Ok i reuploaded the tool with DumpSPI.bat too, so run it by a double click …
I don’t know if you got an laptop with a wrong bios, may be that you have the next bios available for this serie, and the manufactor
tested on some productions …
Who knows , but i don’t think you have lost features, but you got more … the best thing is to unlock it and look what you can get yet !
let me know
still the same error
so i don’t need to worry about the bios or losing performance ?
@BDMaster i uploaded the bios i backed up while trying to install FB01. i dont know if it helps.
Original BIOS.zip (4.9 MB)
You gave me this , backuked up by FPT Tool, but for you (us) it needs the Firmware backup, use the FPT Tool updated ,
run WritesSpi.bat and upload the spi.bin file, then i will upload a bios downgrade to flash and you will flash to get the FB01 …
this is not correct has you will flash only Bios Region from FB01, but after that the Bios will think to be at FB01 version
and you will be able to reflash the original one !
Let me know
I am tired of seeing new errors… i am so sorry for wasting your time.
Ok so we cannot, now, let me know, do youo want to downgrade ?
To Downgrade you have to unlock the Eeprom Write variables …
Let me know
will i need it to update to future bios? or to unlock bios (now or in the future) for underclocking ? if yes then yes.
You have to unlock the Eeprom Write variables to rewrite back the bios with downgrade version … only for this, if do you want
then we will make the bios mod too !
Let me know
Hi, @BDMaster !
I am trying to unlock the bios on my new Aorus 15P XD because it’s running pretty hot and loud and can’t even run my 3200MHz ram at full speeds.
Could you please unlock my bios?
I dumped the file using BackupTools from your link.
You can find it here: sendspace com/ file/ mik2xf (sorry, can’t post proper links)
Please let me know.
UPD: attached the file to this message
results20.rar (4.61 MB)
@BDMaster Can you please help me to unlock my AORUS 15P XD 11. Gen. Bios: FB07 / F004
I want to be able to load the XMP profile for the RAM because the 64GB only run at 2666MHz and i will run at 3200MHz. And I would like to undervolt the CPUalready done:
BIOS Lock VarOffset - 0x1C With the help of these step-by-step instructions: https: //drive. google. com/file/d/1LVdo8Q_ylyyOoik8sEBQabQhFErjjGVT/view
Use Backup Tool:
make a bios backup using this tool:
With FPT15.0.30.176 can restore my biosHow can I unlock the BIOS?
FPRR VarOffset - 0x683
There is no line 683 under PchSetup [4570B7F1-ADE8-4943-8DC3-406472842384]. I don’t quite understand that.thanks in advance
results20.rar (4.77 MB)
biosreg.rar (4.49 MB)
But somehow you get around the error.
With the help of these step-by-step instructions: https: //drive. google. com/file/d/1LVdo8Q_ylyyOoik8sEBQabQhFErjjGVT/view
don’t use -Find 0017, adjust the 01 to 00. Hit ctrl + w to save.
use-Find 001C, adjust the 01 to 00. Hit ctrl + w to save.
after this step is Finished: -Reboot PC to Windows.
i have Uploaded my Bios .bin & result20 .rar files.
How can make me pleas a Unlock File?
biosreg.rar (4.49 MB)
results20.rar (4.77 MB)
Sweet Kitten’s signature indicates that s/he expects that you show an effort and help yourself. This is what I tried to do with a very similar laptop: [Request] Gigabyte Aero 17 HDR XD Bios Unlock
Maybe my detailed description will help you to modify the bios for your Gigabyte laptop. The procedure should be very similar.
Good luck!
Hi My current version of bios is FB07 and i want to unlock bios for my aorus 15p xd rtx 3070 so i can overclock how will i be able to do this?
This is the biggest discussion on Aorus 15p 11th Gen CPU so I’ll post something here.
A script for semi-automatic unlocking.
To launch, please unpack the archive to a separate folder and double click on START. After that follow the on-screen instructions.
Thanks to PedalParrot for testing.
Hey, I’m new here. I just got the Aorus 15P XD, as I am seeing I need to unlock the XMP in Bios to set RAM to 3200Hz. I am a noob and I don’t know if this is safe to do, and can it cause any troubles. Is there any guide on this script you’ve posted?
Sorry for asking much, why do people update BIOS and should I do that also?
Hello. Basically, I stole the idea from here and adapted it for another device, but with some changes. I’ve merged batch files into one and used UEFITool instead of MMTool. So the size of the archive is smaller, the script is not BIOS version dependent. If you know what you are doing, the whole modification process will take 3 minutes maximum. Although you will be greeted with text instructions at each step, I understand that this may not be enough, but I do not have an Aorus notebook to make any kind of guide with illustrations.
Updates usually bring fixes, and which - should be indicated on the support page. If you do not want to these fixes and you are satisfied with everything as it is, you may not update.
After I unlock BIOS (I’m still not sure if this can cause any troubles and is it safe, so if you could please explain me) will it be possible to revert the action - make it as defautl locked?
Thank you!
Don’t apply incorrect settings in BIOS and you wont be in trouble. You’re here for XMP.
If you install a BIOS from Gigabyte official source, then the BIOS will become locked.
Hey, could you please help with unlocking BIOS version FE02, it seems impossible, it is also undoable to revert to the older (unlockable) bios version FB07
Can u please help me with unlocking my bios ive got an aorus 15p KD