC6C7945E, C43791FC-E05B-4AA0-84B1-F14547885C70, 098D0689-4245-4F65-80C9-7F3202C5F44E, D005D5F0-9875-4AEA-8F39-96FC50DAEB94 (and maybe more) storing ME images. But I thought it is a pack of untouched + modified ME firmwares, to be updated with FWUpdLcl or FPT.

These .bio files are just like the MAC ones, multiplatform oriented, the flasher updates what it is necessary for every board. I haven’t opened them with FITC to check, so it is possible that the second is for debugging.


Do you have any 5MB 7-series (ME8) or up systems? Pacman and I found something interesting recently about partial FW Updates (FWUpdLcl -f ME.bin -partid WCOD/LOCL) but it can only be tested on such machines. Here is our conversation/findings:


I found ME7 system firmware update tool, FITC7.1.10.1065 update to, because 7.1.20.xxxx and 7.1.30.xxxx does not seem to run at current sysytem tools…0tools.7z&spe=1

Thank you iceman for the new FITC version which I checked and does not produce corrupted images so:

* Updated at ME System Tools v7.1: Flash Image Tool from v7.1.10.1065 → v7.1.11.1069

WARNING: FITC v7.1.20.x & v7.1.30.x build corrupted images! Replaced with v7.1.11.x instead.