Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) Version Beta
Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.0.1002 Beta for Win7-10 dated 03/24/2017
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.7.0.1002 Beta dated 04/12/2017
- The above mentioned drivers are digitally signed by Intel and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets, 200-Series Chipsets and other Systems with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake CPU are natively supported by these drivers.
- Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.1.1011 Beta for Win7-10 dated 05/31/2017
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.7.1.1011 Beta dated 06/09/2017
- The above mentioned drivers are digitally signed by Intel and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets, 200-Series Chipsets and other Systems with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake CPU are natively supported by these drivers.
- Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Update of the start post
- new: 64bit Intel RSTe drivers v5.1.0.1098 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 04/20/2017
- new: 64bit Intel RSTe drivers v5.1.0.1098 WHQL for Win7 x64 dated 04/20/2017
- new: Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v5.1.0.1098 for Win7-10 dated 04/27/2017
- The packages contain the Intel RSTe AHCI and sAHCI drivers v5.1.0.1098 dated 04/20/2017. They are WHQL certified by MS and only suitable for Intel C600/C600+/C220/C220+ Series Chipset AHCI/sAHCI systems like X79 and X99. All Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up to Win10 are supported.
- Unfortunately I was not able to extract the 32bit drivers from the Installer package.
- Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Hi Fernando,
Just updated to Kaby Lake 7700K
So with the 960 M.2 you say that AHCI/RAID Drivers v15.2.16.1060 WHQL is the best so far?
I use now v5.1.0.1098 WHQL for my PC W10 64-bit ASUS X99 (AHCI mode, Controller 2). No problem, perfect.
Where did I say this and what lets you think, that this statement is valid for your specific system?
All Intel RST(e) drivers are natively SATA drivers and normally do not support NVMe Controllers, which are M.2 or PCIe connected (only exception: Modern Intel Chipset SATA RAID Controllers may additionally support NVMe SSDs running in RAID mode).
By the way: How did you configure your NVMe SSD? Did you create a RAID array by using the BIOS own Intel RST UEFI Utility?
Hi Fernando,
I’m sorry my bad. I feel like a NOOB. Well, in this case I actually am
I’ve been pretty busy and getting a bit old for school. You’re right, normally NVMe doesn’t need a driver and even less a sata driver. M.2 is a new dog for me and no, I did not setup a raid array.
So my question should have been is v15.2.16.1060 WHQL good driver for my 840 pro on my Z270A?
Do you have any suggestions for the 860 Pro NVMe?
Thanks for your input.
@Zardoc :
Your questions have nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You should have posted them >here< (regarding the “best” Intel AHCI driver) resp. >here< (regarding the “best” NVMe driver).
You can find my answer within the start post of >this< thread.
By the way: Why don’t you test it yourself? I don’t have an Intel 200-Series Chipset system.
I don’t know such SSD. Do you mean the Samsung 960 Pro SSD?
Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.0.1014 WHQL for Win7-10 dated 06/06/2017
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.7.0.1014 WHQL dated 06/09/2017
- The above mentioned drivers are WHQL certified and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets, 200-Series Chipsets, X299 Chipsets and other Systems with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake CPU are natively supported by these drivers.
- Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
@Zardoc :
Thanks for having published your benchmark results while running the latest Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.7.0.1014.
By the way: A similar test with the same driver and SSD model has been done and published by me a few hours before (look >here<).
Yesterday I have tested and compared the performance of the following AHCI drivers with my Z170 system running a fresh installed Win10 x64 v1703 in AHCI mode on my 512 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD:
1. Win10 v1703 in-box MS STORAHCI driver
2. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v13.2.8.1002
3. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v14.8.16.1063
4. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.2.16.1060
5. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.5.2.1054
6. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.7.0.1014
You can find the results within the start post of >this< thread.
Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.1.1015 for Win7-10 dated 06/12/2017
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.7.1.1015 dated 06/14/2017
- The above mentioned drivers are digitally signed by Intel and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets, 200-Series Chipsets, X299 Chipsets and other Systems with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake CPU are natively supported by these drivers.
- Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Anyone else having problems with RST WHQL driver?
I get random freezing under more heavier disk load on a clean install of Win 10 1703 x64 on my Asrock Z270 Taichi,
tried with different EFI RaidDrivers both 15.5 & 15.7, but it makes no difference, the Beta drivers works problem free also WHQL.
No, not yet, i have an important job that involves my computer for the next few days, but i will test after that.
The reason i wanted the WHQL is that i like to integrate the latest drivers into the Windows ISO right before doing a clean install.
If you have set the Intel SATA Controller to “RAID” mode, I recommend to use the Intel RST(e) RAID driver v15.5.2.1054 WHQL instead. According to my own test results with an Intel Z170 Chipset system the Intel RST(e) drivers from the v15.5 series are much better performant than the v15.7 series ones (look >here<).
Yes, i am using RAID 0, i haven’t benchmarked in quite some time now, so i will go by your benchmarks at this time
And that’s good because i have the 15.5 driver installed, so i will just leave it as it is, thanks.
Update of the start post
- now WHQL certified: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.1.1015 WHQL for Win7-10 dated 06/12/2017
- now WHQL certified: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.7.1.1015 WHQL dated 06/20/2017
- The above mentioned drivers are WHQL certified and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets, 200-Series Chipsets, X299 Chipsets and other Systems with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake CPU are natively supported by these drivers.
- Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source package.
Good luck with these new drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)