Question on the Samsung XP941 M.2 SSD

Hi to everyone, and thanks to everyone to help me figure this out. I finish install windows 8 Pro in this form factor SSD and it works like a charm, but in device manager there is this exclamation sign and I google it and tells me some about my video driver which I know my video drivers are fine from one way and the other I know it can’t be video driver cause it says 8086= intel, so my video cards are Nvidia. So my quess it could be the driver of the Samsung M.2 card cause I have the card mount on the PCI-e extension card that came with my motherboard. So anybody could have any idea what this could be, thanks in advance guys!


The driver you are missing is related to Intel Management Engine. Download the latest driver from here:

Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools

I have another question on the SSD drive describe above. What tool should I use in the future to " Secure Erase" this kind of SSD, now that I read not to use Part magic to secure erase, cause can damage the SSD and the Samsung Tool box wont recognize the SSD. TIA guys.

I haven’t yet found such tool myself. As soon as I found it, I will post it here.
Since the Samsung XP941 M.2 SSD fully supports TRIM, it is not very important to clean the garbage containing SSD cells by doing a secure erasure of the complete SSD.
By the way: According to my knowledge the name of the SSD is XP941 and not SP941.


Can I boot from a PCIe SSD like Samsung XP941 in x79 Deluxe including the Samsung_m2_dxe in bios?

@ juantrix:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Although I have some experience with the Samsung XP941 as boot drive (it boots fine with my ASRock Z97 Extreme6), I cannot answer this question.
Furthermore I doubt, that your X79 mainboard has an M.2 port. If not, you will not get the Samsung XP941 running at all.


With an M.2 Adaptor to 4x PCIe?

Plextor m6e has a M.2 Adaptor and is Legacy & UEFI Boot (UEFI bios inside)

XP941 Bootable in Asus P8Z68

It may work, but I am not sure, that you will be satisfied with the result (even if it should work).
My Intel SATA3 connected 512 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD runs better (snappier and more stable) during my daily work than the Samsung XP941 M.2 SSD.

That is an interesting link - thanks for having posted it.

Another site and config… booting in 3 seconds (2500k)

m.2 boot

I also tried to catch up with this new wave, at least in theory. Among other, these links have been useful: ROG and RAMCITY.

XP941 is not bootable, so you need the BIOS to support PCIe boot. You can wait long and hard for manufacturers, or you can do it on your own like juantrix posted. I think it should be fairly harmless, only a flash failure could be a problem.

Thanks for the links, but the "ROG" one leads to the ASUS Shop.

Maybe there is some redirect in the forum? For me, the link points to the page explaining the difference between technologies, at the basic-basic level.

why not try links to shorten the URL’s?

Fernando, have you check or notice the percentage of degradation of your Samsung XP941-M.2 Pci-e SSD, and if you have, I ask it’s also like mine and some other owner in other forum posted that checked the M.2 with Cristal disk info and shows 91 and 92% in the live left of the driver, it is normal this readings I just bought this card from a second hand person at fley and he had it posted as new, but I have seen other that bought it from some other source popular site and also as well they have the same percentage of degradation on the drive, are you aware of this or now any reason of this.

This is my most recent Cristal disk info:


@ Camp Anaconda:

Thanks for your informations regarding the Samsung XP941 M.2 Ultra SSD.
I have just checked my XP941 with the latest CrystalDiskInfo v6.2.2 and got rather similar results:


Just for a better comparison, this is what the tool shows for my 512 GB Samsung 840 Pro:


By the way: My XP941 obviously has a newer Firmware UXM6501Q as yours, whis has the UXM6401Q Firmware.

Hey Fernan as far as new firmware do you know how or where to I can get it from or you just got yours with it already with. Where you got yours from, City?

@ Camp Anaconda:

I got my Samsung XP941 in August 2014 from the german Online Shop named Caseking and the Firmware had already been flashed before.