Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Update of the Start Post:

  • re-modded and freshly digitally signed:
    • all offered mod+signed 32/64bit Intel MSM/RST/RST(e) drivers
  • added to all mod+signed drivers:
    • support of the currently latest Intel SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers
    • support of the GeminiLake specific Intel SATA AHCI Controller DEV_31E3
  • removed:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.5.2.1054

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you, I completely forgot to answer to that old post regarding Gemini Lake!
Now I see the new modded drivers v15.9, thank you - but you did remove 16.x and 17.x or am I just blind?

@Ailurus :
You donā€™t need any of the mod+signed drivers and can use the latest of the original Intel RST drivers from the v17 platform.

@FM1 :

Within the start post of this thread I have never offered mod+signed Intel RST drivers, which belong to the v16 or v17 platform. According to my own experience they are not a good choice for users with a chipset, which is natively not supported.

I am confused now , see your post #1095
Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed) (73)

I am actively using 16.8.0 modded inf from you and downloaded here :slight_smile:

@FM1 :
You are absolutely right and I was wrong regarding the statement, that I have never offered within the start post of this thread mod+signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers, which belong to the RST v16 or v17 platform - my bad! My old brain didnā€™t remember your linked post #1095.
Since I havenā€™t removed the related links on 17th of January, when I have updated the start post for the last time, I must have done it in August 2019, when I updated the start post before.

If there should be a strong demand for mod+signed v16 and v17 platform Intel RST drivers, I may be willing to offer universally usable variants of the currently latest versions.

I would certainly love to have those, but dont do it if noone else wantsā€¦

@petterkkk :
Since your Intel Z390 chipset mainboard is natively supported by the latest Intel RST AHCI/RAID drivers, it wouldnā€™t make any sense to use a mod+signed variant of them.

ah, okey. I upgraded my sub-latest bios (modded tho) to the latest just recently - working fine, but no "legacy" interface (CTRL+I) with or without CSM enabled. Guess its goneā€¦

Why do you want the "Legacy" access to the Intel RAID Utility?
The UEFI mode is better.

ā€¢ Hi, created an account to post (long time lurker) I got a new motherboard for an old system.
ā€¢ I am trying to update the Intel INF/Chipsets/LAN/Drivers, etc,ā€¦ (On my old board I used v13.1.0.1058 (2014))
ā€¢ I now have an ASUS P8P67 rev1.02 (B3)
ā€¢ In Device Manager it looks like this: (Intel 6 Series/C200) but it says this next to the USB, not SATA?
ā€¢ From reading, it is my understanding this is the best selection for my board? Modded or WHQL (64bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006)

Thank you! <3 Love your work!

@shadowxsm :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

To see the "normal" Device Manager structure, you should hit the "View" tab and check the upmost option.

With your Intel 6-Series chipset system you can take the WHQL driver.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi @Fernando. As I am running Windows 10 version 2004, and the driver is not working properly (hotplug doesnā€™t work in AHCI mode), I would like to find another, that will work and get me the best results I can achieve. I own ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2, and, as far as I can see, Your tests in this post: Performance of the Intel RST/RSTe AHCI/RAID Drivers showed that the latter ā€œbestā€ drivers are: v16.7.9.1027 mod+signed. The problem is, I canā€™t see this mod to be available to download. Is there something I should know? Iā€™ve tested 14.8 branch and hotplug works flawlessly, sadly, they are not as fast as 13.2.

v16.7.9.1027 mod+signed where is ???

@izajasz @antonov_063
My performance tests with an Intel 9-Series chipset system were done in November 2018. At that time the Intel RST drivers v16.7.9.1027 were the currently latest. Since there are meanwhile newer RST drivers available, which belong to the v16 platform, I donā€™t have the mod+signed v16.7.9.1027 drivers anymore.
Nevertheless you can test the performance of the requested Intel RST AHCI driver v16.7.9.1027 by doing the following:
1. Set a ā€œRestore Pointā€ (just for an emergency case).
2. Download the attached 64bit Intel RST drivers v16.7.9.1027 WHQL and unzip them into a separate folder.
3. Run the Device Manager and expand the ā€œIDE ATA/ATAPI Controllersā€ section.
4. Update the driver of the listed Intel AHCI Controller. You have to force the installation by using the ā€œHave Diskā€ option.
5. Mark the iaAHCIC.inf file and choose any of the listed Intel SATA AHCI Controllers (e.g. ā€œIntel(R) 100 Series/C230 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controllerā€).
6. Disregard the compatibility warning you may get.
7. After the next reboot your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller will use the desired driver.

Please give us a feedback after having tested the requested driver.
Good luck!

64bit Intel RST drivers v16.7.9.1027 WHQL.rar (2.59 MB)

@Fernando Thank You very much. I will test, but please tell me, which driver would You recommend for this chipset if not 13.2? I am thinking of Your modded drivers. Maybe I just try the modded one from 16 branch ?

EDIT: Why there are no modded v16 drivers ?

EDIT2: Hotplug with the driver posted by @Fernando is working well.

@izajasz :
Have you ever tried to solve the hotplug problem by using the tool "HotSwap!"? >Here< is the link.

According to my own experience with different Intel chipset systems (6-/7-/9-Series and 100-Series), the v16/v17 platform Intel RST AHCI drivers are regarding their performance not a good choice for older Intel chipset systems. If I offer such mod+signed Intel RST drivers, I risk to arouse unsustainable hopes among the users.
If I were you, I would try the mod+signed v14.8.18.1066 driver.

Which driver do you mean? And what about the performance?

I meant the driver You posted a link to 64bit Intel RST drivers v16.7.9.1027 WHQL.rar

Here are my test results. Crystal disk mark gives better results on this driver than on 13.2 on my system so I think Iā€™ll stay with this one as it works with hotplug too :wink:

@izajasz :
Thanks for your report.
Usually the latest are the best among all drivers of a certain Intel RST development branch.
The latest drivers of the v16.7 development branch are the v16.7.10.1030 ones dated 07/15/2019, the latest of the v16 platform are the v16.8.3.1003 ones. I think, that you should test them both as well. You can find the download links within the start post of >this< thread.

Hello everybody
Please tell me which version Intel RST to install on a system
Z97 Asus Ranger (BIOS AHCI mode - "On")
Windows XP SP3 x86
with an integrated driver AHCI by Fernando

First of all, many thanks for your fabulous work !

Iā€™m currently using your Intel RST drivers for the v15 platform on the Z390 motherboard, and it works well.
However, if you plan to provide v16 or v17 platform drivers, I would be delighted to try it ! (according to motherboard manufacturer, the Intel v17 drivers have been optimized for the Z390 platformā€¦)

I tried to update the Intel inf and sys files by myself, but I couldnā€™t get the modified drivers to work ā€¦

Thanks a lot