I’ve screwed around with this so you don’t have to. HP ProDesk 600 G1 DM (Mini Desktop) BIOS v2.33 (current) modified to insert the full-sized NvmeBoot module for Aptio IV UEFIs as prominently linked everywhere here. You should be able to open this in MMTool and extract any of the modules you like to compare them against the ones in the stock UEFI on HP’s website, to be safe. I couldn’t be arsed to screw around with FD override to get at the flash, though there does seem to be an unpopulated set of pads for a header to enable FD override - that bit is up to you. The process by which I obtained and modified this BIOS was as follows:
1) Desolder 25-series SPI flash IC from mainboard 2) Insert into ZIF socket adapter in TL-866II+ programmer 3) Read contents of SPI flash to file 4) Open resulting UEFI in MMTool 4.5 5) Insert NvmeBoot module at end of volume containing CSMCORE 6) Save UEFI to new file 7) Burn resultant file back to SPI flash 8) Resolder 25-series SPI flash IC to mainboard
Was it a brutal approach? Yes. Could it probably have been done by unlocking the flash using the ME FPT and using AFUDOS or similar? Probably. I just happened to have a hot air gun, soldering iron, and flash programmer handier than I did any of the ME tools, so…well, this is what I did instead. Anyways, confirmed working; the ProDesk 600 G1 DM boots just fine from the m.2 NVMe slot with this image flashed.
Edit: Oh neat, it’s > 6MB zipped and I’m not allowed to post links yet. I guess it’s split into two ZIP files now, so enjoy that. You might have to remove the second .zip extension from these things to use it. I have no idea. I’m increasingly regretting bothering to try to share this here.
Will it work on other ProDesk 600 G1 models? I have absolutely no idea since that isn’t the computer I built it for. Please don’t flash it on another ProDesk 600 G1 model unless you’re prepared to re-flash the original BIOS, which you made a backup of anyways, right? And you’re following my instructions and desoldering the chip to flash it in a programmer anyways, so you should have no problems restoring the original BIOS if it doesn’t work, right?
…you are following the instructions, right?
Please follow the instructions. If the instructions are confusing to you, or you don’t want to do one of the steps, or you want to try something different, please don’t flash this BIOS, or you’re going to be very sad and angry and confused.
Remove the trailing ‘.zip’ extension from both files. (This was necessary to get the forum to let me upload the split archive.) You should now have ‘ProDesk-600-G1-DM-NVMe.zip.001’ and ‘ProDesk-600-G1-DM-NVMe.zip.002’. You should be able to extract ‘ProDesk-600-G1-DM-NVMe.zip.001’ using 7Zip (I don’t know if something like WinRAR will work, I haven’t used it in years.) This should successfully extract ‘ProDesk-600-G1-DM-NVMe.bin’.
Taking in consideration latest posts from the user kvanderlaag besides the de-soldering part, i think you can follow the rest of his tips, almost sure you still need to do this with a CH341A SPI programmer. Usually, other user files have its own motherboard/system specific data of its own.
Hi, Finally after many threads, several test and download many UEFi and Bios mod tools, I got that my HP Prodesk 600 G1 boots from SSD Nvme via Pci Express port. I could find anything that brakes the security to re-write Bios via Windows, Linux or DOS, Via software just I could not.
I´ve followed your thead and worked just with a minimal differences: not de-soldered and your image not worked in my machine , your image bricked my computer so:
1.-I Bought a Spi Programmer Módulo programador USB CH341A XTW100 24 25 Series EEPROM Flash BIOS CH341 + Clip de prueba SOIC8 SOP8 para EEPROM 93CXX / 25CXX / 24CXX|Circuitos integrados| - AliExpress USD 8 with clips to connect directly
2.-Read with the programmer original Bios of the mother board. For to do this I used the 8 pin clip that came with the kit , no de-soldering de Bios, just put de clip in the correct way and that´s it. read the Bios.
3.-I Download the NMVe Driver to inject to de Bios “NvmExpressDxe_Small” module** 3.7 KB file on MEGA
4.-I Download UEFITool.exe Bios Mods -The Best BIOS Update and Modification Source: Downloads in order to open de Bios and Inject the NVMe driver .
5.- Start UEFITool load de Bios goto: Intel Image ->Bios Region->8C8CE578-8A3D-4FIC-9935-896185C32DD3 (first key)
5.1.- Scroll down almost to the end and inserted de NVMe Driver before “Volume free space” line. Driver must be between “free form” and “Free Space” lines . Saved new Bios Hp600Nvme.bin
6.Reprogrammed the new Bios via programmer with the clip connected to de Bios chip .
7.- That´s it.
Hack: For correct use of programmer, BE SURE that clips are well connected, if they are not in the correct position it can not be read even written. Read first and make a backup from your image Bios first and then reprogram it.
if someone find a tool that can write via Windows or Dos new Bios please share it .
I can attest that it absolutely works, in the configuration I specified, using the instructions I provided, because that is the image and exact procedure i used for my own machine.
your image bricked my computer
A point of clarification: you bricked your computer while using my image. There is a significant difference.
{A point of clarification: you bricked your computer while using my image. There is a significant difference.} OK my mistake, “that image bricked the computer” I mean “image your provide” I know is my own responsibility, not concern by any circumstance, I bought several computers same model as yours, I noted there are several p/n also, so I made some new images not interchanged between them. Just I have one issue , MAC address network are erased to all re flashed computers so built in ethernet network card does not works, since ethernet card are very cheap, no more time invested to solve that problem.
{I´ve followed your thead and worked just with a minimal differences: not de-soldered—This is not a minimal difference.} For most people, I agree is not a minimal difference but for people that works with computers or electronics components it is.
I have a couple of these Prodesk 600 G1 machines in the office that I just retired because I find them so very slow in 2025. Not only that I took the memory from one machine and doubled the other but I still find it slow. I also have a ch341A programmer and out of curiosity think I might try to flash the bios for nvme. However I also wonder if you guys feel a definitive speed bump to make it worth it? My 600 G1 came with an I5 4590 cpu. Otherwise these machines are going to the basement to collect dust.
Against an HDD…sure, from a SATA SSD not such visible bump…the rest all depends on the tasks given to such system.
EDIT: Yeah, it should be the MX25L12873F / 75F, but you also have an FDO jumper on that motherboard model, if bios region is accessible, you may try FPT tool.
Well they both run off of a SATA WD blue 500gb drive. Its takes a solid 5 minutes to boot up as it is. May try updating the rom but have no idea where the bios chip is located. Thanks.
That looks like an SPI flash chip alright. You’re in the right place.
For what it’s worth, the machine I created this BIOS for is still running as my primary web and file server, with the same NVMe drive I originally put in it. No performance complaints from me, also running an i5-4590T. Could probably use more RAM (only 8GB, 16GB would be nice) but that’s about it, even if the RAM is a little slow being DDR3L.
No issues at all, in W11, related to driver… the main issue is the correct contact to the IC itself, or some have to be desoldered, that’s why i mentioned the FDO jumper… Flash Descriptor Override (FDO)
Edit: @MeatWar Your suggestion about the FD0 jumper worked out and was able to take a dump of the rom but question remains will I be able to use FPTW64 to flash my modifications or will I have to use ysb programmer?
Anyhow previous issue I had was with driver at first and second poor contact to test bios chip which was a winbond chip. Think my clip is compatible with Prodesk 600 and will test it out time permitting if necessary.