Need Unlocked bios for Aorus 15p yd.

bios sent to address you msgd me.

Hi friend, have you solved the issue ?

Here an user solved the issue by the Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk …

[Request] Gigabyte Aero 15 OLED BIOS unlocked (39)…Boot-protection

Let me know

Hello i am back trying to do this. i reached out to my vendor and then gigabyte for an unlocked bios and havent heard anything. So you think this above will do the trick for me?

I don’t know, but you can try , best is disable all locks like Secure Boot TPM etc. to make this working …

hello i am trying to do the same here i am running the FB09 version of the that bios and want to be able to run my ram at 3200 mhz as it is advertised to do so because right now it is locked at 2666 and that just isnt very cool imo if its advertised to so better. Please help!! thank you.


Have you tried this?

no i have not so i just ran the unlock thing and it says FPT operation successful.? bios read opersatoin was performed… now what haha im pretty new to all this sory

Looks like you did not complete the step about disabling the “BIOS Lock”. It is complicated, but doable.
Should be among of other options at the very beggining.

crap ok so its going to completely wipe my computer i i do this ?
i just barley got everything installed onto it haha its a new laptop…

It’s going to wipe a USB pen drive you insert. To subsequently write some bootable program on it. Windows does not allow to fully operate with BIOS, so unlocking requires this workaround.

oh ok so would a portable drive work? or does it have to be a flash drive

Don’t know. You can try.
Larger FAT32 media may be harder for computer to detect.

ok so if it does work lets say. is this supposed to make it to where i can screw around with my voltages and also mainly will it make it so my ram will be unlocked to turn up to 3200 mhz like its advertised to be running at in the first place?? im serioulsy so shocked with gigabyte on this i really dont understand how they can just do something like this i have even sent a ticket into their support website and havent heard anthing back in days, i mean isnt that false advertising or somthing? because there is littereally no way to turn the ram speed up no matter what with how the laptop sits currently. and they can seriously expect everyone to do what im trying to do just to be able to do what should already be avaailable to do… its quite ridiculous in my mind idk…

RAM - yes. Voltages - partially, there are primarily voltage adjustments for CPU.

Many many portables are affected by this problem. I know this because I do mods. Draw your own conclusion.

ok so i did waht it told me to do but now what do i do im kind of lost

i wish that we could live chat somehow haha… sorry im so helpless with this stuff.

i just did the second step with the flash drive plugged in that i ran the first step with what do i do with this newly created thing on the drive? do i boot into it now?

Yes. When created, boot from it. Everything as it was told.