NVIDIA: Optimized nForce Driverpacks for Win7-10


thanks for you help. I will test the new Driver today.
I make a test with a Realtek Network Card. When i try the Driver from Realtek, I take an BSOD. I don´t now, why the VGA Driver will be crashed, too. The MS Realtek Driver works fine. Something is wrong in Win10 :-).

I will test something else. I will give an Report.

Hello! :slight_smile:

After spending all week, I’m really sick of digging up old forum posts (2006-12)… but it looks like I finally found something active!

Here is my situation:

Got a Samsung 850 Evo 250gb.
Trying to use it (for now…) on a P5N-E sli (NB: 650i sli C55, SB: 430i MCP 51) board.
Getting SATA 1 mode/speeds, even though the board supports SATA 2. :-/ (and my HDD actually runs in SATA 2 mode)

1. Is there ANY way to achieve SATA 2 on this controller? If not, I’ll just go ahead and use it like this since it’s still a double+ improvement over my ancient SATA2 HDD speeds…

Some more questions:

2. I read somewhere that TRIM is not vital with this drive because of its controller’s Garbage Collection, is this true? (or is there a way to get trim?)

3. Some guy with the same board said that enabling RAID mode for the controller in BIOS (but not enabling it for any particular SATA port) “unlocked” SATA 2 speeds for him (though, he had an older and different brand SSD). Is there any logic behind this? I tried it but got nothing…

4. Is there any reason (relative to my SSD situation) to stick with Win7 64? (I’d like to work with my new Win10 64)

Driver info:

Got the latest official drivers by nvidia for win7, 15.57 (11.x for the SATA controller I think, but when I try to update, win7 selects some 10.x as an upgrade :S )

Also got access to win7 (on hdd) and win10 (on ssd). I can choose either one to work from, as it is right now, but eventually (ideally) would like to end up with only win10 on ssd and hdd as data storage…

Waiting for any answers,


@ Attheg8s:
Hello Michael,
welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

I don’t know any.

It is partly true. An SSD with a good Garbage Collection will usually clean the cells within a moderate time (but not as fast as TRIM would do it).

Yes, but only after having set the SATA Controller to IDE mode and using the in-box MS IDE driver.

Since you have tried it with no performance boost effect, the "RAID" mode seems to be not a solution for you.

No, provided that you get all nForce devices properly working with Win10 x64.

Dieter (alias Fernando)


I am running Win10 Pro x64 on a MSI P6N SLI Platinum (MS-7350) and according to the board’s specifications, the chipset is listed as “nForce 650i SLI+430i”. I am getting random lockups with the drivers installed by Windows… well, it’s not “completely” locking up as task switching, minimizing and the the menus still work but all applications lock up completely and I can’t close them or end task and attempting to open new apps or reboot normally doesn’t seem to work either so I’m pretty much forced to do a hard reboot every time this happens (once or twice a day depending on how much I use my PC). Is this any sort of known issue? Will installing these custom drivers help to resolve this problem? I haven’t tried to modify the BIOS or anything but if there is any way to do that on this board that would enable visualization for my CPU or help with this issue, I would love to hear any advice on how to do that as well. Thanks!

Drtailed System Info: http://pastebin.com/Hd1fqLEa

@ Tarrnation:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Since I don’t have my old nForce chipset system anymore, you will have to test it yourself.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I have a laptop asus k50id with chipset mcp79. I recently bought a SSD and I can not install Win 8.1. SSD in the installer is not defined, it requires drivers.

@ mars2015:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Please explain, what you are trying to do.
Did you remove the original system drive from your laptop and insert an SSD, where Win8.1 had aleady previously been installed on another system?
Or do you have a problem to get Win8.1 installed onto the new SSD? If yes, with which nForce SATA mode (IDE/AHCI/RAID) did your previous system drive run?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I inserted a new SSD into the laptop. Old the HDD with the system pulled. In the BIOS mode has been selected ACHI.
Sorry for my english (google translate)

@ mars2015:
You should be able to get any original Windows OS from Vista up installed onto your system without any problem, because all modern Windows Operating Systems have an in-box MS AHCI driver, which should detect your SSD

Ok, thx

Hello and merry christmas to all.

I have an old system with an ASUS A8N SLI PREMIUM and an SSD. Because I am a bit confused. Which one of the driverpacks is best for this motherboard?

@ vasilisk:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

It depends on the SATA mode (IDE or RAID) and the OS.
Usually my "Special nForce RAID driverpack" will be the best choice for your nForce4 system.

Happy New Year!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you. Although I tried a sata3 ssd and it was always seeing it as sata1. Despite the fact that the motherboard supports sata 2.


I have an ASUS P5N32E SLI PLUS with nforce 650i SLI & 570i SLI chipset.

I have 7 HDD’s:
SATA Port 1: Operating System (Windows 10 Pro x64) on 120 GB SSD (with Standard IDE drivers)
SATA Port 2: 500 GB HDD (for back up - also with standard ide drivers, because are 2 ports on controller)
SATA Port 3 - 6: 4x 250 HDD in RAID 0
IDE Port 1 - 160 GB HDD
IDE Port 2 - Optical DVD - RW

I tried to install ‘‘Special nForce RAID Driverpacks for Win7-10’’, but without success. When I run setup, it will detect only Ethernet drivers to install (no storage drivers), and also it will not install (I installed ethernet drivers manualy). I tried to install also storage drivers, but after restart I can’t use my RAID Array.

I want to try to install, because I have a randoms bluescreens, and I don’t know where is the problem. The bluescreen appears on Windows 10 (before I have Windows 8.1 and no bluescreen - so I think some drivers are the problem). My PC is on 24/7.

Can you help me please with an advice, how I can install drivers and make RAID Array to work or what can I do to check what causes BSOD’s?

Thank you!

How did you try to update the NVIDIA nForce SATARAID drivers?
Are you sure, that all NVIDIA nForce SATA and RAID devices (even the usually hidden NVIDIA nForce RAID ones) had gotten the same nForce driver version, before you rebooted?

The problem is, that there are no NVIDIA nForce drivers available, which have been developed for Win10 and that MS only offers generic IDE and AHCI drivers, but no RAID ones for nForce Chipset systems.

I tried now and it’s working…thank you verry much. Now I will wait to see if I had bluescreens.

Yes, I know that nvidia doesn’t offer AHCI drivers for TRIM support on SDD, but I have 3 controllers, and I use generic IDE for 1 of them (that with port 1 (SSD) and port 2 (back up HDD)) and for controller 2 and 3 with 4 HDD in RAID 0 I use nForce drivers, but I think, the installed drivers (installed by Windows) caused the BSOD… hope that now it will be ok(with drivers installed from you). Next week I will come with updates.

P.S. I have one more question: How I can install RAIDTOOL? It helps me with something or I don’t need it?

Thank you!

This was the way I did it while running my old nForce system (not sure, whether it still works):
1. Extract the RAIDTOOL.cab located in the raidtool folder of the related driverpack by using a tool like 7-Zip
2. Copy all extracted files to C:\Windows\System32
3. Doubleclick onto RegRaidSedona.bat
4. Run nvCplUI.exe resp. NvRaidService.exe

The Raidtool contains just a RAID monitoring service. You don’t really need it.


Raidtool not working on W10 x64 (it not run)…but if I don’t really need it, is no problem.

In IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers should I install nforce drivers or let Standard Dual Chanel PCI IDE Controller?

Thank you!

As long as your SATA connected HDDs/SSDs inc. your RAID array are running fine, I would not change anything within the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" and "Storage Controllers" section of the Device Manager.

Dear Fernando,

I bought an SSD (Kingston V series 64GB). My PC is - as I mentioned earlier - an old one: Abit AN8, (nForce4 AMD (CK804)). The Win7 x64 is working fine, it’s more faster than it was on HDD. I measured the speed with CrystalDiskMark two times - firstly with basic Win7 drivers, secondly with your “Fernandos Latest 64bit nForce Driverpack for Win7-10 x64 v10.4” driver pack. The results are better with your pack, but HDSentinel says: TRIM is inactive, and the performance of my SSD is just 80%. With Win drivers the SSD is 100/100, but the results are worse.

What do you think, is it a problem, when TRIM is inactive? Can I make it active with your drivers?

Waiting for the answer,