Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers

@Fernando Thank you Fernando. And you are very welcome.

Probably. But when I look at the driver files, they are dated from 2018.04.25 (the previous ones were date from 2018.02.15); whether there is a real code update or not, I don’t know…

Can you upload one of the “pure” drivers dated 04/25/2018? Then I will check the differences.

I’m not currently at home, but you can get them here: client_x64 (accept agreement and download will start)

@soupiraille :
Thanks for the link.
After having downloaded the driver I compared the files of the “new” 64bit Intel NVMe driver v4.0.0.1007, which obviously have been compiled by intel at 04/25/2018 and were WHQL certified by Microsoft at 04/25/2018, with the “older” ones, who show the date 02/15/2018 and were WHQL certified at the same day.
1. The content of the INF files is identical and show the exactly same NVMe Controller HardwareIDs as being supported.
2. The drivers (= *.SYS files) are different and have a different size.

My result:
So the drivers themselves are indeed different. Maybe Intel forgot to include the code for the support of the upcoming Optane 905P NVMe Controller, when the SYS files were compiled in February.

Since the drivers are indeed different, I will download the complete “new” Intel NVMe Driver Set v4.0.0.1007 WHQL and offer the related “new” drivers within the start post of this thread.

Thank you very much for the info about this nearly unbelievable “silent update” done by Intel.

Update of the start post

  • Intel NVMe drivers:
    • “silently updated” by Intel: 32/64bit Intel NVMe drivers v4.0.0.1007 WHQL wrongly dated 02/02/2018 for Win7-10
    • "silently updated" by Intel: 32/64bit Intel NVMe drivers v4.0.0.1007 mod+drived by me at 05/03/2018, wrongly dated 02/02/2018, for Win7-10
    • ’silently updated" by Intel: Intel NVMe Drivers Installer Set v4.0.0.1007 WHQL dated 04/25/2018 for Win7-10

Thanks to our Forum member soupiraille for having given us the info about the “silent update” of the drivers.

Good luck with these new, but wrongly dated Intel NVMe drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you Fernando for the update! I’m glad I could contribute a tiny bit.
That “silent update” as you call it is indeed something very uncommon.

I haven’t yet installed my system, otherwise I would have done some benchmark to compare the February and the April versions, but I guess not much – if nothing – has been updated by Intel.

I suspect, that only users of an Intel Optane 905P SSD are able to recognize the difference between both driver variants. All other users will not benefit from the “silent upfate”.

highpoint 622l raid driver…iew?usp=sharing

@jjaomni :
Thanks for the info, but I do not offer download links to add-on card RAID Controllers.
The related drivers should be downloaded from the manufacturer of the add-on card. As you can see >here<, there are a lot of different HighPoint RAID Controllers, which require different Highpoint RAID drivers.

In the latest Win10 1803 native Iastorav.inf (02/07/2018,

Found five hwid that have never been seen in the Rste drivers available on Intel’s official website:


Fernando, please issue for Iastorav.inf, Iastorav.sys (02/07/2018, that apply to WIN7, WIN8, WIN8.1, and earlier versions of WIN10.

Additionally, Iastorav.inf (02/07/2018, is suspected to contain an error:

%pciven_8086&dev_3dd7&cc_0104.devicedesc% = Iastoravc_inst, pciven_8086&dev_3dd&&cc_0104
I think it should be:

%pciven_8086&dev_3dd7&cc_0104.devicedesc% = Iastoravc_inst, pciven_8086&dev_3dd7&cc_0104

Ohh okay… what about the people over at station drivers? no one seems to have any drivers for cards either… i have renesas and etron usb cards that i have used your drivers with so i was confused.


For an Optane 900P (PCIe) which is the best drivers ?
MS or Intel (v3 or v4) ?


@chiannetph7 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your contribution!

I know that, because I am running already Win10 v1803. These are the HardwareIDs of the upcoming next generation of Intel SATA RAID Controllers, but not really interesting for my mod+signed Intel RST/RST(e) drivers. They are primarily designed for users with an older Intel SATA AHCI or RAID Controller, which is natively not supported by the related Intel RST/RST(e) driver.

I will try to offer updated mod+signed 32/64bit Intel AHCI & RAID drivers v15.44.0.1010, when I have the required time and access to my usual desktop PC equipment and to my fast WLAN connection, but I doubt, that they will be usable with Win7, because the related iaStorF.sys file is missing.

You are absolutely right. I just have recognized this mistake done by Intel and will correct the typo, before I will present new mod+signed Intel RST drivers v15.44.0.1010.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

@jjaomni :
No wonder, that there is no website, where the users can find all the latest/best drivers for their devices and their currently in-use OS. The main problem is not to find them, but to keep them up-to-date.
Although I am spending each day many hours online trying to help the Forum users (even on weekends, during family events and holidays far away from home), my time is limited and my age (73 years) take its toll anyway. Currently I am more thinking about when and how to give this Forum into other (much younger) hands than to increase the amount of offered drivers.
Furthermore the thread title “Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers” assumes, that the offered drivers should have been tested before (even much more work!).

You or anyone else is cordially invited to start new threads, where all your desired, but currently missing drivers are offered. Many users (especially the lazy ones) will be absolutely happy, if they would be able to find download links to all the latest/best drivers at 1 single place (= here).

Good luck!

Please compare it yourself and report your results and your conclusion here .
Since I don’t have an Intel Optane SSD, I cannot test it and answer your question seriously.

@tistou77 :
Hey tistou77! On my test system (Asus R6A bios 1004 / Win10 1709 December build => so no Spec-Down patches (I do precise it because some people reported that those patches influence badly the SSD perfs, especially random 4k r/w)):
> Intel v3.2.0.1002 and v4.0.0.1007 drivers give roughly the same perfs
> with MS Driver I get about 7% less perf in Sequential Q1T1 and 14% less perf in random 4k Q1T1

Of course YMMV. Please do post your results if you make some tests! Cheers
PS: I do have a 900P PCIe

EDIT by Fernando: Fully quoted post replaced by directly addressing (to save space)

Thank Fernando! Wait for the good news.

where can I find Intel NVMe version 3 ?


I have them stored.
Which version and architecture for which OS do you need and why do you want to install an outdated driver?

For Win10 x64
I asked what driver was best between v3 and v4, and you told me to test
But the v4 that I test seem very good

Thanks :wink: