Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Have you already tried >this< method?

Have you already tried >this< method?

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with that method is there a difference between the modded and original version of that driver?

What does that mean?
There is no difference regarding its functionality between a modded and an original driver. So only the installation procedure is different (it may be more difficult with a modded one).

Hi all!
I have the motherboard GIGABYTE GA-H81M-S2PH with the controller ATA Intel (R) 8 series/C220 serial ATA Storage Controller - 8C08 and system WindowsXP sp3. Long searched for the driver AHCI under it, at last, has approached Drivers v11.2.0.1006 from Fernando. Works well, but through 2-3 reboot of the computer cease to work ALL ports USB. The controller USB - Intel (R) 8 series/C220 series B xHCI HC 8C31.
ā€¦ There is a decision by this Problem?

@ Alex_M:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I donā€™t know how to solve the USB problem, because there are no USB 3.0 drivers available, which are usable with Windows XP.
Maybe I should try to modify the Intel USB 3.0 drivers as well?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

It is possible, so occurs because for ATA and USB 1 controller - Intel (R) 8 series/C220 is used (as far as I understand), and, the problem should be decided in a complex - that is to make the driver for all controller, and not just for AHCI. Probably, I not of the rights, but if am necessary to decide(solve) it so, a problem, taking into account it?
ā€¦ Dear Fernando, if can correct the driver or make fix, I would be very grateful!

@Alex_M , when you say ā€œcease to work ALL ports USBā€ do you mean no USB at all, not even USB 2?

I understand why USB 3.0 does not work, but I wonder why you are losing USB 2. I have installed Windows XP Pro with AHCI using Fernandoā€™s 11.2 driver on Series 8 / C220 configuration; I did not lose USB function at all; I used a Biostar Z87 motherboard, so perhaps that is the difference.

And why lose USB only after several reboots? It may have nothing to do with AHCI driver.

I wonder if you are able to re-install USB function (using the keyboard to access Device Manager and letting Windows Update install USB drivers).

Still, if Fernando can solve the USB 3.0 problem for Windows XP, that would be great. Sorry if I have misunderstood your situation. Good luck, Fernando.

[quote="Bluebolt, post:407, topic:19691"] Still, if Fernando can solve the USB 3.0 problem for Windows XP, that would be great. [/quote] Interested users should send me a PM. Then they will get the link to a modded Intel USB 3.0 driver v1.0.10.255, which may be usable with Windows XP.

It is quite possible, today USB has not given up still never, though the driver AHCI (Fernandoā€™s 11.2 driver) has established early in morning, for all day - any failure(refusal), though was much reboots.
ā€¦ I look, that will be fartherā€¦

Is not present, is not capable, any way.

im a bit confused too much drivers and links, but i didnt found AHCI driver for Z97 and WIN XP 32 bit.

I dont need installation CD integration, im now booting in IDE modeā€¦ so i need some installation package.

I also didnt found Intel USB 3 drivers for XP.

@ ruthan:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

There are no original AHCI drivers available, which do support Windows XP and Intel Z97 chipsets at the same time. So you have to take a modded Intel AHCI driver like the ā€œUniversal 32bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod & signed by Fernandoā€. You can find it >here<.

You need nothing more than the just mentioned modded 32bit Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006. >Here< is a guide about how to switch from IDE to AHCI mode from within a running Windows XP.

There are no Intel USB 3.0 drivers available for Windows XP. I am still searching for users, who want to test an Intel USB 3.0 driver, which has been modded by me for being usable with Windows XP.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Sata AHCI:
Fernando thanks for help, with this info i would be able to it happen.

Im only curios if you driver is also compatible with Paragon GPT driver - for XP, do you know? - because im using it for my 3TB HDD and 2,5 TB NFTS data partion, with Z68 chipset i works for years. Note GPT is supported only for non boot HDD. Because during experimenting without XP on Z97 i got few disk read errors probably related to this driver, im still debuging it, but it seems that is broken only after i change sata controller related thing.

I would welcome any other way for GPT support if Paragon GPT loader is not compatible, but i already spend 20 bucks for it.

If intel driver is now available, what is means - these USB ports dont work at all or works only as USB2 ports?

I had installed the modded Intel RSTe app and AHCI driver vers 14.5 on an ICH10R platform. Well it worked good untilā€¦ not. Error message was complaining about an Entry Point Not Found in msvcr120.dllā€¦
After uninstalls and re-installs of the RSTe app (including reverting to older ones) without success, I remember that I recently updated also the EVGA_PrecisionX_16 to v5.3.6 and that added a new ā€˜EVGA serverā€™. I uninstalled completely the EVGA andā€¦ intel RSTe started working again (ver 14.5). TRIM is working.
Posted this because maybe it helps somebodyā€¦

PS: I know how to mod my drivers inf file, and I even installed the unsigned drivers in Windows10 x64, butā€¦ Fernando, I donā€™t know how you manage to mod the app itself to be ā€˜Universalā€™! The original ones from Intel wonā€™t work with modded drivers. Thanks!

Hmm, im still not able to install driver - i have checked device ID, it is 8C80, but in driver list is only 8C82 - which i have regarding of Aida i Windows 7, but when i trying to install driver i got - message that drivers isnt for my plaform. I have Win Xp 32 bit SP3 - czech versionā€¦

Please make a screenshot of the Device Manager after having expanded the ā€œIDE ATA/ATAPI Controllersā€ section.

There are still some secrets regarding my modding workā€¦
To be honest, I do not remember how I did it.

The warning message you get while trying to force the installation of an Intel AHCI driver while running the OS in IDE mode is rather normal. because the Intel SATA IDE Controller has another DeviceID than the Intel SATA AHCI Controller.
So if you want to switch the SATA mode from IDE to AHCI from within a running OS, you have
a) to ignore the warnig message and
b) to enter the BIOS during the reboot and set the Intel SATA Controller to ā€œAHCIā€.
After having done everything correctly (and you are lucky), everything will be fine after the next boot into the OS. Due to the changed BIOS setting of the Intel SATA Controller now its DeviceID is 100% matching the previously installed Intel AHCI driver.

I cant post now screenshot, becauseā€¦
I forced to install 8C82 driver on 8C80 device i got bluescreen and after reboot, all was working even with paragon GPT driver - and device ID was know 8C82.

I only once got some disk operation slow down - some operations took 20x more time that usauly, i dont know was wrong, but steam client update took maybe 15 minut and even play some standart video file on disk was too slow, after restart everything was ok, even CrystalMark disk speed. Problem was only with HDD, SSD in same moment was still ok, both on same Intel controller.

What would be the best choice of drivers for the ich10 for a DG43GT downloaded to add to a floppy but canā€™t find the files when it looks for them

@ Lance King:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

To be able to answer your question I need some additional informations:
1. Which OS are you running or going to install?
2. With which SATA mode is your Intel SATA Controller running?

Dieter (alias Fernando)