[Offer] Mod Asus X99-E WS/USB 3.1 BIOS


Mod based on 4001 build.

                      Main Menu
[Current version in BIOS file]
1 - Disk Controller
EFI AMI NVMe Driver present
3 - Network
EFI Intel PRO/1000 UNDI - 6.6.04
OROM Intel Boot Agent CL - 0.1.15
OROM Intel Boot Agent GE - 1.5.88
EFI Realtek UNDI - 2.049
CPUID Revision Date
406F1 B000038 2019-06-18
406F0 14 2015-07-02
306F2 43 2019-03-01
306F1 14 2014-01-10

Updated 05.11.2019


X99EU31.CAP Patched MSR 0xE2 Lock
1 Like

@SuperMaks , thank you – great to see somebody is taking care of this beast. Is there any chance to also get a version with the MSR 0xE2 register unlocked?

thanks & best

@tc1 - I can do that for you if @SuperMaks doesn’t reply back or doesn’t want to do it


Oh, I didnt even know about that. Thank you for your question.
I have patched MSR and updated firmware in post. But I didnt tested yet( So you can check it yourself or wait until weekends, I will test it on my MB.

hey guys, thanks for being so helpful & responsive! really really thankful for your effort, unfortunately it’s my work machine so I’ll have to wait for the weekend / your test to try it…


@tc1 I have tested patch. For me 15th bit in register 0xE2 now is 0 (before patch it was 1).
So give me feedback pls when you ready, cause I dont have Max OS for testing.


after several tries and some problems with the asus bios tools (and a finnicky usbstick probably) I managed to flash the bios & boot macos, all with the 0xE2 register unlocked, thus not needing any kernelpatches to circumvent a write and KernelPanic. Thank you so much, highly appreciated! Glad to see someone is taking care of this board, it’s not very common in the hackintosh space and has some weird quirks making it hard to differentiate between Board & OS problems. Also thanks to CPU microcode-update overclocking is back in macos :slight_smile:
best, tc

There is a new version at asus web…
Could you please mod that one?

Thanks in advance!


yes, +1 on this – would be great.
thanks & best

@Jlcdgd @tc1

Sorry, I forgot about it.

Thank you!
Both versions are done? (I mean also the MSR patched one?)
I am going to use it in a hackintosh…

Yes, @Jlcdgd , both mods are updated.

Actually for now you can do mod by yourself, cause now all steps automated in UBU, and this can be done in few clicks.) But my first mod, I was did manually. Just in case if someone wants to change something…

Just want to say thank you… It seems UBU works in windows, and I don´t have it…
Thanks for your support and patience

And with microcode 44 there is a bios

Sorry, I’m very late into this.

Need some clarification (just a bit confused by the time stamp):

The latest BIOS available on Asus site for the X99-E WS USB 3.1 is 4001 (Released 2019/08/12)

The first post above states the mod is based on 4001. So good.

There are 2 BIOS .CAP files.

I am not sure what the first one does. The second will patch the MSR 0xE2 lock/unlock function.

Can someone clarify?

You can verify it yourself against the original bios update file from Asus, i would believe that the 1st shared cap, has the internal dxe drivers updated along the cpu mcodes updated till 05.11.2019

The 2nd should be the same updated file but with MSR patch.

Internal date is BIOS release - 4001 05/28/2019, nothing to do with the published date.

Note: The cpu mcodes are NOT up to date (2024)


First file with little bit fresh drivers and mcodes 2019.
Second - same as the fist plus patched MSR lock.

Actually I have the version with latest mcode 2021, that I have using, but as far as I remember there is patched DSDT a bit and
updated Intel ME. I am not 100% sure that it is completely stable on all configurations.

Is there a version with the MSR unlock and turboboost unlock for the E5 v3 CPU?

Looks like I may have to edit this in based on the second file above.

I can follow the YouTube video to convert .cap to .rom and vice versa, right? (The guide to do edit for the turboboost unlock using S3TurboTool will make a .rom file). I can then use the USB Flashback to mod the BIOS to enable the turboboost unlock.

Nope, I havent version with turboboost unlock.

I think .cap and .rom is the same format. Just rename.
BIOS Update question - ROM vs CAP file. - Republic of Gamers Forum - 261194

Upd: Sorry, Nope .cap with extra header and a bit larger

cap_to_bin.zip (4.4 MB)

Convert to .bin and then rename it to .rom