No, sorry I don’t have, and if I did I would let you know, but I don’t have it
You can try RWEverything and see if you can read out SPD to file, now that you have SPD Write Disable = False, that may be possible with DDR4, I am not 100% sure.
I have never used this method, so I can’t help, you’ll have to go by what’s described in that guide. If you can read, and Taiphoon burner shows all unlocked, then you can probably write too (Still waiting to see your Taiphoon burner test image)
then ill wait till next year to get the bios unlocked!
btw what is nvram? and cant we make laptop read from there…is there anyway ?
edit- i have uploaded .em4 format…iew?usp=sharing
how do i read from rweverthing?
edit i tried and i was able to read from here
also i saved it to file…iew?usp=sharing
@Lost_N_BIOS but write option comes up after i edit somethiung! yes i see hope !
please tell fassst i am excited again
here is the test image! -
NVRAM/VSS is what we edit when we discuss/edit "vars"
Please show me your test result image from Taiphoon burner. Sorry, I can’t help with RWeverything, as mentioned you’ll have to go by what’s in that guide.
Do you have writeprotectiondisabled vars flashed in? Are you using latest RWE? -
If yes, show me taiphoon burner image, if it shows not protected for everything, and you can’t write with RWE, then you need paid Taiphoon Burner version, OR additional BIOS mod mentioned at following link, and this mdo is only possible with flash programmer/ie I would do at same time as BIOS menu unlock -
Stop! Remove one stick of memory now, before you mess up both, in case something goes wrong! I will check out your dump, edit and send back to you
Did you see my edit? Also what guide are you referring to for rweveything also it is in hex I think I won’t be able to understand it! Yes I am using latest versiom also please tell for how many hours from now are you online?
I can’t remove the ram(you know) the xmp profile I created has 2666 cl17 I don’t think it will cause any problem. The dump is only for a0dimm
Also can we not write xmp to spd region so that we can not harm the spd itself?
Send me your SPD dumped from Taiphoon, not converted to bin
Why can you not remove one stick of memory? You usually do not need to take it apart, usually there is a small panel to open in back to add/remove memory.
That is RSWP protected, you need something like this, or possibly Taiphoon burner will write to it (paid version), I doubt RWE can write there…s-m3053544.aspx
XMP Profile you created??? Please send me untouched dump, from Taiphoon burner, so I can see what you need to edit (one byte), so you can see if RWE will write to your memory, or is blocked, or will write and break it.
Save as THP or .bin (within the Taiphoon burner save as menu) << as I mentioned, you do not need to “Convert” anything to bin, you can save directly to .bin with taiphoon buner. Anyway, send me clean read with no changes by you, dumped in THP format…iew?usp=sharing i read spd at 50h and saved to file @Lost_N_BIOS
should i do for 52h also ? also cant we overcome rswp anyother way if rweverything fails?
edit - here is 52h one also…iew?usp=sharing
also isnt it possible to write at only one stick at a time as there are 2 spds, maybe for 2 different sticks we can try for one first…
no i have to take all apart…there is only one cover!
If RWE fails to write, then you can only use paid taiphoon burner, or what I linked above.
Yes, you can “try” and “hope” it only writes to one stick at a time Here is edit info, removing possibility of C18 or C19 to be loaded
Stock >> 10T, 11T, 12T, 13T, 14T, 15T, 16T, 17T, 18T, 19T, 20T, 21T, 22T, 23T
Edit >>
Change byte 14h = F8 >> Change to >> 80
Change byte 15h = FF >> Change to >> 07
Change byte 16H = 01 >> Change to >> 00
Makes only the following possible >> C14, C15, C16, C17
Change byte 15h = FF >> Change to >> 07
Change byte 16H = 01 >> Change to >> 00
Makes only the following possible >> 10T, 11T, 12T, 13T, C14, C15, C16, C17
Please wait! I need to tell you how to correct checksum first too!
* Edit - Sorry, I cannot figure this one out! You will have to purchase Tiaphoon burner if you want to go this route, it has checksum correction function, sorry I tried to sort it out but can’t
@Lost_N_BIOS please tell me how to locate these bytes i have no idea. also please tell me till when will you stay online also what change will it have on the speed and cl also what is difference between 10t and cl14 like between numbers with t , are they other form to express latency? also please tell what will these changes do like what frequency and what cl?
@intello - see my edit above. The bytes are located in the RWE readout you did, or any dump you make. It’s edited with hex editor at the location mentioned in a dump, or at the same location in a RWE readout, but due to the checksum issue you can’t move forward this way or memory will brick
CL10 or 10T = Same thing, said differently, it’s all CAS Latency. This is all only about changing CAS Latency.
no problem @Lost_N_BIOS ill get back to you next year to get my bios modded! till then all the best and thanks a lot! ill run with 2800 cl19 till then!
bye , do remember me ! Anyways if you happen to fix the checksum issue then please post ill try it too!
also can you explain what is checksum and what was the problem it was causing, also do you know some great guy just like you who can help me out with ocing the ram this way…or anyone who is willing to share his paid version of TB with me for one day…
Edit- I tried talking to guys at Bios-mods but they are of no use, mrdudu there is not helping at all. Ok now can you please link me a guide how to use the programmer and where to buy it with its name. I will surely use this method next year thanks!
Also I have attached the image of my laptop when I opened it up once please see and tell where is the Bios chip.…ew?usp=drivesdk
Will these work -…ASABEgKiTfD_BwE Ch341a soic8 sop8
Edit 2 - brother can you please try with someother multipliers to take the memory above 2800mhz to maybe 2933, please if 2800 is the limit it anyways won’t go above that so there would be no harm to the system. With the multiplier you used with 34xx speed vars , it went till 2666 . The multiplier in 2962 one made it go it 2800 , so there must be some multiplier which makes it go to 2933 . Please let’s give this one last shot before I give up. Please brother. Also can we not change fsb:dram ratio to get higher clocks ? Or is it the thing you were changing all this time? If yes then also let’s try for 2933 as it would not harm the Ram and get my adamancy(if that’s a word) satisfied!
Editing so many times because earlier in the morning I lost hope but then after a quick nap I was back at my adamant nature…haha
Edit 3 - can you make me one vars for 2600 also because I think that it takes cl19 timings for above 2666 frequencies so if we take some frequency just a bit lower than that we can get cl17. Timings with frequency like 2650 mhz…and the latency is lowest in it. Please try this also
@intello - Yeah, sorry we can’t do anymore. Yes, please find us next year when you can open system and use programmer, then we can unlock BIOS
SPD of memory chip contains 3 checksums, we need to fix one at least, possibly 2, if we edit what I showed you above. I cannot do the coding/algorithm that is used to create the proper checksum, so I cannot give you the corrected checksum values to put in for either edit.
Here is guide on how to use programmer - [GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer
Here is software package -…213094641136166
OMG, such a HUGE Image, and then TERRIBLE quality! Waste of bandwidth there, please never send me any images that large again, even if it’s in a zip!!
Sorry, I can’t tell for sure due to poor image quality, but “maybe” this is BIOS circled in red below
Yes, those items you linked are the correct things you need. But, maybe better price on ebay, not sure how much that is in USD? But same items on ebay, total for both, shipped from China slow method is less than $7 total.
Your memory options are only as follows
100 x 3-15
133 x 3-15
We can try 2600, but kinda pointless since you want more than 2800 as it is. It wont go to C17, probably C18
Here is two, one with QCLK Odd enabled, and one with Disabled, since I’m not sure which you need for 100x13 to work properly…487180209715591
If you want to edit yourself it’s easy! Search 72C5E28C-7783-43A1-8767-FAD73FCCAFA4 in vars, and you find this in two places (This search term only applies for settings that use “VarStore: 0x2”)
Then you use the settings (VarOffset/VarName): 0xF << This, to tell you which byte to edit.
Then you just change per below to what you want. If you still are not sure, look at your original vars, vs one of the above and you’ll then see what I set at the locations noted below for each block using ID 72C5E28C-7783-43A1-8767-FAD73FCCAFA4
Memory Reference Clock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xD, VarStore: 0x2, QuestionId: 0x15E, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x2, Step: 0x0 {05 91 1D 04 1E 04 5E 01 02 00 0D 00 10 10 00 02 00}
0x9C59B One Of Option: Auto, Value (8 bit): 0x0 {09 07 C6 0F 00 00 00}
0x9C5A2 One Of Option: 133, Value (8 bit): 0x1 (default) {09 07 20 04 30 00 01} << Set byte 0xD to whatever you want to use here 00 or 01
0x9C5A9 One Of Option: 100, Value (8 bit): 0x2 {09 07 1F 04 00 00 02}
0x9C5B2 One Of: Memory Ratio, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xF, VarStore: 0x2, QuestionId: 0x15F, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0xF, Step: 0x0 {05 91 21 04 22 04 5F 01 02 00 0F 00 10 10 00 0F 00}
0x9C5C3 One Of Option: Auto, Value (8 bit): 0x0 (default) {09 07 C6 0F 30 00 00}
0x9C5CA One Of Option: 3, Value (8 bit): 0x3 {09 07 1C 01 00 00 03}
0x9C5D1 One Of Option: 4, Value (8 bit): 0x4 {09 07 05 04 00 00 04}
0x9C5D8 One Of Option: 5, Value (8 bit): 0x5 {09 07 06 04 00 00 05}
0x9C5DF One Of Option: 6, Value (8 bit): 0x6 {09 07 07 04 00 00 06}
0x9C5E6 One Of Option: 7, Value (8 bit): 0x7 {09 07 08 04 00 00 07}
0x9C5ED One Of Option: 8, Value (8 bit): 0x8 {09 07 09 04 00 00 08}
0x9C5F4 One Of Option: 9, Value (8 bit): 0x9 {09 07 0A 04 00 00 09}
0x9C5FB One Of Option: 10, Value (8 bit): 0xA {09 07 0B 04 00 00 0A}
0x9C602 One Of Option: 11, Value (8 bit): 0xB {09 07 0C 04 00 00 0B}
0x9C609 One Of Option: 12, Value (8 bit): 0xC {09 07 0D 04 00 00 0C}
0x9C610 One Of Option: 13, Value (8 bit): 0xD {09 07 0E 04 00 00 0D}
0x9C617 One Of Option: 14, Value (8 bit): 0xE {09 07 0F 04 00 00 0E}
0x9C61E One Of Option: 15, Value (8 bit): 0xF {09 07 10 04 00 00 0F} << Pick any value, set it at byte 0xF, example, to set x14 multi at byte 0xF in vars (both locations) you set 0E
0x9C627 One Of: QCLK Odd Ratio, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x10, VarStore: 0x2, QuestionId: 0x160, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 23 04 24 04 60 01 02 00 10 00 10 10 00 01 00}
0x9C638 One Of Option: Disabled, Value (8 bit): 0x0 (default) {09 07 04 00 30 00 00} >> = set 00 at byte 0x10
0x9C63F One Of Option: Enabled, Value (8 bit): 0x1 {09 07 03 00 00 00 01} >> = set 01 at byte 0x10[/b]
hi thanks a lot for the clarification! @Lost_N_BIOS
as you mentioned the multipliers for my ram, cant we use 13311 which gives us 1463 and as it is ddr, we can try 2926(14632)?
also sorry for the image i took it with 64mp mode but forgot to focus properly!
and thanks for telling the method! ill try and understand it!
also i got better latency with the vars you sent now! thanks for that but i really wanna try the above mentioned multi
with the vars you sent i got 2700 cl18, can we go a bit closer to 2800 but without changing the cl to 19, like 2780 or 2790?
Yes, you can try any of those you want. I already sent you vars many times with 2926, remember
So what timings did you get with the 2600 I sent? Does both work for 2600 exact, or only one, and if only one what does the other one give you?
Wait! So, both I sent give you 2700? Not right!
What do these two give you, it’s same but with OC Enabled -…394516391145088
No, you can’t go closer to anything, only possible to use the multiplier options I mentioned above 100 or 133 x 3-15
We cannot control the CAS Latency, or any other timings
The no qclk one give 2600 and one with qclk does 2700 both with cl18 , I’ll try the latest ones you sent and tell in a few minutes . Please tell for how many hours are you online now…please also please make me vars for the frequency I told you i cant understand how to edit them myself. Thanks
Interesting, thanks! I’ve already made you many with 2926 set, max memory speed for your CPU or chipset is 2800
I am only online for maybe 1-2 more hours
@Lost_N_BIOS so with the oc enabled ones i get
2700 cl19 with qclk rnabled
and 2600 cl18 with no qclk
Can you make me one with a bit higher frequency than that maybe 3100? please please it would not harm the laptop anyways please brother it would satisfy my doubt and then i will be patient! please
So OC Enabled makes it worse Best to stick with 2700 CL18 then
No, there is no “A little bit higher” anything, and no, you cannot go above 2800
You can only use the multipliers above 100 or 133 x 3-15, there is no 100 or 133 x 9.25 etc.
but please make one for a bit higher than 2926 please please @Lost_N_BIOS
maybe 10015 please
or 13312 please
See my edit above. I’m not going to answer you about that again, your max memory speed for this CPU and or chipset is 2800, if you want more than that you need a newer system, it’s that simple
You can’t even do 2926, so what makes you think higher than that will work Please think about what you are saying, over and over again, and again. We’ve covered this already, many times!
The first vars edit I sent you for memory was mistakenly 3400 speed, didn’t work of course, because 2800 is the limit
ok but last question , when the bios gets unlocked then too will it be 2800? only timings could be changed also can you explain me again how to do editing of these vars and also tell me some links where i can learn this like vars edtiting only! specifically to edit ram settings! @Lost_N_BIOS
the fisrt one you sent made it go to 2666 not 2800 - this is the only reason that i am doubtfull had it gone to 2800 with 3400 also then i would not have even asked you further!