HWinfo will show you the PCIexpress address/link related to the M.2 slot, only on more recent modern chipsets you can now see more PCIexpress links as GEN3.0 from CPU or PCH… but not your Skylake (Or old H87 gen?) laptop (Should be only Gen3 to CPU/iGPU/GPU links). Some bios settings can have PCI Gen selection at the cost of disabling other ports/links… but this is a laptop, usually a desktop has more margin about this.

Many thanks for the clear explanation.

Yes, from hwinfo the bus that connect to the ssd are stated as gen2.0 only. i was hoping that with the modded bios i am able to switch or change that, unfortunately as you had clarified that my laptop chipset is unable to.

Thanks once again.

Hi, has anyone tried to set Nvidia GPU only in this Bios?

Please advise. Thanks.