you certainly have already realized by the new Forum name and the customized outfit, that the main Forum responsability for this Forum has changed.
Since the 1st of May 2019 it is our well-approved Team member and Admin plutomaniac, which is my successor as owner and Main Admin of this Forum. The related technical handover took place rather unspectacular and fortunately without any visible break.
This is the time for me to say a big “Thank You!” to my Team colleague plutomaniac
a) for his long-term outstanding work as Admin and Supporter of this Forum and
b) for having given his agreement to overtake my job here and to make sure, that this Forum survives at its usual place and with all its rather popular content.
I wish him good luck for his new responsability and am very confident, that this forum will stay an important starting point for you in the future, when it comes to the topics “Storage Drivers” and “BIOS Modding”.
A big thank you to you as well Dieter for creating such an amazing community in the first place. It has gathered people, talent & hard-workers from all over the world.
Everything is now in place, the handover is complete. As a last note to everyone, since change is usually perceived negatively, I say don’t worry. The forum is still the same. Same people, same ideals, same talent. Everyone is welcome to leave feedback and (feasible) suggestions for the look and functionality of the forum at New Win-Raid Look! or here.
Big thanks to plutomaniac for wanting to take over so Fernando could step down and enjoy some much needed vacation time! At least this way we know the forum will be in good and well known hands!
I’m back now for a few days. I will be frequently absent during the following few months though. I’d like to say a big thank you to the rest of the forum team for picking up the slack and to any forum members who actively help during this time.