Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

You may look >here< for a solution.

Good morning

Firstly thank you very much for these modificated Intel AHCI/RAID drivers,
which supports older southbridges not supported by Intel in his later official drivers!

Iā€™m using Windows 7 (64bit) system with (64bit) version of Modded Intel RST(e) driver on my ICH9R southbridge in Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R MOBO, as this is the last one version of these drivers, which wonā€™t find my HDDs (Samsung HD103SJ [1TB] {system}, Seagate ST3000DM001 [3TB], Samsung HD642JJ [640GB]) as USB devices, like newer and versions of Modded Intel RST(e) drivers.
Any ideas why theyā€™re behaving that way?

Best regards

@ Virtual:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I dont really understand what you mean.
1. Which original resp. modded Intel RST(e) driver versions are able to detect your mentioned HDDs?
2. With which SATA mode (AHCI or RAID) are you running the Intel SATA Controller of your mainboard?
3. To which port (SATA or USB) are the HDDs connected?
4. Why are you trying to use Intel RST(e) drivers of the v13 and v14 series, which havenā€™t been designed at all for Intel ICH9R Soutbridges?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I meant that any newer version than of Modded Intel RST(e) drivers will provide me Safely Remove Hardware icon in the notification area to safely remove all of my HDDs from my computer.

All of it



Because I can, as you provide modded drivers which support it as I based on these 2 quotes posted lower and I was also giving you my feedback like you wrote that you want it.

EDIT by Fernando: Blank lines removed (to save space)

@ Virtual:
Thanks for your quick reply.

Not really.
By the way: You possibly can get the "Safely Remove Hardware" option with any Intel RST/RST(e) driver, if you install the tool named "HotSwap!" (>LINK<).

But the point is that I donā€™t want this Safely Remove Hardware icon in the notification area, because someone which will be using my computer can remove my HDD mistakenly as USB device like pendrive. I donā€™t know if it works for system HDD, but I donā€™t want to check it.
I was thinking about hiding this icon or do fix like this,
but I prefer staying with latest drivers without Safely Remove Hardware icon in the notification area, as other options are inconvenient for me.

At first I was thinking that you forgot do some modification and change to the registry like I posted, but if itā€™s not the case, good.

Hi, Fernando.

Iā€™m back. I apologise for bringing an off topic question, but still included in the general subject called drivers.

As I said before, Iā€™m having trouble to install the right ACPI management for XP.
After have a look at your link (>here<), I downloaded a batch file. This one:

@echo off
sc config ACPI start= boot
sc start ACPI

Not worked.

Also, I searched more information about it, through these links:

I confess that I could not understand how that explanations would solve my problem.
I just want to turn the computer off by clicking on a button "Shutdow", on Start Menu.
But if I do that, the computer shows a screen with Windows logo and a message: "It is Now Safe to Turn Off Your Computer".
So, I have to press the power button to turn it off.
Also, I have no "Suspend" button aside of "Shutdown" and "Restart". It's grayed.

On Device Manager correctly installed on Seven, I have "ACPI x64-based PC" at Computer entry.
On XP, I have "Standard PC".
I think the problem lives there. But, I don't know how to solve it...

Any ideas?

I found this:

on this page.

During installation, I pressed F5 to set AHCI driver. Is it related to my current ACPI problem?

I donā€™t know, whether it is better to bypass the ACPI compliance check during the XP installation by pressing F7 or to choose the best matching ACPI setting by pressing F5.

Any of key was pressed, now I have a deal.
What to do to install a "ACPI Multiprocessor PC" on Computer Entry and get a softly turn off?
Is there a driver to that? I cannot find it.

AFAIK the only ACPI driver for Windows XP is the ACPI.SYS.

Yes. ACPI.sys.

Currently, I have this driver details for "Standard PC":


How to force to install ACPI.sys?

None of them is a driver (that are .SYS files).

I dont know - maybe by doing a fresh XP installation?

I could solve the problem and I came back to tell how it happened.
Other user may find it useful.

Problem is F5 key when installing XP. On my computer, only 2 options was avaiable:ā€œStandard PC with C-Step i486ā€ and ā€œOthersā€. I was not advised that this is to setup ACPI. I thought that it was AHCI SSD driver. Option ā€œOthersā€ said that I have no floppy device. So, I picked ā€œStandard PC with C-Step i486ā€.
I thought that if I didnā€™t pressed F5, Iā€™d get BSOD because AHCI driver was not loaded. But not! AHCI Driver ā€œby Fernandoā€ was loaded and installation procedure went well.

Now, computer entry on Device Manager is ā€œACPI Multiprocessor PCā€ (not ā€œStandard PCā€ anymore), I have ā€œSuspedā€ button enabled and can turn computer off by software.

Thank you again.

Although the newest Intel RST(e) drivers v14.5.0.1081 have been designed by Intel just for the newest Intel Chipset systems from 8-Series up, I decided to customize them to make them usable with as many Intel chipsets as possible.

Update of the Start Post:

  • new: ā€œ32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI & RAID drivers v14.5.0.1081 mod by Fernandoā€ (according to the added HardwareIDs they may support all Intel AHCI/RAID systems from ICH7R/M up)
  • new: ā€œUniversal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v14.5.0.1081ā€ (extracted untouched original RST Software)

  1. Users, who want to manually install any modified driver from within the Device Manager, have to use the ā€œHave Diskā€ button! Otherwise they will get the message, that the latest/best driver has already been installed.
  2. Win8/Win8.1 users have to disable the driver integrity check before trying to install any driver, which is not digitally signed or modified. The procedure how to do it is layed down >here<.

Good luck with these freshly customized Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Why whit drivers v14.5.0.1081 my internal SATA hard disk is showed up as removable device? Iā€™ havenā€™t the same problem with older drivers.

@ Tony2k:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You should better ask Intel than me, but this is usually a feature and not a bug.
Please give us some informations:
1. Which chipset has your system?
2. Is the affected HDD your system drive (with the OS on it)?
3. Which OS are you running?
4. Which SATA mode setting (AHCI or RAID) did you choose for the Intel SATA Controller?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

  1. Asus P6T SE chipset x58;
    2. all my internat hdds;
    3. Windows 10;
    4. AHCI.

    Thanks Fernando.

@ Tony2k:
Thanks for the quick answers.

It was not a good idea to install the latest Intel RST driver of the v14 series onto an X58 Chipset system. If you want to know, which Intel AHCI driver I recommend for an Intel ICH10R Southbridge, please look >here<.

It is fine, when all internal drives (except the system drive) support the "Hot-Plugging" feature.

just installed Windows 10 64bit on a ThinkPad X61 (ICH8M).
Installed the latest "official" Intel driver without any issues.
wanted to use the modded but it is not accepted, not even forcing with "have disk" method.
it looks like there is some further control on Windows 10 preventing "unsupported" drivers.

device ID is: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2829&SUBSYS_20A717AA&REV_03