Hi guys my name is luxshan and i am new to bios modding. I serious need to mod my motherboard because i just bough myself Samsung 840 pros 128gb X2. so when i put them in raid0 it will not allow me to use trim. And i heard that if you have a z77 chipset or mod ur 6 series mobo u will be able to enbale trim. I need help in modding and basic so plz can you help me here. I will upload anything u require for the process e.g. the current bios file etc.
Thank You for your time

@ Luxshan:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
Since the topic of your help request has more to do with BIOS Modding than with the Intel drivers, I have moved the thread into the related Forum section.
Now to your question:
You will find everything you need and all required informations within the guides I have written. At first step you should read the BIOS modding introduction and preparation thread. After having done that, you should look into the instructions I have layed down for the different BIOS types. If the BIOS of your mainboard is an AMI UEFI one, you should read the first post of >this< thread.
If you should have any further questions, please ask. I am sorry, but I will not modify the BIOS for you. Otherwise it wouldn’t have maken sense to write all the guides.
