MSI MEG Z390 ACE bios -

Hello all,

I have entered into a whole new universe of overcomplexity and I am really struggling with the MSI Bios. The UBU tool is not updated, it seems, to recognize the Z390 bios and also even when the proper MCE components, modules, etc., are in place, with the addition of any of the MMTools that are in use, do not seem to be recognized at all by the current UBU. I looked at the script and there is not any section, at this time, for Z390 boards.

I got nothing on this one. I can, push the latest Raid, OROM, and NIC components, but the Microcode is out of the question. I also do not even know where to begin on unlocking, as well as properly updating this bios.

If anyone could be of assistance as I have the dumb on an epic scale, it would appreciated. I have attached the latest bios, which is of course is 3 months old, yay MSI. If anyone could help me unlock, and or update the modules (with the Microcode), I would appreciate your help or even if you could provide guidance.

I thank you in advance and also am not sure if this belongs in the UBU thread or not, as it bridges both areas. I apologize if this posted incorrectly.

Kind regards,


Link to bios:…B12IMS.150/file

Hello all,

I have also uploaded the updated rom’s, RST (EFI, OROM,), GOP (EFI but my bios has a newer OROM which isn’t part of UBU right now nor did I see on the FTP, but I am dumb, I also included the 1151v2 microcode, MCE tools as of 6/14/2019 and the latest versions of the UEFI kit NE and the 26 versions as well. I just wanted to try to consolidate as much as I can. I am unsure what else to add. If it helps, great, I just am trying to give back as well as make life easier if anyone wants to look at this or the components.…lif0w4ki/shared

Thank you again.


There may be modules I have missed


I used the latest version of UBUTool 1_74_0_3 and renamed MMTool to MMTool_a4.exe and ver to mmtool_a5.exe and had no problems updating the microcodes.

Here it is just microcodes updated if you need help:…

You can update the rest yourself hopefully.

Just be careful flashing as we don’t want any bricks…

@davidm71 - above BIOS you posted may brick (99.9% chance), due to pad file missing above main microcode volume in your mod vs stock, this can be viewed with UEIFTool NE or regular

@johnathonm - I checked file in first link, and then I realized it’s stock BIOS and you didn’t even archive it, and it’s archived at MSI so you should have just linked that = so wasted bandwidth .
Unsure what you’ve got going on in second link. The way you talked, I assumed you’d done some modifications to the file in post one so I grabbed it to check.
* edit - tried to grab second link, but too many files there so not sure what is what. If you want some mod BIOS checked, please archive (zip, Rar, 7zip) and link directly to that file only.

Sorry my friend,

I wasn’t sure how to handle this. What I had intended was to provide all the pieces I had assembled, so I I broke it into pieces so that one would have whatever they might need, i had updated in UBU with the various modules that were outdated as per coderush etc’s repositories on git,

The elements were made to simplify any testing if need be, I apologize and owe you a beer,

The elements are the raw bios itself, the updated two unique sets of code rushes applications for UBU the last 50’s NE elements and the .26 elements. The modules within UBU are actually very outdated. I also gathered the latest edi rst, pluto’s Mce and DB latest build, and I also incorporated the current microcodes for my processor. I had already all of these elements and placed them properly. Centric on the fact the script doesn’t know how to handle a z390 board.

I did attempt with all iterations of the assembled UBU, but it simple failed to know what to do with the microcode. I also have idea about unlocking still but I wanted to try to give back in a sense so that one could quickly get update all the uefi components to their latest builds,

I will assemble a new zip that is holistic and has is updated across the board. I was just trying to be helpful as some elements are very old. So, I owe you a beer and I will get a singular archive compiled that is an up to date UBU, as for where we stand with the MMtool now, I have not been following. As of late, but the bios I think has a orom module that isn’t on Fernando’s ftp. Mode to follow shortly,

I thank you, as always for your patience.


Sorry my bad. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@davidm71 - It’s OK, I was only letting you know, it happens to me sometimes too, but I’ve eventually learned to get in the habit of checking these around all microcode GUID’s (Some BIOS 1, some 2, some have 3) + you always have to watch the non-UEFI/ padding one near end of BIOS too when UEFITool detects that one.
If you get lost padding on mod, try UEFITool 25 instead, if still then try MMTool for the edit. If you can’t use that for some reason, test straight hex at microcode body and then get correct header checksum value if off from opening that file in UEFITool, then edit again in straight hex to fix it.
Give it another shot, I’m sure you can get it

@johnathonm - I understand what you mean now! It’s best for anyone that wants to help you with this, for all that to be in a single package. No need to apologize, I was lost and you wasn’t
Mainly this is due to personal preference, I like everything for any BIOS someone needs edited into one file, so I don’t have to copy/paste around in the mess that is my desktop, in the middle of a BIOS edit.
As far as updating stuff inside UBU, that might be OK, or may cause new bugs, that SoniX is still trying to straighten out, which may be why there’s not a newer update package yet. Latest is not always best, and latest does not always mean issue-free

So you can update everything with UBU, except for microcodes? If yes, include your mod file with that all done if you want, or wait and see if davidm71 sends you new microcode updated BIOS
If he’d rather not do that let me know and I will, but since he started to help you I will leave that to him for now since I know he wants help as much as he can with BIOS editing

@Lost_N_BIOS Will have to investigate and see it to believe it in Uefitool. Nice catch anyhow. Thank you.

@davidm71 sorry I didn’t include compare images, I assumed since you were getting into BIOS editing you’d compare and see what I’m talking about yourself anyway Open two instances side by side with stock BIOS and mod BIOS, you’ll see.
Due to this happening so often with different BIOS, and almost always = brick, I’ve got into the habit of always searching the microcode GUID and look at each entry for padding above/below in any BIOS I edit.
UEFITool 26 or UEFIReplace 26 (used in UBU) can sometimes drop these padding files and the ones at end of BIOS, or sometimes at end of any volume on edit, when this happens you need to use UEFITool/UEFIReplace 25 instead, MMTool, or hex edit directly

Yeah I was at work at the time but will look into it as I am interested in knowing these things. Risk of brick is why I own two flash programmer devices. I think its a necessity if your going to mod your bios!

@Lost_N_BIOS how can I use hex editing directly on bios.bin? I can’t find the same hex patterns

@asusguybios - this is only used for certain things, and only in certain circumstances, none related to what you are doing in your thread

@davidm71 - agreed, and programmer is so cheap, everyone who owns a computer should own a set even if they never plan to mod BIOS


This should look correct:…

@davidm71 - looks good now, microcodes updated safely

@johnathonm - above edit should be OK now to use with updating rest in UBU if you want, then if you want to be sure before flashing upload your final mod BIOS for us to check over for you.

Once you’ve done that, and test it to be OK, I can unlock BIOS itself for you if you want, however MSI is a pain sometimes so I may not be able to unlock or may not be able to reveal much etc.
I’ll have to see images of your current BIOS too, all stuff inside the main advanced section


First, thank you for your help with this experiment. No matter what, first, your kindness in working on this is truly appreciated and I cannot express it very well in just text. But know that no matter what, I am humbled truly, by you taking time to look at this bios. I do not care if it bricks the board as what matters here is more to me is that you cared enough to try to help me, to notice, that in itself makes this priceless. It’s a win regardless even if it bricks the board for me, because… I am not used to kindness like this, so for me, that is invaluable compared to anything else. Also, even if this fails and bricks the board, the work you two have done here hopefully will be fruitul for others as science like this requires risk, loss and sacrifice at times, but that’s how we move forward. If I have contributed to future work, even if this fails, that makes this doubly more valuable.

What will be will be but the story of a stupid bios, is not the stoy here but it’s kindness and compassion of others towards one they do not know. I am going to, after reporting back, write a story about the kindness, and the work as we have go blindly forward but we have to do because if not us, well clearly not OEM 2.02.334. I just hope, no matter what, that this work helps pay dividends for work in the future. Even if it fails, it’s the learning that went into this and the fact we have to try. So, with that…

Neil Armstrong, and the forwards uttered in a much bigger as well as dangerous experiment, Apollo 11, on the moment of landing:

“Contact light.”

I have the bios.

With that, that…
“The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.”

I’m not afraid of brickinmg the board. I’m afraid of not trying, if as there has to be a first… so if it is ends up bricked, let it be. What matters is this may in the future.

But the good part is there is a 50/50 chance this work, why those are the best odds I’ve had in years! :

God speed gentleman, more to follow… fat32 formating engaged.

I’ll see you on the other side.

6/16 4:03 PM, EDT, JM signing off.

@davidm71 @Lost_N_bios

“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.” @Lost_N_BIOS @davidm71

We’re a go.

Attached, for your review is the AMI rom. Let me know if you’d like me to capture or test anything else.

It’s been a long way, but we’re here. :slight_smile:

AMI rom incoming.

Appreciate your kind words! @johnathonm - WE CARE if it bricks the board, that’s our first goal with mod BIOS for others, make sure it doesn’t brick and then after that make sure edits are correct so end result is what user needed!
Bricking the board is a hassle, but can always be fixed once you have a $2.60 programmer in your hand + a $3.50 SOIC8 test clip with cable if BIOS is soldered to the board, or a $1 U Type Flat chip IC extractor if BIOS is in a socket.

No BIOS attached?

@johnathonm Same here. Much appreciate how your depth of feeling here. Hopefully you won’t be saying ‘Houston we have a problem’! Wish you good luck!

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to update you all that I am ready to continue testing. If the package @davidm71 posted was the one I uploaded, I wasn’t clear on what changes were made to his package but I am not on my A game these days @Lost_N_BIOS - I will be uploading the modified UBU package and the afu rom dump from my bios in this post.

Within the package I uploaded include the following:

The latest RST ORM, and EFI module, the latest GOP efi module, but I could not locate the GOP rom that corresponds as latest. I know David made some changes, more than that I updated all the core UEFI modules, MCE’s elements but there may be more that can be added.

I also wanted to say I am not worried about bricking this machine. I have gone through a lot and with that ROG board, well I lost my taste for my desktop. Couple that with the fact of extreme eye pain and that we blink less when using a monitor, well I can only spend a short time at my desk. I don’t know if you guys have any suggestions on that area but I basically live on my ipad now. The monitor I have now is a asus ROG some 27 inch 169 Petahertz monitor, and by far the worst purchase ever, the 2080 ti. That was a real waste.

So I don’t mind if I brick it, if I do, I order the parts and I will work with one of you privately. It’s just there has to be someone to take that first chance, like in medicine or such, someone has to try. Yeah, I could brick but, even if I do, it’s just stuff, not that I’m rich, but I benefited a lot from invidiuals like yourselves over the years but was not giving back. So, I have to now, and I am all in for this. I fully understand the risks and what’s life without risk? Plus, if someone try to do this, then how we ever get here?

So, in I say let’s roll.

Be back shortly.

@johnathonm - we don’t need modififed UBU package or any of that, we only needed to check your final BIOS mod file. Sorry I assumed that was what you wanted, after we updated microcodes, then you updated whatever else you wanted, so you could then be at least sure it was checked over and hopefully OK.

On the eye strain and monitors, best I can suggest is lower the brightness and white value, but I’m sure you know that already . You could also try mounting some blue flat LED’s on the back of the monitor, like ambiance TV lights, they come in rolls cheap or precut and wired/ready lengths.
Some say this blue light from behind monitor helps cut down the effects of any white light coming out of the monitors. Plus, this way behind there, it’s not coming directly at you, you can even connect it to a fan control and turn it up/down/off if you wanted too.

Bricks happen, but we as BIOS modders strive to avoid that up front, so it’s less painful for everyone and things can get accomplished much quicker.

So please attach your final mod BIOS, or upload in a zip to any free file host and post a download link, then we can check it