Hi All,
I’m trying to modify my PIPO X8 Splash screen to blank.
I have extracted the ROM and modified using AMI Change Logo tool.
If I try to flash the modded ROM using afuwin, I get a security fault, and it refuses to flash
When I force flash the rom with the /GAN option it causes the bios screen to come on on every boot.
I can reflash with the PIPO X8 rom linked here to get back to normal.
I note this ROM I linked to is larger than the one I extracted? Is this because I did not extract the recovery and bootloader portions?
I have tried to mod the linked ROM with the change logo tool. When I try to flash I get a security fault. I have not yet tried the /GAN option, as I’m not sure if the logo tool modifies properly at this stage.
I would like to remove the splash screen and the option to change the sleep state as that bricks the PIPO X8
Thanks for any help.
EDIT by Fernando: Thread title customized (to avoid misunderstandings)
@rangeyrover :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
As you have already realized, it is much easier to modify a BIOS than to get the modified BIOS properly flashed into the BIOS chip of the system. Especially the manufacturers of Mobile systems try to prevent any modification of the BIOS by inserting additional security methods. That is why any flash of such altered BIOS may end with a bricked system.
Tip: Since your thread title may be misunderstood, I recommend to replace the word "upload" by the word "flash". You can upload a BIOS file to a hoster, but not into the BIOS chip of a mainboard or tablet.
Dieter (alias Fernando)
The /GAN command would not work on my Aptio 5 BIOS.
I think it only works on Aptio 3 BIOS.
To remove the splash screen (worked for me), remove the OemLogo.bmp, MyOemLogo1, and MyOemLogo2 modules or similar.
Since you can’t flash using AFUDOS, have you tried Intel Flash Programming Tool? (Flash by typing fptw64.exe -f biosname.rom -BIOS)
If you get the CPU host error while using FPT, the flash descriptor (the FD) for the BIOS is locked as well.
In that case, the only way to change all BIOS options (but not modify modules) would be to use an Intel UEFI shell.
The only way to flash the BIOS and unlock the FD would be to use an SPI programmer or find another loophole through Recovery options (which is very hard to get working and may not exist).
Thanks for the tips! I went on the hunt for all logo elements, created a new BIN file after removing all logo references (There were 4)
Flashed the new bin file using Intel FPT, this made the device boot into UEFI shell only.
Flashing the original BIOS from the UEFI shell got me back working again, using AfuEfix64.efi and the batch file in the linked PIPOx8 ROM.
So, some good news.
The Flash Descriptor is not locked.
I can flash using tools from the UEFI shell.
I need some help to mod the linked ROM to remove the splash screen however, as I don’t seem able to do it.
Done It!
Altered the PIPO X8 ROM using the Aptio Change Logo tool, pulled the image out, coloured in black, saved as png and reimported into ROM, saved whole ROM as new image.
Howver this modified ROM would not flash using the AfuEfix64.efi tool.
Booted to UEFI shell by pressing DEL on startup, and selecting built in UEFI shell
This boots to a 32 bit shell.
flashed using fptw.efi -f biosname.rom -BIOS
Rebooted and now have a black screen during boot.
Now I need to see if we can alter the sleep settings. PIPO X8 will brick if you select S5, as it has no mechanical switch. This setting needs to be fixed to S0. Can anyone help to change this ROM to that?
Do you have a copy of the change logo tool you used please
Everything that you need is documented here http://www.johndball.com/modding-america…or-custom-logo/
I Should add I have 3 of these and only one working, trying to make it autostart on boot. Take care…