Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

@Fernando ,
I am surprise to discover the existence of Intel RAID controller v15.44.0.1010 driver version just after applied the last W10 RS4 cumulative update.
Is it normal ?
On this “Intel RST/RSTe Drivers” subforum I don’t see this version listed. Is it a special Intel RAID controller driver installed by default ?


@100PIER :
The Intel RST RAID driver v15.44.0.1010 is the in-box driver of Win10 v1803. It is not listed within the start post of this thread, because
a) it is not digitally signed at all (no *.cat file available) and
b) it doesn’t support the AHCI mode (no iaAHCIC.inf file available).
After having created the missing iaAHCIC.inf file myself, added the *.cat file entries to the iastorAC.inf and given the drivers a Win-RAID CA signature, I was able to test the performance of this interesting Intel RST driver in AHCI and RAID mode with my Z68 and Z170 systems.
You can find my test results within the 2 start posts of >this< thread.

Thanks, reading the 2 start posts you refer I learn there are too much Intel divers variants to handle the Intel storage chip. I am sure the ‘standard’ user is lost… and your recommended version is very helpful.
The lesson is it to the user to valid the optimal choice for its ‘own’ platform (if he does want the optimal performance).

Update of the start post

  • new: 32bit Intel RST driver v16.5.1.1030 for Win8-10 dated 06/12/2018 (digitally signed by Intel)
  • new: 64bit Intel RST driver v16.5.1.1030 WHQL for Win8-10 dated 06/12/2018
  • new: Intel RST Drivers & Software Set v16.5.1.1030 WHQL for Win8-10 dated 07/19/2018

Only Intel chipsets from 100-Series up and X299 are natively supported by these drivers.
Nevertheless this is what Intel has written into their attached Release_Notes:

Intel RST drivers v16.5.1030.png

Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello Fernando,

have here a new Intel NUC unit with VEN_8086&DEV_31E3 device. It’s a June Canyon (Celeron Gemini Lake) set and I cannot find anywhere RST drivers for it.
Do you have any advice for me?


Hello again,

I Need advice for a new Server 2016 Intel Xeon machine I just built. I used a old Asus P5B Deluxe (LGA755 converted to LGA771) and it has a ICH8R IRST chipset. I used TWO SSD’s in RAID for the OS install since I plan on using it for a Plex media server and I wanted the artwork and databases etc to be at their best performance. Everything is already up and running.

However, @Fernando says that it is extra dangerous to downgrade raid drivers from 11.5up down to Classical. Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft automatically install IRST v13.2.0.1022 (iaStorAV.sys).

Should I stick to what Microsoft Server installs (13.2), or should I downgrade to the Classical drivers? If the classical is better then why would Microsoft think otherwise?

EDIT: I also noticed that it is “iaStorAV.sys” not iaStorA.sys. Is iaStorAV.sys a special driver for older ICH on newer OS’s?
Device ID is PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2822&SUBSYS_81EC1043&REV_02

@SkOrPn :
If I were you, I would remove the in-box Intel RAID driver v13.2.0.1022 from the W2k16 image and insert the “classical” Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL according to >this< guide.

Because Microsoft thinks (as others as well), that newer is better.
By the way: It is the Company Intel and not Microsoft, which has built and offered newer in-box Intel RAID drivers.

No, that is the name of the OS in-box Intel RAID driver for all Intel chipsets from ICH8R up.

OK thanks @Fernando

So you think it is too risky to downgrade the drivers via Device Manager?

Keep in mind, that the Intel RAID driver will manage your system drive and has access to the bootsector.

Update of the start post

  • new: 64bit Intel RSTe AHCI & RAID drivers v5.4.9.1004 WHQL for Win8-10 dated 07/10/2018
  • new: Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v5.4.9.1004 for Win7-10 dated 07/23/2018

  1. The package contains the Intel RSTe SATA AHCI and SATA/sSATA RAID drivers v5.4.9.1004 WHQL dated 07/10/2018 (for Win8-10) resp. v5.4.0.1462 WHQL dated 02/28/2018 (for Win7) and the Intel RSTe Software v5.4.9.1004 dated 07/23/2018. It is suitable for Intel C600/C600+/C220/C220+ Series Chipset systems like X79, X99 and X299 running in RSTe mode. All Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up to Win10 are supported.
  2. There are no 32bit Intel RSTe drivers v5.4.9.1004/v5.4.0.1462 available. 32bit Operating Systems are obviously not supported by this Drivers & Software Set.
  3. Thanks to our Forum member westlake for the source package.

Good luck with these new Intel RSTe drivers resp. the new Drivers & Software Set!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello, Fernando.
I have x299 ASUS motherboard.
I have already read previous pages but couldn’t find an exact answer.
What driver should I use: latest IRST v16* or IRSTe v5*?
Thank you.

PS I am using 960Pro NVME + WD sata HDD non-raid mode on WIndows 10 1803.

@Captain_Claw :
Welcome to the Wn-RAID Forum!

This question should be answered by someone, who has an Intel x299 chipset mainboard and did some tests with different Intel RST/RSTe drivers.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

And one more question.
In the first post 16.0* are named as RST without “e” then 16.3 with “e” and then 16.5 again without “e”.
Is it a mistake or true that 16.5 comes without “enhanced”?

I have found that "They do not contain an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys and do not support older Windows Operating systems up to Win7."
That’s strange…

@Captain_Claw :
Contrary to the “classical” Intel RST drivers (latest version: v1.2.0.1006), all later released Intel RST drivers up to the v15 platform ones contain an additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys (like the v3/v4/v5 platform “Enterprise Edition” RSTe drivers for C600/C600+ Series chipsets). That is why I named them RST(e) drivers.
Since the v16 platform Intel RST drivers do not contain any SCSI filter driver (disadvantage: older Windows Operating Systems up to Win7 are not supported), I named them “RST” drivers.

It was a typo, which has been been meanwhile corrected by me.

It is only one disadvantage?
What this driver do?

@Captain_Claw :
The SCSI Filter driver is only important for SSDs. It is required for older Windows Operating Systems to let the TRIM/Unmap command pass through the Intel SATA Controller.
The latest Windows Operating Systems from Win8 up natively do support the Unmap command and don’t need an additinal SCSi Filter driver.

Fernando, hi there.

Are you aware of "Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) Command Line Interface (CLI)"…e-Interface-CLI
There are versions down to 12.8 (assuming it should comply with the version of drivers).

@mbk1969 :
Thanks for the info regarding the “Intel RST Command Line Interface”.
No, I don’t have any own experience with this technology.
Have you tried it? Who will benefit from the CLI?

As I take it this command line utility provides the same functionality as RST GUI console - RAID things and stuff. I found saved help for this CLI (but don`t know which version):



Create Options:
| Flag | Name |
| -C | --create |
| -E | --create-from-existing |
| -l | --level |
| -n | --name |
| -s | --stripe-size |
| -z | --size |
| | --rrt |
| | --rrtMaster |
| | --rrtUpdate |

Create Usage:
Creates a new volume and array or creates a new volume on an existing array.
–create --level x --name string
diskId {[diskId]}

Create Examples:
-C -l 1 -n Volume 0-1-0-0 0-2-0-0
–create -l 0 -z 5 --name RAID0Volume 0-3-0-0 0-4-0-0 0-5-0-0
-C -l 1 -E 0-1-0-0 -n VolumeWithData 0-2-0-0
-C --rrt -n RRTVolume 0-1-0-0 0-2-0-0 --rrtMaster 0-1-0-0
-C --rrt -n RRTVolume 0-1-0-0 0-2-0-0 --rrtUpdate Continuous
–create --help

Information Options:
| Flag | Name |
| -I | --information |
| -a | --array |
| -c | --controller |
| -d | --disk |
| -v | --volume |
| | --comma |

Information Usage:
Displays disk, volume, array, and controller information.
–information --controller|–array|–disk|–volume

Information Examples:
-I -v Volume
-I -d 0-5-0-0
-I --comma
-I -v --comma
-I -d 0-2-0-0 --comma
–information --array Array_0000
–information --help

Manage Options:
| Flag | Name |
| -M | --manage |
| -x | --cancel-verify |
| -D | --delete |
| -p | --verify-repair |
| -f | --normal-volume |
| -F | --normal |
| -i | --initialize |
| -L | --locate |
| -T | --delete-metadata |
| -N | --not-spare |
| -P | --volume-cache-policy |
| -R | --rebuild |
| -S | --spare |
| -t | --target |
| -U | --verify |
| -w | --write-cache |

Manage Usage:
Manages arrays, volumes and disks present in the storage system.
–manage --cancel-verify volumeName
–manage --delete volumeName
–manage --verify-repair volumeName
–manage --normal-volume volumeName
–manage --normal diskId
–manage --initialize volumeName
–manage --locate diskId
–manage --delete-metadata diskId
–manage --not-spare diskId
–manage --volume-cache-policy off|wb --volume volumeName
–manage --rebuild volumeName --target diskId
–manage --spare diskId
–manage --verify volumeName
–manage --write-cache true|false --array arrayName

Manage Examples:
–manage --spare 0-3-0-0
-M -D VolumeDelete
-M --normal 0-2-0-0
–manage -w true -array Array_0000
-M -U VolumeVerify
–manage --help

Modify Options:
| Flag | Name |
| -m | --modify |
| -A | --Add |
| -X | --expand |
| -l | --level |
| -n | --name |
| -s | --stripe-size|
| -v | --volume |

Modify Usage:
Modifies an existing volume or array.
–modify --volume VolumeName --add diskId {[diskId]}
–modify --volume VolumeName --expand
–modify --volume VolumeName --level L }

–modify --volume VolumeName --name n

Modify Examples:
-m -v Volume_0000 -A 0-3-0-0 0-4-0-0
-m --volume ModifyVolume --level 5
–modify -v Volume -n RenameVolume
–modify --help

Accelerate Options:
| Flag | Name |
| | --createCache |
| | --setAccelConfig |
| | --disassociate |
| | --reset-to-available |
| | --accel-info |
| | --cache-size |
| | --disk-to-accel |
| | --volume-to-accel |
| | --mode |
| | --cache-volume |
| | --loadCache |
| | --stats |

Accelerate Usage:
Accelerates a given disk or volume with the specified SSD disk.
–accelerate --createCache|–setAccelConfig|–disassociate|
–accelerate --createCache --SSD
–accelerate --setAccelConfig --disk-to-accel |
–volume-to-accel --mode enhanced | maximized | off
–accelerate --disassociate --cache-volume
–accelerate --reset-to-available --cache-volume
–accelerate --accel-info
–accelerate --loadCache --recurse
–accelerate --stats

Accelerate Examples:
–accelerate --createCache --SSD 0-3-0-0 --cache-size 30
–accelerate --setAccelConfig --disk-to-accel 0-5-0-0 --mode enhanced
–accelerate --setAccelConfig --volume-to-accel MyVolume --mode maximized
–accelerate --disassociate --cache-volume Cache_Volume
–accelerate --reset-to-available --cache-volume Cache_Volume
–accelerate --accel-info
–accelerate --loadCache “C:*” --recurse
–accelerate --loadCache “C:\Windows*” --recurse -q
–accelerate --stats
–accelerate --help


-A <<host>—>, --add <<host>—>
Adds new disks to an existing volume.

-a, --array
Lists information about the arrays in the storage system.

Lists information about Accelerate settings.

Accelerates a given disk or volume with the specified SSD disk.

-C, --create
Creates a new volume and array or creates a new volume on an existing

-c, --controller
Lists information about the controllers in the storage system.

Sets a size in gigabytes for the cache memory. This is an optional
switch. If the size is not specified, the complete size of the SSD
will be used for acceleration.

Specifies a name for the volume used as cache.

Creates the cache.

-D , --delete
Deletes the specified volume.

-d, --disk
Lists information about the disks in the storage system.

Disassociates the Cache volume from acceleration

–disk-to-accel <<host>—>
Specifies a disk if accelerating a pass-through disk.

Enable/Disable Dynamic Storage Accelerator.

-E <<host>—>, --create-from-existing
Identifies the disk if data is to be migrated from one of the disks.
Disk identifier is SCSI address.

-F <<host>—>, --normal
Resets failed or SMART event disk to normal.

-f , --normal-volume
Resets failed RAID 0 volume to normal and recovers data.

-h, --help
Displays help documentation for command line utility modes, options,
usage, examples, and return codes. When used with a mode switch
(create, information, mange, modify, or accelerate), instructions for
that mode display. For example, --create --help displays Create option

-I, --information
Displays disk, volume, array, and controller information.

-i , --initialize
Initializes the redundant data on a RAID 1, 5 or 10 volume.

-L <<host>—>, --locate
Locates device and blinks the LED.

-l <0, 1, 5, 10>, --level <0, 1, 5, 10>
Changes the Raid type of an existing volume. Options are migrations
from RAID 1 to RAID 0 or 5, RAID 0 to RAID 5, and RAID 10 to RAID 5.

Loads content into the NV cache. Does support wildcards "

-M, --manage
Manages arrays, volumes and disks present in the storage system.

-m, --modify
Modifies an existing volume or array.

Specifies Accelerate mode as Enhanced or Maximized.

-N <<host>—>, --not-spare
Resets a spare disk to available.

-n , --name
Specifies a name for the volume created. Renames an existing volume in
Modify mode.

-P , --volume-cache-policy
Sets volume cache policy to either off or wb.

-p , --verify-repair
Verifies and repairs the volume.

-q, --quiet
Suppresses output for create, modify, and manage modes. Not valid on
info mode.

-R , --rebuild
Rebuilds the degraded volume.

-r, --rescan
Forces the system to rescan for hardware changes.

To directory recurse When loading content into the NV cache.

Resets the cache volume to available.

Creates a recovery volume using Intel(R) Rapid Recovery Technology

–rrtMaster <<host>—>
Optionally creates a recovery volume that allows you to select a
specific disk as the master disk. Default is the first disk in the
disk list.

Specifies a data update setting when creating a recovery volume as
Continuous or OnRequest. Default is Continuous.

-S <<host>—>, --spare <<host>—>
Marks a disk as a spare.

–SSD <<host>—>
Specifies SSD disk that will be used as cache. If another SSD is being
used as cache, then that volume needs to be deleted to use a new SSD

-s , --stripe-size
Sets a stripe size in kilobytes (2^10 bytes) for a volume. Valid when
creating or changing the type of a volume and for RAID 0, RAID 5 and
RAID 10. Options are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 KB.

Sets the config for accelerating a volume or disk.

Provides statistical information about the NV cache.

-T <<host>—>, --delete-metadata
Deletes the metadata from the specified disk.

-t <<host>—>, --target
Indicates the pass-through disk to be used for rebuilding a degraded

-U , --verify
Verifies data on the volume.

-u , --unlock
Unlocks a disk.

-V, --version
Displays version information.

-v, --volume
Lists information about the volumes on the system. Stipulates the
volume to act on when used in Modify or Manage mode.

Specifies a name of the volume to be accelerated.

-w , --write-cache
Enables or disables write cache for all disks that are part of an

-X, --expand
Expands a volume to consume all available space in an array.

-x , --cancel-verify
Cancels a verify operation in progress.

-z , --size
Sets a size in gigabytes. This is an optional switch. If the size is
not specified or specified to 0, then the maximum size available will
be used.

PS And in this forum guy provided a crack for letting CLI 13.2 to work with later RST versions

PPS Just in case “CLI” (Command Line Interface) - is just a steady term for console (command line) apps, in the style of “GUI” - Graphical User Interface.

@mbk1969 :
JFYI: Intel has added the attached “Command Line Interface” files v5.5.0.1138 dated 05/25/2018 to their recently released Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v5.4.9.1004.

RSTe_5.5.0.1138_CLI.rar (1.16 MB)