[OFFER] Var. ASUS Sabertooth X79 BIOSes (NVMe/Bifurc./uCode/OpROM)

@Ntrako - Thanks, here is next two tests, if all OK here, I will combine all these into one final BIOS (without any Marvell update) If you want Marvell update after that, do by UBU

Those files are .bin. How to flash via flashback?

Yes, sorry about that, sent encapsulated links in PM

here i have the results mate:
1)when i flash the one from LAN everything is good
2)when i flash the RST the problem occur again…so the issue with cpu vccsa voltage and ram frequence come from RST

Thanks, uCode-LAN is new base for a minute. Here, please test all three, let me know which causes the issue again (if possible don’t boot to windows for these tests, due to some will have new some old RST roms and that may mess with the drivers you have installed)
Actually, I bet it’s the orom, and either how it’s put in, or the rom itself. Lets test this, first, here is orom RST only edit, done as I sent you previously, but without the RST EFI modules updated.
If this fails/causes the issue, I will send you three more to test of same orom version change, but using different tools and or different version of the tool for the edit

* Edit - @Ntrako - Getting ahead here, next three using different versions/tools/methods

If all these fail, cause the issue, then something with one of the oroms below is issue, which we’ll further narrow down until we find the cause
OROM IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >> TRIM mod
OROM IRSTe RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>

This one works without any problem with cpu vccsa volt and ram freq
I didnt boot to windows as you said

@Ntrako - did you see my edits to previous post? No need to test any of those though, if you already have one that worked OK. Please let me know which folder name was OK
And, about the windows thing, you can tell if this issue is happening within the BIOS itself, you don’t have to boot to windows to know correct?

yes you are correct to the second question about windows,
i mean this issue is happening within the BIOS itself(vccsa voltage and ram freq issue).
the first link you sent me in your post #165(i mean before edit) works ok

Thanks for confirming you can see issue in BIOS, when it’s present. So, this one, it’s OK, correct >> oRomRSTOnly-5.02.7z
If yes, here is next test, adding EFI RST back in now. EFI IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>

After i flash bios from post #169 same problem is here again

So, it seems that version EFI Rom is the problem then! Please wait, let me see if I can find out why, maybe not ideal for your chipset or something, not sure, I thought someone else already looked into this and picked that one as the correct best one, but maybe they were wrong.
Or wait, here, please test, maybe tool/edit method matters there? I doubt this will make a difference, but best we test and see before downgrading to other version

sorry for the delay,
the last one works fine

@Ntrako - Interesting result there! I expected fail same as 169 BIOS, it’s same module, same already modified module extracted from failed BIOS 169 and inserted with other tool (POST mod at 169), so it should have failed in same way.
Special dance required for this edit, I don’t see the reasoning there, or why it happens, but now we know at least

Here is new final, hopefully all OK now. NVME Mod, ucodes updated to latest, Marvell/RST/LAN updated to readout below from UBU - So same mod as before, but EFI RST replaced by special dance
EFI IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>
OROM IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >> TRIM mod
OROM IRSTe RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>
EFI Intel PRO/1000 UNDI - 5.5.23 >> 0.0.23 (new version/name formatting)
OROM Intel Boot Agent GE - 1.3.72 >> 0.1.14 (Same as above)
EFI Marvell SATA AHCI - >> Update to >>
OROM Marvell 88SE9130 - >> Update to >>

Fingers crossed we don’t have to go back and do any others one by one Once you confirm all is OK with this one, I will remove all previous BIOS links, so no one uses bad BIOS later on.

Flash via USB Flashback only (Stock BIOS mod here)!

This one is just a beast mate :wink:
Everything works excellent about cpu and ram voltages and frequences.
For everyone who needs all of those mods in this mobo and maybe had performance issue(caused from cpu vccsa volt and ram freq) with bios from post #134,
i confirm this is the best and working one or at least
i haven’t found any issue btw right now.

I have to say thanks to @Lost_N_BIOS for all of this support either in PMs and posts in this thread.
Keep it up

@Ntrako - GREAT to hear that finally Thanks for quick test and report back! I will remove links to all previous mods & test BIOS now, including #134
You’re very welcome! Sorry for the issue, and all the hassles to sort this out! Thanks for sticking with me while we fixed it proper

@chi @sergio987 - please use above linked BIOS at #173 now instead, we found and corrected the issue, that was present but now

@Lost_N_BIOS I followed the topic until the problem was resolved. I would like to thank you for marking me to inform me about the new BIOS. I had two questions and would like to see with you about them. The first would be that I used the BIOS from post #134 that you edited for me. So for me there was no problem and I also use 1886mhz memory but mine is hyperx. As I said earlier, I tested performance on FPS games and got no performance gain, which was expected. But I also had no performance loss. Why did BIOS #134 work well for me? The second question would be: I saw that you recommended using this new BIOS you made after all the tests, but for my use the modifications beyond microde and NVME do not suit me. Still, do you think it’s better to use it instead of what you did for me in post #147?

Edit: Thank you for all your efforts to create such a complete BIOS for a platform that has been dead for a long time. After following the topic, I saw how determined you were to solve the problem reported by colleagues. Thank you for that.

@sergia987 - I don’t know why your memory worked and @Ntrako has issues, with same BIOS. Maybe you use XMP and he didn’t, or he did and you didn’t? Did you see the other issues he mentioned too, more than just memory speeds.
Since it was related to EFI RST, could also be you two are not using same settings for Windows Boot mod and RST? I am not sure, but as many times as he flashed and tested, while we narrowed it down, it couldn’t have been a bad flash any of the times when the issue was there again each time during testing.
If you only want microcode and NVME Mod, that BIOS is at #147, not #134. If those are the only changes you needed or prefer, then for you I would suggest you use that BIOS instead

You are welcome! Yes, if there is issue with mod BIOS I make, I always want to solve, otherwise it’s bad for users and looks bad for me too, so we have to fix and can’t leave/ignore

I still think I’m not done here yet I need to make 4801 Bifurcation for @agentx007 too, correct? Please remind me again what all updates you want on that one bud, thanks

@Lost_N_BIOS I would like two versions of both 4801 + 4701 (ie. four in total).
A) Version 4701 w/o Bifurcation
B) Version 4701 w/ Bifurcation
C) Version 4801 w/o Bifurcation
D) Version 4801 w/ Bifurcation

@agentx007 - A is done above, so you need B/C/D all updated same as BIOS at post 174 correct (except for no bifurcation mod at C)
B - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…459183262834646 << Mixed this up with above, B is above this thread and this link here is A (w/out Bifurcation)
D - You sent me pre-modified BIOS, NVME, uCodes, RST done - I will add LAN/Marv update, then you check check and see if it has memory cpu vccsa volt and ram freq issues as mentioned by Ntrako before I do C (as this will be base used for C)
Wait, I see possible issues with that BIOS, have you used it and it boots OK, CPU microcodes are loaded OK (shows correct version in BIOS and HWINFO64)?

First of all after i flash bios from post #134, xpm was in auto(i mean all settings about xpm are in auto), like after every bios update via flashback all settings goes automatically in auto(optimized settings).
i could not find if there is an issue with optimized settings…all problems was begun when i turn to xpm profile where ram frequence from 1333mhz should be 1866mhz and cpu vssca voltage from 0.950 to 1.200v.
BUT they didnt. They stay at stocked values.
So if the ram has not xpm itselt the problem cant be detected…hyperx is not xpm…it has not xpm feature.
So that is the reason that the guy above says that it worked fine for him.
I am sure that @chi who had performance issue he had the same issue with me as when he turn to xpm profile , in real life it didnt change anything to boost the performance of cpu and ram, like it was before and that is the reason for fps drop and etc…
I say again and i can confirm it that the last one has not any issues now.