Panasonic cf 53 mk3 unlocking data 6

Or you can simply use "fptw -i". It will show you all zones with infos about read / write / lock

WAAAAAAAAT. You can even set RAM latencies?! Holy shit, 2133 CL9 or 2400 CL11 is no longer a pipe dream!

Are there any options for BCLK control in the BIOS? A 3340M at 104 BCLK would be awesome and give my CF-19 a much needed slight increase in performance.

Thanks i will try

Hi Bubu, I tried to do everything you told me in post 59, only that I have error in me regios and spi, the others are ok. I attach the files and photos so you can see, thanks

New folder.rar (5.99 MB)



Hi can someone help me thanks

Nothing can be done to help this, you need flash programmer or to do pinmod if you want to unlock FD to allow ME region read (This is cause of error at SPI (entire BIOS), and ME Region dump)

Hi Bubu thanks for your patience, I would like to understand when you have modified my bios how can I understand which string address or byte I have to modify? Example when you open hex editor as I understand where is the address es.cpu, sata, debugging, etc. and the values ​​to set? I have a dell d630 with bios phenix, which I would like to try to do what you did and see if it works. Thanks again

Hi please anyone help me ,thanks

Answer above for this model. For Dell, that is unrelated BIOS, anything done on this BIOS would not be same at all on Dell BIOS.

thanks for the dell, I will open another topic, but you have not answered my question, thanks

I have too a Dell D630. Unfortunately Dell BIOS is pretty hard to do it. Dell heavily personalize their BIOS (although is made by Phoenix).

For now i have discovered nothing in Dell BIOS.

Hi Bubu thanks for your patience, I would like to understand when you have modified my bios how can I understand which string address or byte I have to modify? Example when you open hex editor as I understand where is the address es.cpu, sata, debugging, etc. and the values ​​to set?

hello Bubu,

the "magic string" is amazing!


do you know how I can enable the "wireless configuration" menu? I have a CF-53 MK4 without this menu and would like enable it like the same way as the "magic string"

with kind regards


I have a Panasonic CF-54 and i need to change the serial number because the old one has video problems. I tried cloning the BIOS from original CF-54 to put on the one i need but after doing that the serial number of the second CF-54 remains the same.
The serial number is stored somewhere else besides BIOS?
This are the data from original CF-54
SN: 9BTCC08237