Problems with ASMedia SATA3 drivers on Win7

He’s running W10 on an unsupported motherboard, the AsMedia drivers will not load without a signature. MS OEM drivers are the only ones he can boot off, and they are IDE only.

I’'ll make this quick as I have a date; but I installed the Asmedia 3.19 whql set from Station last week and got a string of BSOD’s on rebooting.
all Assahci64.sys.
After the 5th bluescreen I fired up my reserve OS and copied the same driver to the corrupt drive and hey… Welcome to Windows.

A 2min debug came back in a breakpoint exception which I thought was odd for WHQL. But OK so lets watch a movie…Hungergames on my 1TB WD. A few mins into the movie MPC starts freezing up, like it was buffering data…but the file was on my drive…

I check the I/O with HDTuneand I know it’s pulling data but the block transfer graph is empty.
So finally I run a trace on MPC , and it’s transferring data alright…in blocks of 256b. So low HT Tune didn’t pick it up. And this is why:

Those drivers are MS generic, no AHCI just basic IDE compatibility…AsMedia prob have a broken signature triggering the breakpoint exception. I don’t know, either that or they are for W10…

I checked Station again earlier and now a 3rd 3.19 AsMedia set is up…making 3 reup’s.
I don’t know who is uploading them but they should be pulled…readme claims support for systems which aren’t…

I have to go but feel free to pm me…

Small fyi update; looked at asstahci.sys in Dependency Walker which flagged a missing storport driver. Hope that helps.


What have your experiences with the ASMedia AHCI/RAID drivers and your last 2 posts to do with the topic of this thread?

You’re assuming a lot. Firstly I don’t have CSM disabled, because it doesn’t need to be. Do u know what OS I’m running? It’s not W10…
I’m on W7 and all my devices are in legacy on an MBR boot partition. I actually forgot to mention that part…

CSM is a just a hack so UEFI operating systems can be installed onto a legacy motherboard. It’s a hack… Anyway it’s unrelated to my problems because if you looked at my screenshot u can see both Oproms were there with the HDD’s connected. The issue is not the Oproms the issue is the drivers are borked because they aren’t signed.

I’m not big into coding but Im pretty sure the breakpoint is triggered to prevent them from loading. I was on the beta team for W10, the devs made it clear that after W10 went to rtm any drivers which were not signed will not non sigmed drivers will not load.Any kernel drivers have to be submitted for testing by WHQL. It’s not like W8 anymore u cant mod drivers and then think test signing will help… It won’t.

The drivers have have some sort of certification…Back when I used to spam the Guru3D forums we ran into this situation…that guy who does all the modding over there Wagnard I think it is,
well we discovered the AMD drivers for Tahiti wouldn’t load in 10 after being modded to support VSR. Eventually I got then installed on 7 with the testsigning option and integrity checking disab;ed. That worhed in W10 as well but not after it went RTM somehow Wagnar got hold of someone that could could signm his mods…maybe u could adsk him… I would but Hil]bert and I don’t talk now, lol

If you look on the Asus website it gives a list of all the boards that can run W10. The boards which aren’t compatible are the 32mb EFI (not uefi) versions and any with UEFI spec older than 2.3.1 (I I think that’s the version).

It’s to ensure that both OEMs and MS will have "safety features" of newer UEFI versions available to cripple all their hardware before it’s shipped…
There’s always a way to get around this MS bullshit we just have to find it… I don’t do deployments anymore so I’m kinda outta the loop a bit. W10 is a good OS turned into pigshit though…

Everyone who tested gave feedback on TN concerned about privacy issues and strict control MS had over end users on 10… Most fell on deaf ears,MS did as MS pleased again…just like Vista,

Btw what AsMedia Oprom do u have installed at the moment just curious.

I see what u’re saying now, sorry I thought u meant storage controllers not rom’s. … There are 2 roms one is for the 6G front controller the other is for the ESP (external sata) which is the chip on the back next to the USB ports. Hmm I will have a look at at the roms. again… However I don’t expect any change tho as the other guys had trouble too…but we wil see. :wink:

PS.back in the NvNews I only ever used your remix packs, way better than the official set… Especially with nF3 after Nvidai basically disowned it.

@Pill_Monster :
Since your above posts have nothing to do with the topic of >this< thread, I have moved them into a separate thread within the “Storage Drivers” Sub-Forum.

Now to your report about problems with the latest ASMedia 106x SATA3 AHCI/RAID drivers v3.1.9.0:
I suspect, you have installed a wrong driver variant, which has not been designed for being used with Windows 7.
As you can see >here<, there are at least 3 different variants of these drivers available for the different Windows Operating Systems.
Contrary to Win8/8.1/10 the older Operating Systems need an additional SCSI Filter driver.