Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

What was the reason to install the pure Intel RST Software v14.6.1.1030?
Which Intel RST driver are you runnng?
Did you install the Intel RST Software as Admin?
Is .NET Framework 3.5 installed?

@Fernando ,
The reason to install the pure RST Software v14.6.1.1030 was to check the RAID volume, (verification option) and some other details.
RST driver was v14.6.1.1030.
I have installed RST Software as usual driver, i am administrator, i assume by default install was done like ‘as admin’.
.NET Framework 3.5 is by default installed and i have checked all the options like this:


Now i have uninstalled v14.6.1.1030 driver (from station-drivers) and after reboot installed the new one Package v14.7.0.1000, then reboot and got this:





So, the RST v14.7.0.1000 driver seeems OK and benchs are OK.
and Software v14.7.0.1000 seems also properly installed:
"Windows Installer a installé le produit. Nom du produit: Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology. Version du produit: Langue du produit: 1033. Fabricant : Intel Corporation. Réussite de l’installation ou état d’erreur: 0."

However, clicking the icon Application does nothing ! no screen appears !!

Where have I done a wrong operation ?

Which “icon Application” do you mean?
Have you tried doing a right click and run it as Admin?
Since I am not an expert at all regarding X99 Chipsets, you should better ask a user with a similar system.

Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    "Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v14.7.0.1000 mod+signed by Fernando"
  • new:
    “Universal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v14.7.0.1000” (extracted original Software, usable with the related mod+signed drivers)

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!

Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando ,
yes, I right click in intel RST application in the list and run it as Admin does nothing and fails:
sometimes of this way:
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe

Signature du problème
Nom d’évĂŠnement du problème : CLR20r3
Signature du problème 01: IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe
Signature du problème 02:
Signature du problème 03: 55f7ca99
Signature du problème 04: PsiData
Signature du problème 05:
Signature du problème 06: 55f7ca92
Signature du problème 07: 110
Signature du problème 08: 50
Signature du problème 09: System.AccessViolationException
Version du système: 10.0.10240.

but always of this way:
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorUI.exe

Signature du problème
Nom d’évĂŠnement du problème : CLR20r3
Signature du problème 01: IAStorUI.exe
Signature du problème 02:
Signature du problème 03: 55f7caa2
Signature du problème 04: PsiData
Signature du problème 05:
Signature du problème 06: 55f7ca92
Signature du problème 07: 110
Signature du problème 08: 50
Signature du problème 09: System.AccessViolationException
Version du système: 10.0.10240.

nota: Is it normal to have only one driver file (iAstorA.sys) installed:


I test the new certificate but given method (in first page) does not work :

After Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" it works.

After Select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” it works.

Thanks for the info.
Can you tell me, at which location I have to insert this missing step?

Double click onto the file named "Win-RAID CA.cer" > hit "Install Certificate…" > check "Local Computer" > "Ok" > choose "Place all certificates in the following store" > Browse > Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" > next > "Finish" > "Ok" > "Ok".

Tests with Windows 10 (Win10 is not installed on the SSD), I made 3 times each test.
(Intel 5400B / ESB2 Sata / 250GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO)

MSAHCI (win10 x64) :






Intel RST :






Weird with CrystalDiskMark (4k Q32T1) …

EDIT 2 :

Intel RST :






EDIT 3 :

Intel RST :






Strangely the latest drivers ( & are the winners !

Hi !
I don’t find any support for Intel(R) ICH8M 3 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2828
I only find foe 2829.
Can you help me with a link with AHCI driver for my Intel(R) ICH8M 3 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2828 on win 10 x64 ?
thank you!

@ sancheznfy:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

DEV_2828 is the DeviceID of the Intel ICH8M SATA Controller running in IDE mode. None of the Intel RST drivers do support any Intel SATA Controller, which has been set within the BIOS to “IDE” mode. Only the generic MS IDE driver named PCIIDE.SYS supports the DEV_2828 Intel SATA Controller of your system.

As soon as you switch the SATA Controller to “AHCI” mode within the BIOS, the DeviceID will be automaticly changed to DEV_2829 (and be supported by my mod+signed Intel AHCI drivers).
So if you want to use any Intel RST driver with your Intel system, you have to change the BIOS settings as first step. This should be done before you are going to install any Windows Operating System.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I understand, but my DELL Vostro A860 don’t have in bios(A02) this option. Do you know any possibility to do AHCI in bios?

No, only Dell will be able do make AHCI support available for your system.

I finished my tests (Win10 / ESB2 AHCI / RST modded+signed), I updated my post.
Strangely the latest drivers ( & are the winners !

@ sancheznfy
Does your BIOS is up to date ?
If yes the only solution : Here or BIOS Mod ?

That is an interesting find.
Nevertheless you should keep in mind:
1. Nobody will realize the measured benchmark differences while doing the daily work with the computer.
2. Performance should not be the only criterion, when you compare different storage drivers. What about the stability?

1. Yes that’s true ! but it is the same for SSD RAID0 and boot time …

2. Regarding stability all drivers are relatively stable.
Exception for 11.2 and HDTune File Test : I did 5 times the test and 2 times one of the write values was divided by two.
Also with 11.2 CrystalDiskMark values (4k Q32T1) are poor but stable.

Final Note : driver 11.7 give the best result in HdTunes test but the CPU usage is higher (2.7-5.4%).
Compared, drivers "11.2 & 12.9" are always below 1.6% …

some feedback from a quick trial of your drivers on a Z97 motherboard with a module IRST Option ROM v

Drivers v13.6.3.1001 and v14.5.0.1081 have issues with migrating some of the volumes on a Western Digital hard-drive. In the device manager the hard-drive appears as a Portable Device and 2 volumes of the 5 in total appear as having errors.

Drivers v13.1.0.1058 and v13.2.4.1000 both seem to operate without any issues.

I have had a problem with Bitlocker. the auto unlocking not working from a cold bootup; a restart overcomes the error. So I am hoping a different driver will resolve my Bitlocker problem. Thanks for your great website.

Just for clarification: The different results you got are caused by the drivers themselves and have nothing to do with my work (modding and signing).


Thank you for these drivers. I’m using them since last year on a P5K with an AHCI-modded BIOS and a SSD without any problems. :slight_smile:

I’d just like to report that the links the OP for all v8.9.8.1005-downloads and the MEGA-mirror for “Universal 32bit Intel RST Software v12.9.4.1000” are down.

Likewise, there are also around 20 unavailable downloads in the “Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers”-thread’s OP.

Thanks again.

@ hurda:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your feedback!

All these links have just been repaired (and the other broken links as well). Thanks for the info.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    "Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v14.8.0.1042 mod+signed by Fernando"
  • new:
    “Universal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v14.8.0.1042” (extracted original Software, usable with the related mod+signed drivers)

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)