Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

@ matteo1068:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The system drive (drive C:) should not be shown as being "Safely removable".

Yes, none of the original Intel AHCI drivers do support your DEV_2923 SATA AHCI Controller.

This is the best choice, if you are running a 64bit Windows OS, and I am pretty sure, that your system drive will not been shown as "Safely removable" after the driver installation.
Note: You have to force the installation of the modded driver by using the "Have Disk" option.


Hi all,

IĀ“m pretty close to giving upā€¦ :slight_smile: This post is the last try.
IĀ“ve got a new HP 250 G3 Laptop, SATA Settings in BIOS canĀ“t be change cause of a locked BIOS on these cheap HP Laptops.
I want to install Win XP pro on that machine an I tried several drivers, even yours:
Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando (corrected at 08/26/2014)

I slip streamed them using nlite to an image of Win XP, with no success. The installation always aborts with an acpi.sys error (0xC0000005,0xF73B8D66,0xF78D1EA0,0xF78D1B9C).
My last idea was, that something went wrong with the slip streaming of the drivers so I borrowed a USB floppy drive (pretty old school). And I used F6 on the startup of the installation. When it gets to the point where you can press z to list and includes drivers from the floppy the installation freezes, not showing any drivers. I tried other drivers, older ones not compatible to that system, these were listed. Any Idea what went wrong?


@ schesche123:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

If there is already a Windows OS running on your laptop, you should check the HardwareIDs of the on-board SATA Controller.
You can do it by opening the "IDE ATA ATAPI Controllers" section of the Device Manager, right click onto the listed SATA Controller and choose the options "Properties", "Details", "Property" and "HardwareIDs".

If you get such error message, please restart the OS installation and hit F5, when you are prompted by the XP Setup to hit F6. Then you will get the choice between some different ACPI settings. Try to find out the correct option.


Hi Fernando, after installing your modded Universal 64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006, My drives are no more shown as being "Safely removable". I had to temporarily disable the driver integrity check before but now my problem is resolved.
Thank You very much!

Hello - I have one question - Iā€™m using Windows 8.1 and my chipset is Z77A (C216), Iā€™m AHCI only user - please look at this and tell me do I install this correctly? Thank you!

@ caleb59:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Red marked area: Yes, you have installed the modded Intel AHCI driver correctly.
Blue marked area: You should not try to update the driver of the listed device named "Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller". An "Intel SATA RAID Controller" will only be listed within the "Storage Controller" section, if the on-board Intel SATA Controller has been set to "RAID" within the BIOS.


Thankā€™ Fernando:

@ matlear:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your feedback!


Hi Fernando, yesterday I installed your drivers and flashed my modded bios. Speeds are great and drivers installed also.

The only problem I have is that trimcheck 0.7 is telling me that trim isnt working.
I placed trimcheck on my c drive and ran as admin, then I quit and waited 40 seconds. After rerunning trimcheck I get this:

Any Ideas why ?

EDIT by Fernado: Unneeded quoted text and picture deleted (to save space)

Which OS are you running, which Intel RAID ROM version did you insert into the BIOS and which one of my modded Intel RAID drivers did you install?

The TrimCheck tool is not able to detect very low TRIM activities.
Please read the "Addendum" chapter, which you can find within the start post of >this< thread.

I used the 11.2 driver successfully for ~1yr on win7 x64 with a sata2 SSD and a sata3 HHD on a ICH9R controller. I bought a new SSD (Corsair force GS, sata3) and cloned my OS over to it, and started getting BSODs. Mostly 7aā€™s with a pagefile on it or F4ā€™s without. I was convinced it was the SSD itself because I could go back to my old drive and everything would be fine, but if I went back to the new one I would start getting 1 or 2 BSODs everyday, but I decided to try downgrading the driver to 10.1 today and the blue screens are finally gone! Donā€™t know if you want to try to track down my issue, but thought I would try to warn other potential users with similar hardware thereā€™s a bug.

@ e144:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your contribution.

That is why I always do a fresh OS installation onto a new SSD instead of cloning the data from another drive.
I am pretty sure, that - after a proper alignment of the SSD and a clean OS installation - the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 will run fine with your new SSD.


It was something elseā€¦ I got a couple of good scans after downgrading and spoke too soonā€¦ then got some more BSODā€™s, should have realized it wasnā€™t the driver cause when I had the OS on the other drive it was stable, but I still got errors from the Corsairā€¦ Anyway I went ahead and installed a fresh copy of windows on the old drive to scan with, and realized it was only hanging once, and if I pulled the power and reconnected it with windows running it would be fine which led me to believe it was something with the way my BIOS was initializing itā€™s linkā€¦ went to BIOS and turned off SMART and UEFIā€¦ rebooted rescannedā€¦ all good turned back on SMART, rescanned still good. I went ahead and left UEFI off since Iā€™m using legacy with a MBR anyway, and tested a lot more and itā€™s stableā€¦ Very strange bug.

@ e144:

Thanks for your feedback clearing up the origin of your problem.
Conclusion: Is was not the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006.

The package doesnā€™t seem to have a compatible AHCI driver for my motherboard. Asus P5G41T-M ich7 motherboard. Windows8 comes with a horrible ahci driver that kills the write speed of an SSD to 2mb/s. Luckily I managed to use the Windows7 driver and the speed is better. I would like to use the modified driver however device manager does not narrow down a specific driver, instead shows a list. I tried selecting a few manually but sadly the computer fails to boot into windows so clearly they are incompatible. Device manager identifies my driver as 27C0, closest I see is a ich7m 27C1 in your driver. Would it be possible to have this added in your package?

Thank you.

@ vulcan4d:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Which package do you mean?

I doubt, that it is possible while running Win8. Please explain, how you managed it to replace the generic Win8 AHCI driver named STORAHCI.SYS by the generic Win7 AHCI driver named MSAHCI.SYS.

Your onboard Intel SATA Controller is obviously running in IDE mode (DEV_27C0 is the DeviceID of the "Intel(R) 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller") and you cannot simply replace an IDE driver by an AHCI driver.
Please open the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" section of the Win8 Device Manager, take a screenshot of its content and post it.

Happy New Year!

I am using modded drivers on my X58 ICH10R motherboard.
The OS is on a SSD (non-RAID), TRIM works. Have a RAID 5 from three drives. The BIOS RST is and has no issues recognizing the RAID 5 that I created in Windows with the RST software version




@ SoNic67:

Thanks for your report.
Yes, I already knew, that it is possible to get the newest Intel RAID drivers installed and working with an X58 Chipset system, but nevertheless I do not recommend it. I am pretty sure, that the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 would be a better choice for older chipset like yours.
By the way: As long as you are running your system drive in RAID mode, there is no need to install a modded Intel RAID driver, because all Intel SATA RAID Controllers from ICH8R up are supported by the original (untouched) Intel RST/RST(e) RAID drivers.

I thought I had to use the modded ones because I created the RAID in Windows from no-RAID drives (and migrate data from one of the drives into RAID). Didnā€™t want to use the BIOS utility.

What do you mean with "non-RAID drives"? Your current system drive is not a member of your RAID array, but nevertheless running in RAID mode.