[Problem] Lenovo ThinkStation P3 Ultra Type 30HB - BIOS Update Failure

See that as an example- it’s a Hp Elite Mini 800 G9 Bios from here

But there seem to quite a lot of ways doing this. The HP bios region update is there for comparison. The two parts of bios regions in chip 2 arent same version, didn’t look further.

How Lenovo did it- we’ll have to see.

But that’s the reason that this kind of second chip is afaik only accessible through bios routines. The chip of your P330 is part of the main bios and is defined in the flash descriptor. But those number are valid only for the working firmware!

FFF - this has been done with a Hex editor or MFIT when cleaning an ME. It can be reversed, of course.

The brick happened possibly as only one bios region was updated and the system compared backup bios parts to booting bios parts and found them changed- someone had fiddled with / compromised the firmware.

Regarding adapter- it’s size dependant, size / width is normally given in mm- something like that:

(Just a google search how things might look like- no recommendation)


I think so!

That’s good!

I also think the same friend

Will check it and get a double check confirmation from you.

Do you think the machine will be back to life? Also, you didn’t mention on which chip i should write the bios dump and how, i mean using FPT, we can use -bios flag but how that can be done when programming externally? And how do we know which chip has that BIOS region?

Chips are U52 and U53 as far as I can see. Please double check this since the pic is taken with an angle, might be hidden another marker behind/over the upper chip?

Begin with your machine and dump the chips until you find the one which not is the working bios. If it’s the first you pick, mark it, save it’s position (U52 or U53 or…), If the first one is the working bios you have to read the second one, too.

Oh, and regarding fpt version- there’s only one main version working and it depends on the Intel ME generation. There might be different sub- versions of the tools like 16.1.xx.yyyy but those are less relevant. There’s not vendor specific preset versions like AMI Tools- where it’s for example important to spare the sections with machine specific settings and NVRAM which might be located to different places depending on vendor.
fpt can write regions which are defined in flash descriptor, but also smaller ranges when start address and length of a block are given. It doesn’t check what you ask to write!

I found these two other winbond chips, near the Ethernet. Are they BIOS or do they store the Ethernet firmware?

Yes, will do that.

Yes, i guessed the same and actually experimented on a spare system, so all good!


How bad is that. To brick your machine, write a song to the chip and it will write. xD

16 MBit chips, might belong to the NICs

Yes, you are right. Those are the NICs firmware chips.

So, i read both the chips and the top chip contains BIOS and the second chip was blank

Another issue is that during read or write, the flashrom asks to specify the chip between W25Q256FV and W25Q256JV_Q. Which one should i use?

FV is the older type, don’t think this makes a difference. What’s written on the chip?

Please attach both dumps anyway.

I think it does cause the Flashrom says chip name is case sensitive. Not sure though.

The chip on the mainboard is: Winbond 25R256JVEN

Here are the links to the dumps:

The P3_BIOS_Pink.bin is the top chip and the P3_BIOS.bin is the bottom one. I specified W25Q256JV_Q during read.

Well, Lenovo often services EC firmware separately, and S0JES08A fits into Lenovos normal schemes for update naming. (Doesn’t mean that you may be able to download it separately, though), simply stumbled over it.

Bu this area there isn’t just EC firmware, it’s (probably) part of the security or recovery mechanisms, too. It contains 2 (signed?) copies of the FD, one identical to the ‘official’ one, one a little different. (That’d fit into the concept from the HP taken as an example- 2 older bios regions (code only) on the second chip)

One of these flash descriptors is identical to the one used, one is different. Since the FD contains some data configured with FIT I tried the different FD and opened the resulting firmware in FIT- there’s only one difference in settings- slave chip enabled is set to ‘no’:

It’s just guessing but this may be the reason for the empty second chip (and maybe the bios refusing to update since a bios update would require transfer of the old bios parts to the second chip- that doesn’t exist). But I can’t say that for sure.

GbE: Since the NICs have separate SPIs there’d be no noeed for an additional GbE

Now regarding your dumps / the last post::

The empty file is quite unexpected. The other file is a correct result of the earlier actions.

  • Do you have the possibility to get the result of fpt -i from your friends machine?

And to fix this properly we’d need dumps of both chips from your frineds machine. Even if it’s a slightly different config it will help to understand the proper config of the empty chip. We need a possibly unchanged ME configuration.

  • So a fpt dump of your friends running machines firmware would be helpful, and we’d need a dump of the second chip of your friends machine, too.

Ways to proceed which wouldn’t fix the original problem (bios updates not possible):

  • Flash back your original dump and hope the machine boots

  • Flash back your updated dump with machine specific data

  • Flash back your updated dump with machine specific data and cleaned ME

Ways to proceed which could fix the original problem:

  • Get the configuration of a working machine and try to recreate a proper config for your machine

  • Get the configuration of a working machine, clean ME and transfer the machine specific data

And I’d recommend you to put this into badcaps, too. They do a lot of recovery for newer machines. But they have quite strict rules and close to zero patience when not following them (in the best case one reminder or simply not answering at all).

@Fastline ,
Didn’t you notice the other firmware update on Lenovo’s support page for the P3 Ultra?
Whenever you update the BIOS it is normal for the board to startup and shutdown multiple times (5x~8x, validating blocks I believe after a BIOS upgrade) before it boots normally to your OS’ loader. It’d be wise to not interrupt the procedure/validation - but I imagine you can let it continue where it last left off. Try powering up the device and let it run and see if it will eventually post either your BIOS and/or OS.