[OFFER] Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P rev2.x BIOS Mod NVME Added

Follow the guide here: [HowTo] Get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS - Special Topics / NVMe Support for old Systems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

Use the MMtool method.

EDIT: Glad you made it, enjoy it.

Thank you very much I managed to do it!!! I modified my bios and now install windows 10 on my mvme kingston ssd and everything works great, so thank you for the help.

Hello Fernando. One cuestion, how to modify motherā€™s bios GA-870A-UD3 rev 3.1 to support nvme?Thanks,Andy.

Your motherboard still uses AWARD legacy bios, not possible as the model of this thread that uses modern UEFI bios.
Use alternative methods in this section Latest Special Topics/NVMe Support for old Systems topics - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

EDIT: Its old Gigabyte Hybrid bios transition, not standard PURE UEFI

Hello thanks for reply. My mother have EFI/CMS boot options,but a very old interface.I Ā“ll try your recomendations thanks a lot.

2 posts were split to a new topic: [Request] NVMe Support for GA-970A-UD3 rev 3.0

Im so sorryā€¦but as you can imagineā€¦the file mod you referred is not my work and i cannot vouch for any modifications done by that user, you should ask that user for further clarifications.
Anywayā€¦i do encourage you to follow the guide here presented by Fernando and try to do the mod yourself as its very easily done.
[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS - Special Topics / NVMe Support for old Systems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

thanks for the speedy reply Meatwar. I tried using the guide but for whatever reason could not get it to work. Anytime I have ever messed with a hex editor the results are poor. Thanks again and good luck :slight_smile:

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Hi all,

I think I messed up my motherboard. Can someone upload bin or hex any REV 2.0 BIOS? Iā€™ll flash it with CH341a programmer.

NVMe mod files, thereā€™s plenty aboveā€¦ cleaned use the Gigabyte file.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

hello, can you upgrade my bios bios.zip ā€” ŠÆŠ½Š“ŠµŠŗс Š”ŠøсŠŗ

I know this is old but is there a way someone can mod this so that TMP is in Peripherals? Iā€™m willing to send some funds. I own a GA-970A-DS3P FX (rev. 2.1) MOBO and it does not have TMP in Peripherals but does have the secure boot. I donā€™t want to flash Bios with another one that belongs to another MOBO, I would like to keep the orignal Bios. Someone please help? Can someone make this happen along with the NVME Mod Added? The Bios I see has TMP in Peripherals is GA-970A-D3P (rev. 2.X) which is the closes MOBO to GA-970A-DS3P FX (rev. 2.1)

Too old AMD generationā€¦ no motherboard header for TPM 1.2 and no cpu generation for modern AMD fTPM 2.0/AMD PSP, buy new platform if you want such feature.

Your out of your ā€œleagueā€ sirā€¦ what is the part that you donā€™t understand then, stating that the info i provided you already know it?

Thereā€™s 2 types of TPM, the physical one by hardware and the embedded one by cpu, your motherboard model have no header for adding a physical/hardware device and the cpu generation doesnā€™t have this security implemented on itā€¦

Even if someone had the time to play with it and could add such option in bios, there wont be nothing but aesthetics for your eyes, because there isnā€™t no real feature of TPM by TPM module or AMD cpu security, understood now?

A few users got a non public bios for some motherboards models upon request on Gigabyte support, but these bios were all to motherboards with an internal TPM header to connect a hardware module, understood now?

Thanks. I already know all of that.

If you look at the manual for mobo GA-970A-D3P (rev. 2.X) - On the Peripherals it says ā€˜Trusted Computingā€™. If someone is able to MOD my MOBO which is GA-970A-DS3P FX (rev. 2.1) and add the Trusted Computing which in Trusted Computing is the TPM SUPPORT.

I know someone out there can and knows how to add this option to my MOBO Bios. I donā€™t mind helping with some incentives $ for someone helping me out with this. I know itā€™s an MOBO from 2017 but I donā€™t want to spend money on a new MOBO. I have an AMD 8350 in it with an NVME M.2 2280 added and a GeForce GTX 1060 ARMOR 6G. Itā€™s an older PC but itā€™s good for work and other things I do. I was able to isntall Win 11 pro 64bit and was able to turn on the secure boot in the BIOā€™s but I just need the TMP option to be enabled which is not in the bios because Trusted Computing did not get added to this MOBOā€™s bios for whatever reason, even know itā€™s newer bios from the bios that is on GA-970A-D3P (rev. 2.X).

I know that I can use the Bios from GA-970A-D3P (rev. 2.X) to GA-970A-DS3P FX (rev. 2.1) but which is an easy fix but I donā€™t really want to do this alternate route.