Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Hi Lost_N_BIOS, i haven’t. I just took at look at it now, i will try it when i get home. I need these tools right ? That you posted here BIOS Modding: Introduction and Preparations

I have run the AS SSD mark and it shows “intelide - ok” so this means IDE correct?

The memory remap yes i could see it. About the RTC Alarm Time i dont remenber, neither the Quick Boot + Full Screen Logo. I will confirm this when i get home.

I have RTC Alarm time - Disable . ANd yes i can see the Qucik boot + full screen also.
So i have tryed the drivers from post#7. but i think i messed up because now it doenst pass from windows logo but it does boot. Now i remenber and installed 27C1 1 driver when it should be C0. But i didnt see any C0 so i tough this c1 would work, my mistake.
I will reinstall windows and see if any of the 11/12 versions has a 27C0. I should had checked both but whatever i learnt my lesson

Yes, that means it’s in IDE mode with IDE driver in use. Thanks for confirming about the BIOS settings, I wasn’t sure if they were hidden from you or not, usually hidden looks different, but those were not set normally like all other visible or hidden items so I was not sure.
You can do an "In Place" upgrade to same version and keep all your installed stuff, if you have not started a clean install already. Did you read the bottom of post #7 about the INT13 thing and windows bootloader, and post #13? I have never done this, so only reading what they discussed.

I know in normal situations on boards with AHCI, you must also make these changes in registry before rebooting to BIOS to switch IDE to AHCI mode

If you try again with different settings, do the above first in windows before you make the other edits

I haven’t started a clean install yet. I was searching if i could roll back to the old driver, i dont see any other issues its just appears the Windows logo and it reboots automaticly.

ABout those methods i tryed only first 2 with no luck , but the 3 at same time i haven’t.
Is there a way to roll back a driver on REGEDIT ? I installed the " Modded+signed Intel RST(e) drivers v11.7.4.1001" I’am stuck at the windows repair and i can use cmd.I have tryed a comand to open device manager to see if i could roll back to the old. I tryed "C:\Windows\system32\devmgmt.msc but no luck.

I thought it was all one method, or did you mean the registry changed I mentioned? If you’re talking about what I mentioned with registry, yes first two are all you need to change usually but since you install Intel drivers I’d go ahead with third one as well.

This is XP correct? How are you getting to device manager if windows wont boot past logo? Can you boot into safe mode?

@Fernando - any way to uninstall AHCI driver from recovery console, or other method? Sorry to ask now, since I am unsure what the boot/no-boot status is here, sounds like no boot but then device manager is mentioned so I’m not sure where he’s actually stuck at. I assume this will need fixed at recovery console or repair tools pre-install during win7/8 etc installer.

I generally do not recommend to remove a previously used storage driver from the recovery console.
When a user wants to switch the SATA mode from within a running OS (a risky choice anyway), I usually give the following advice:
1. Set a restore point.
2. Force the installation of the desired, but currently “wrong” storage driver.
3. While rebooting enter the BIOS and change the SATA mode.
This procedure works, because the.freshly installed “wrong” storage driver will not be used by the OS until the following reboot has been completed.

This is not normal instance. User does not have AHCI due to ICH7, tried to force via method linked on previous post #998 second link. So failed driver needs removed from active service/loading

@Lost_N_BIOS :
I didn’t even know, that ICH7 Southbridges have been built by Intel without AHCI support.

Yes, seems like NF4, some of the cheapest lots were crippled on purpose at manufacturing, and then sold to OEM’s that choose to purchase such items for whatever reason.

Sorry i wasn’t clearn enough. I have tryed these 2 methods
I have Windows 7 installed, theres no safe mode only , options are start windows normal( when i do this when it appears the Windows logo loading it just reboots instantly) and window repair. I actually had made a restore point one day before, when i started to think to try this. But im getting error when i try it.
By using cmd i could open regedit , and tough i could disable it to see if it would enter windows.
Yea i read somewhere some guy with the same problem and someone answered maybe it doens’t really have AHCI because could have been build when were only SATA and PATA were transiting to AHCI or to save money lol.
Guys thanks alot for your time and help, i will reinstall windows.

Thanks for clarifying, you need that third line set to zero too, the iaStorV\Start, especially since you installed the Intel driver.
You can load safe mode n win7 using F8 at startup, keep pressing F8 where you see BIOS/POST screen disappear and windows usually start loading. Now that may not make a difference in this situation due to what happened, but Win7 does have safe mode.

None of the files are opening in 7zip when I download them. Is anyone else having this issue ? *nvm had to update it.

this driver is installed from windows 7 automatically but is more performance the 12.9 for ich9r and with ich10r crash at start

@Fernando ,

can you provide us with a new modded 16.7 ? :slight_smile:
Maybe it’s possible for you to include VEN_8086&DEV_31E3 device in .INF. It’s a June Canyon (Celeron Gemini Lake).

Thank you!

@FM1 :
Yes, I will offer today a mod+signed variant of the latest 64bit Intel RST driver, which belongs to the RST v16.7 development branch.

Is this the DeviceID of the Intel SATA AHCI Controller?

EDIT at 10/14/2018: The desired mod+signed driver couldn’t yet been built and published by me, because the user @FM1 didn’t answer my question.

May I test the 13.44 Intel Ahci win10 driver
In using N475 ICH7R with NM10 netbook in 32 but

@aaa839 :
You can test any of my mod+signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers.
Another question is, whether the tested driver will properly work with your old system.

Hello Fernando,
sorry for the late replay: yes it is.
“Standardmäßiger SATA AHCI Treiber” was before I forced the modded onto it. Did work out but I think it’s better to have a INF fitting to it…

Thank you!

@FM1 :
Within the start post you can find now the requested mod+signed 64bit Intel RST driver v16.7.1.1012, which hopefully will support your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller.
Don’t forget to report, whether the driver worked for you or not.

Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    • mod+signed 64bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v16.5.5.1040 dated 09/03/2018, modified and digitally signed by me today (10/24//2018)
    • Universal 64bit Intel RST Software v16.5.5.1040 dated 09/11/2018
  • mod+signed 64bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v16.7.1.1012 dated 08/24/2018, modified and digitally signed by me today (10/24//2018)
  • Universal 64bit Intel RST Software v16.7.1.1012 dated 08/29/2018

  1. These packages are only usable with Win8, Win8.1 and Win10.
  2. The 32bit variants of these drivers and Software Sets are not available.
  3. Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 and v16 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel Chipsets from 100-Series up.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work. Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v12, v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers. It is strongly recommended to set a “Restore Point” before starting with the driver installation!
  4. If not already previously done, don’t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  5. Due to new security features of Win10 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  6. >Here< you can get additional informations about “modded” drivers and >here< about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

v16.7.1.1012 working properly on my HM67 chipset just like the older 16.5.1. Thank you again for the effort of modding these.