[Outdated] USB 3.0/3.1 Drivers (original and modded)

Well, the section B. Latest modded Intel USB 3.0/3.1 drivers: stated: (usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up)

Another ASUS machine of mine is giving me USB 3.0 issues using that M$ driver, and I often find that M$ drivers aren’t quite the best in performance.

Does it make sense to update USB-drivers in this case?

If yes, which one I have to take?


Ignore it. Microsoft is constantly updating these standard drivers. Intel, on the other hand, hasn’t been doing this for years. They don’t really need to, they do a good job at Microsoft.

[email protected]_05.24.rar (1.7 MB)
[email protected]_08.10.rar (107.8 KB)

[email protected]_03.07.rar (33.6 KB)

After update modified driver for USB 3.0 or 3.1, bluetooth keyboard keeps disconnecting on Win11. Same happens on Win10 (1909). Why? Then, blackbird and everythingtech, but same disconnect of bluetooth keyboard every 4-6-8 hours. Also, IRQ always gets messed up after installing these USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 Drivers. Mm-m.

Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
I am sorry, that you are not satisfied with the modded USB 3.0/3.1 drivers.
Question: Why did you replace the generic Win10/11 in-box MS USB drivers at all?
Enjoy the Forum!
Dieter (alias Fernando)


H’lo. I wanted to replace to get maximum download/upload speed when transfer from PC to usb stick. Also, I wanted something to work well with LordMice. Default Windows 10/Windows 11 USB drivers stall a lot, and freeze during transfer/video games. (I frequently get “Please reconnect controller” in COD:MWII.) Did i answer your question?

Yes, thank you!

Ah-ha! I had to delete “convertibleslatemode” in KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl. Bluetooth worked for a whole 2 minutes. Now, how can i fix this @Fernando?

I don’t know. I just have modified the drivers to make them installable while running Win10/11.
It is a pity, that Intel hasn’t done it.

What does Intel have to do with anything? After the 2 minutes, my bluetooth disappeared from ncpa.cpl. I look into device manager, and bluetooth option disappeared completely. Where did it go? Are you hiding something from me. @Fernando?

No, I don’t hide anything.
About which USB 3.0/3.1 and Bluetooth drivers are you speaking? Who is the manufacturer?
I thought, that it is Intel, but maybe I am wrong. You haven’t yet betrayed the most important information.

Oh, usb 3.0 installed fine. But USB 3.1 did not. (See above 4 posts). After install USB 3.1 drivers, Bluetooth completely disappeared from device manager, and I cannot get it back. Windows 11 troubleshooter is not working. I am getting 0x80070005 error. I have disabled everything, including Windows store, services, and firewall. It’s kinda hard to bring everything back. Is there another way?

I repeat my question (last try): About which USB and Bluetooth drivers are you talking? Who is the manufacturer and which version did you install?

@Fernando, No. I quit, Fernando. You don’t ask me to turn off all Windows features, and make Windows the bad guy – and then, magically make him a good guy, again. You don’t. Either Windows was good from the start, or he wasn’t. I spent all my overclocking days turning off useless windows features, and now you want me to go back and turn everything back on? Are you nuts? That’s like saying that you want to destroy a building to build a new, bigger one. How many people can afford to do that? Your still nuts… Yeah, Fernando. Let’s all do a Fahrenheit 9/11! You can be a building, and I’ll be an airplane. Ready?


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:thinking: :rofl:

My dear F… im also quiting… too much “Nuts” in the house… :rofl: :crazy_face: :joy:

know for this controller (https://www.amazon.es/QGeeM-Adaptador-Ethernet-Ttarjetas-Acoplamiento/dp/B082WT3FL4/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=18C9MJXMG16LI&keywords=QGeeM%2BUSB%2BC%2BHub%2C12-en-1&qid=1671994267&sprefix=qgeem%2Busb%2Bc%2Bhub%2B12-en-1%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5&th=1)
which drivers are the best or correct