[OFFER] ASUS P8Z77-V Series BIOSes modded with latest modules

Which disk drive boots? The NVMe SSD?

Which Windows OS are you running?
The SSD should be shown within the “Disks” section of the Device Manager. Otherwise you should check the SSD and its connection via adapter.

Thanks - I have actually read it, but not fully understood it. I am specifically trying to boot off an an existing windows nvme drive in this aging MB. I’ll probably just have to reinstall on a different disk. Thanks again

Doesn’t boot, sorry, but posts. I can’t see the drive in the bios menu. I’ll have to go through the guide more thoroughly. I was hoping to not reinstall windows on the nvme in question, but doesn’t seem that’s an option. Not sure why it doesn’t show, though, but again, as @MeatWar says, read the docs to the letter

Once the OS Setup has built the EFI Boot Partition onto the NVMe, the NVMe SSD will be shown as “Windows Boot Manager” within the BIOS.
By the way - a fresh OS install is the best option for users, who are going to replace a SATA disk drive by an NVMe SSD. Only this way you can get rid from all the former garbage.

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