Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

This message indicates, that the driver architecture (32/64bit) of the integrated Intel textmode driver didn’t match the architecture of the OS.
Please check that. Maybe you have integrated by mistake the 64bit driver.
By the way: The 32bit iaStor.sys of the v11.2.0.1006 driver has a size of 461 KB, whereas the 64bit variant is much bigger (556 KB).

I confirmed correct driver used based on file size. I then re-tested using your 08/23/2014 refresh. Setup failed with the message, “The file iaStor.sys is corrupted.”

@ all users of my modded drivers:

Upon request I have modified today the 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v13.2.4.1000 to make them usable with other, originally not supported Intel SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers from ICH7R/M up.
Interesting find: After having done some experiments using the tool Resource Hacker, I was able at least to extract the 32/64bit Intel RST Software v13.2.4.1000 from the SetupRST.exe file (= installer of the complete package).
After having done that, I tested my new modded drivers and software packages with my originally not supported HM76 chipset Notebook running Win8.1 x64 in AHCI mode:

  1. As first step I disabled the Win8/8.1 own “Driver Signature Enforcement” according the short guide I have added into the start post.
  2. Then I forced the manual installation of the freshly modded Intel RST(e) driver v13.2.4.1000 by hitting the “Have Disk” button (previously running AHCI driver was v12.9.4.1000).
  3. After the reboot I executed the RST_x64.msi file, which is within my “Universal 64bit Intel RST Software v13.2.4.1000”.

Since everything ran flawlessly, I decided to offer all these 4 Intel RST(e) v13.2.4.1000 packages (32/64bit modded drivers and 32/64bit original Software) for the public.

Update of the Start Post:
  • new: “32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v13.2.4.1000 mod by Fernando”, originally dated 08/04/2014 and modded by me at 08/23/2014
  • new: "Universal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v13.2.4.1000"
  • new: "Universal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v13.1.0.1058"
  • added: short guide about how to get a modded driver installed on Win8/8.1

Good luck with these freshly customized Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!

If you are sure, that you had integrated the 32bit driver version into a 32bit OS (please check it as well), I suspect a data corruption before or during the driver integration process. In this case you should re-download the driver and redo the driver integration procedure from scratch.

If you are sure, that you had integrated the 32bit driver version into a 32bit OS (please check it as well), I suspect a data corruption before or during the driver integration process. In this case you should re-download the driver and redo the driver integration procedure from scratch.

Thank you for the response, Fernando. As I am using Windows 2000 Professional, I am certain the OS is 32-bit. I followed the same procedure used successfully to integrate the “v8.9.8.1005 dated 04/05/2010” driver you provided in Post # 136.

Hello Fernando,

as recommended, I created a installation disc with nlite and it worked like charm!
Thanks a lot for your help!

best regards

I have a Abit IP35 pro which still has 7.5 OROM using 7-64.
I was told on another type forum that was the last version supported for the ICH9R.
I am currently running in raid1 and used when I installed windows and it was issue free.

Intel updater stated was valid/new so I upgraded to it and it seems fine, no issues but my raid1 is very erratic.

I read your warning about downgrading back to classics and that you should completely remove all traces of RST.
I have done this and let windows install the driver and it was
Makes me curious if 12.9 is holding the system back since ICH9R is not supported. I have a pair of ES.3’s that should be much faster.

What would be the best version for me to use without issue? 10.8, 11.2 [last classic] or with your modded bios just shoot for the latest?

Thanks, I’ve spend hours reading over the various posts here

On another note, I believe 11.2 was also the last to support Vista. If I run the intel updater on my father’s computer raid does not even show
even though it’s most certainly in raid1, I set it a good 6+ years ago.

Guess since Intel dropped Vista it’s just no longer recognized.


@ ep0x92:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

This is correct regarding the AHCI support, but not valid for Intel ICH9R systems running in RAID mode.

You can try both Intel RST drivers (my favorite RST driver for RAID systems is v11.2.0.1006), but I do not recommend to install any of the Intel RST(e) drivers (from v11.5 up), not even after an update of the Intel RAID ROM.
By the way:
As long as the BIOS of your Abit IP35 still contains the absolutely outdated Intel MSM RAID OROM v7.5.x.xxxx, you cannot expect the best possible results with your RAID1 system.
If you really want to optimize your current RAID1 system, I recommend to update the Intel RAID ROM of your mainboard BIOS to an Intel RST RAID ROM version from v10.1.0.1008 (minimal) up to v11.2.0.1527 (latest and probably best).
Please report here about your decision and the results you got with your Intel ICH9R RAID1 system.


Would make sense? It appears to support ICH9R going by the doc.

Sadly the last bios available from Abit only included 8.5.
The bios version I am using is the most stable for the Conroe, the above were for Wolfsdale so I stayed with 14.
I do have some custom modded bios but with only one if it were to goof up the computer is toast.

With 64K max as I’ve read on other forums 8.5 is the last logical ROM you can fit so I am rather stuck.

I suppose the last official supporting, 11.2 is what I should stick with for maximum reliability.
The pending issues are a mile long as usual. Intel really should try to get some issues fixed.
Still odd the Intel update program on their site said 12.9 is available.
Speaking of AHCI support, if your set to RAID that is fine for those array drives but what about the single drives and the ODD?
Those need AHCI, correct?

Luckily I built a Z87 system 6 months ago so this computer is now a backup rig.

I currently am using and it seems fine.

I wish Intel has some text/readme about what was fixed and what is still a problem.
Same goes for the latest 13.4

Here is a screen of the P35 with 12.9.

Duel ES.3, not bad but of course not as great as raid1 with Raptors.

This is not true. The Intel ICH9R SATA AHCI Controller is natively not supported by any Intel RST/RST(e) driver newer/higher than v10.8.0.1003.
Furthermore the Intel RST(e) driver v11.7.0.1013 uses the additional SCSI filter driver, which I do not recommend for ICH9R RAID systems.

I see, so I’d be best just to stick with the native [What MS installs by default] and call it a day.

Even with 12.9 which installed the filter my single drives work fine and the blu-ray burner works fine as well.

This means the bios coder who knows this board well and created the custom bios’s for it was correct, just stick with 10.8

I appreciate the input, I guess it’s like trying to make a A80 compete with a RS5…it’s just not going to happen.

This build is will be 7 years old here in a few months, same bios since day one.

As the mantra goes, if it’s not broke…

So, just uninstall RST in full and let windows put 10.8 and then install 10.8 RST console over it call it a day?

Ironically 10.8 was what I was using a few months ago when XP was on the system since it was the last supported.

Hi. I have an Intel series 8. I tried integrating Universal 64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 into my XP 64 bit via nlite, but I am still getting the blue screen. Is only the AHCI & RAID driver needed, or am I doing something wrong?

@ papi:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

If you have chosen both (AHCI and RAID) Controllers while doing the textmode driver integration, you have done a mistake. You should only integrate the support of the specific on-board Intel SATA Controller you are using (AHCI or RAID).


Thanks for the quick response. I chose Intel 8 series chipset family mobile DEV_9C03 because it was indicated as such under Vista, but this did not work. Should I only choose one item from this list?

I am using your image

Also, I am wondering what is the difference between what is the difference between iastor, and iaahci? Are both of them necessary? Is it better to choose multiple driver, or single driver in nlite?

One more thing I noticed on Vista is that it is showing ATA Channel 0, 1 on the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, in addition to SATA AHCI Controller 9C03

That should work, if
a) your system drive is connected to an Intel SATA port running in AHCI mode and
b) you have used a "clean" (=untouched original) Windows XP x64 SP2 image as source.
Maybe you got the BSOD because of a wrong ACPI support setting. Please retry the XP x64 installation by using the already prepared CD with integrated 64bit Intel AHCI driver and hit F5 while prompted by the XP Setup to hit F6. Then you should get a popup with different ACPI settings. Just choose another one.

Yes, the safest way is to highlight just 1 of the listed Intel SATA Controllers (the correct one).

Yes, all files are needed. The file named iaStor.sys is the AHCI/RAID driver itself and the files named iaAHCI.inf and iaStor.inf contain the needed installation commands for AHCI resp. RAID systems. The .cat files contain the digital signature are needed as well.

I recommend to choose the "Single driver" option to prevent, that nLite integrates more files than required.

That belongs to a SATA Controller, which is running in IDE mode. I suspect, that it is a non-Intel SATA Controller manufactured by JMicron, ASMedia or Marvell.

Thanks. I will try this. Do I need this non-Intel SATA Controller manufactured by JMicron, ASMedia or Marvell? My BIOS does not allow me to choose ATA.

You must know better than me, if you need or use the (non-Intel) SATA Controller. The listed ATA Channel devices belong to an IDE Controller, which usually is named "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller".

Those drivers were automatically detected by Vista. Is it normal to need more than just the Intel drivers? I am using Flashboot to boot the Windows. Any opinion about this program? I tried what you suggested. Am I supposed to receive 3 choices? ACPI Multiprocessor x64, ACPI Uni-processor, Other. When I select other, it asks me to supply a floppy. I have failed both with the Multiprocessor x64, and ACPI Uni-processor.

It depends on the storage (HDD/SSD) and optical (CD/DVD ROM) devices of your system.
If you can, please post a screentshot of the Device Manager with opened "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" and "Storage Controllers" sections.

According to my own experiences it is better to boot off a CD/DVD, if you want to get Windows XP or XP x64 installed onto an Intel 8- or 9-Series chipset system.

Here’s a screen shot from Vista, and the second one from Win 7



Thanks for the screenshot, which verifies, that your system drive is managed by the Standard MS AHCI driver and not by an Intel AHCI driver.
Nevertheless I still don’t know, to which IDE/SATA Controiller the ATA Channels belong.
Please right click onto both listed ATA Channels and check, which Controller and which ATA devices are connected to them.