legion y520 help bios moding isydeh20 ver 5 bios.

Show me CPU-z motherboard tab. It may be best, if you want more memory performance, to buy a kit of 2400 or 2666 with best low timings you can afford, this cheap kit with no XMP and default loose timings is not a good performer if you are wanting better memory performance.


@Lost_N_BIOS can you please tell me what to change here to do bclk oc?
i only adjusted the core voltage(undervolt) before in throttlestop that is showing here


here is the motherboard tab @Lost_N_BIOS
I will probably buy the ram next year, but for now as the settings are applying oddly, i feel that we should give it one more shot adn increase the frequency a bit, because i really want to max them out. i am willing to take a little bit risk thats why lets first try a bit more than 2800 like 2850, then we can slowly go up ā€¦please

You need XTU enabled BIOS first, then maybe Bclk will show up. I have to send you vars for that, which one do you want me to edit, and do you want HPET disabled in that same one too?
Chipset is HM175, I canā€™t find any documentation that says limit for your CPU or chipset, other than standard Intel info which we know is not correct (ie 2400)

We cannot go above 2800, already tried x 2 different multipliers (ie = speed attempted >> 34xx and 2926 remember)

More speed is not better anyway, especially if you canā€™t lower the timings, itā€™s actually worse in many aspects. I bet you see better benchmarks with 2400 or 2666 and lower timings, vs 2800 C19

yes please edit this one varsM2Proper2926New also disable hpet thanks

@Lost_N_BIOS but the ram latency is lower in 2800 C19 than either one else. Is this not all? am i missing upon some aspect?

No, 2400 C17 may beat 2800 C19, that was my point. But only you can benchmark on your system and see which performs best.
Please use edit if you need to add more info and no one replied yet, thanks!


ok i am benchmarking with passmark, also what do you mean by no one replied yet? i didnt understand that

ok so after flashing xtu enabled vars i got this, i dont think any bclk option is available?


is there?


I cant understand what is in the bios settings can you please tell me that are there any cpu and gpu related settings which help it perform better? thanks also i found this line does this mean bclk can be changed/


i have attached the image it is a thin strip so maybe it is not visible clearlyā€¦

Ok so I benchmarked and 2800 c19 got more score so I would like to request you once again that can you think of some way to bring the timings downā€¦please even 2800 c18 would work please think of some way ā€¦ thanks

Doesnā€™t look like you read my comment about using edit button if you want to add more info and no one has replied yetā€¦ Did you miss that?
Ohh, I see, you didnā€™tā€™ understand. I mean, stop making multiple posts in a row, when I or someone else has not replied yet. Use the edit button and update your post, instead of making multiple posts in a row, thanks

Nope, no Bclk options, and no new changes with XTU enabled either

No on Bclk, that is just the line entry for where you see txt shown in BIOS of current Bclk, itā€™s not a setting. We canā€™t do anything more with your memory, we tested it all yesterday, so we know results of all things possible to try.

BIOS settings are in plain text in that file I sent you, scroll them slowly and you can see all options we can possibly change.

Oh okay sorry for that, but I just had a thougth that can we reduce cl timings while staying on 2400 itself, my logic is that maybe laptop doesnā€™t let us reduce timings because we are already at higher clock and we also didnnt try for 2400 with lower timingsā€¦shall we try pleaseā€¦ Also is there any gpu and cpu related stuff regarding performance in the Biosā€¦please tell Thanks

We cannot change memory timings, sorry. Speed we tried previously does not matter in regards to this, if changes would apply they would apply no matter the speed.

Oh okay so then can you tell me about the gpu and cpu settings i asked you for in the Bios like i want max performance out of my laptop so i am asking againā€¦ please
btw i have this set multiplier option in throttle stop, can you tell me what it does-

set multi.PNG

it does work as i can click the buttons, they are not greyed out

I canā€™t advise you about performance, youā€™ll have to look in google and whatever option you are looking at
Throttlestop is your CPU multiplier it looks like, you can lower it from stock but not raise.

ok thanks a lot for your time, patience and support maybe just can you explain me again where to find the settings names in the file you sent me. thanks
also can you tell me how you edit the vars so that i may edit themselves instead of disturbing youā€¦thanks
Edit- https://www.amazon.in/Kingston-Technologā€¦+lapotp+&sr=8-2
It is 2666- cl 15 ram if I buy this how much performance boost in terms of fps can I get in games ā€¦ thanks because they cost 106 usd I canā€™t just buy them without thinking about performance gain from current 2800 cl 19 ram thanks(please tell that would the overall performance gain be noticeable?)
My processor is i7 7700hq because I heard that some processors prefer more speed, some lesser timings. Also the ram has xmp . Please tell if the difference in performance will be noticeable while using the laptop or not. Also please tell whether it would improve frames like 10-20 in fortnit. Thanks alot

Also can you list some features that we get when we unlock the Bios, because the procedure looks a bit difficult to me , can we get bclk overclock also? Maily please tell me performance and oc related settings . Maybe Iā€™ll be back here next year.

The entire file I sent you is settings, for all the different sections of the BIOS (hidden and visible). All you do is scroll through it and you will see the settings one by one as they are shown in the BIOS (except where hidden from you)
Vars editing is kinda of complicated, especially if you cannot even read the settings in that file I sent you. You have to also know how to use hex editor and count in hex so you get the edits applied correctly.
If you really want me to try and explain to you I can, itā€™s not hard, but it can be dangerous if you donā€™t do things correctly.

I donā€™t know how much better 2666C15 is that C18 (what you get now with 2666, right?) Itā€™s better, but I canā€™t tell you for sure by how much. And, you also donā€™t know if thatā€™s 15-15-15, or 15-17-17 etc (if the latter, thatā€™s not as good as straight 15ā€™s).
I assume itā€™s 15-15-15 but you never know unless it shows full timings there or in specs/PDF at Kingston site. What do you find in 2400 at your ideal price point, anything C12-C14

Nothing here is going to give you 10-20FPS in a game, only a better graphics card would do that, or a massive overclock which you canā€™t do. No, unlocked BIOS does not give you Bclk settings, your BIOS does not contain such.
All you get with unlocked BIOS is Advanced and Power tab/section, settings contained there you can see in the txt file I sent you.

Edit - Did you check to see if your memory SPD is write-protected on chip, with the vars I sent you to disable SPD Write Protect Disable?
Since you have cheaper brand memory kit, they may not have locked it! Then, if not, you can purchase Taiphoon burner paid version and we can edit SPD default speeds/timings, and or add in an XMP profile or two
If you test, remove one stick of memory first!! And you need to write in this vars before you test >> vars-SPDWriteDisableFalse
Then - http://softnology.biz/tips_wptest.html

@Lost_N_BIOS Hi thanks a lot for the reply, can you apply spd write disabled = false in the 2962 one vars, and can you help me with writing with free version of thaiphoon burner in spd? Please once read the tb article I sent you I think that that person had found a way, there is an article below too that explains how to use his utility to flash to spd, thanks
Also vars editing looks difficult
Edit- I didnā€™t understand your edit please explain
Where do I need to write in the vars?

Just test with the file I sent you, you donā€™t want that always disabled anyway. You cannot write to DDR4 with free version of Taiphoon burner, only the paid one. The only thing you can do with it is inspect or edit profiles, or test what I mentioned (info linked again in edit on previous reply)
The article is old, and what heā€™s talking applies to DDR3 only, you cannot write to DDR4 with this without paid version

Sorry, youā€™ll have to explain what you donā€™t understand? You donā€™t write anything in vars, you flash it in, then test as outlined at the linked article

as you are saying that with his utility we can only write to ddr3 ram and i am not going to buy paid version haha so no use right? ill just probvably unlock the bios next yeear thanks
@Lost_N_BIOS just please link me again with the vars for spdwrite protection disabled please thanks a lot
OK I found the writeprotectiondisabled vars and after flashing it writeprotection was disabled in tb!
also i created xmp profile in .bin format, now i only need to flash it can you please help me to do it without buying tbā€¦please you know about my dad please brother!

No, Iā€™m saying for DDR4 you can only write to memory with the paid version of Taiphoon burner. For DDR3 there is many ways you can program memory, via RWEverything, SPDTool, or leaked versions of the older Taiphoon burner paid edition.
See post #113 for SPD Write Disable = False - legion y520 help bios moding isydeh20 ver 5 bios. (8)

Show me your test check results image. XMP in .bin format is not needed for anything here.
I canā€™t help you to write for DDR4, unless you buy the paid version of taiphoon burner, if you do then I can help you edit your SPD and add XMP to it etc.

do you have paid version of tb, if yes please help me by letting me use it for one dayā€¦please