Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers

@tistou77 :
>Here< is the download link to the 64bit Intel NVMe driver v3.2.0.1002 WHQL.
Good luck!

@Fernando Thanks :wink:

With v4 drivers

Anvil Optane 900P.png

AS SSE Optane 900P.png

CDM Optane 900P.PNG

With v3 drivers

Anvil 900P Drivers v3.png

ASS SSD Optane 900P Drivers v3.png

CDM Optane 900P Drivers v3.PNG

Compared to 960 Pro 512GB

Anvil 960 Pro.png

AS SSD 960 Pro Drivers 3.0.png

CDM 960 Pro.PNG

@tistou77 :
Thanks for the benchmark tests, but what I see until now is just a performance comparison beteen an Intel Optane NVMe SSD (using the Intel NVMe driver v4.0.0.1007) and a Samsung 960 Pro NVMe SSD (using the Samsung NVMe driver v3.0.0.1802).
What I cannot find is a performance comparison between the latest Intel v3 and v4 platform NVMe drivers.
Did I miss anything or will they be published later?

Post above updated
The v3 are a little better than the v4

Thanks for the added benchmark results while running the v3 platform Intel NVMe driver.

These tiny differences are within the fault tolerance of the used benchmark tools and not noticeable by the user.
Since your benchmark test results have not much to do with the main topic of this thread, but verify the performance abilities of modern NVMe SSDs, I would rather like to move (or to copy) the benchmark results into >this< thread.
Do you agree?

@Fernando You can copy

@tistou77 :
For the users, who do a look onto just your post with the benchmark results, it is not easy to find out,
a) which NVMe SSD models were tested,
b) which OS was running and
c) which exact NVMe driver versions from which manufacturer were used,
I recommend to post the benchmark results yourself into the linked thread and add the missing informatiions.


I come back to the ‘bad’ performance of Intel NVMe v4.x compared to v3.x
Here are the tests results on a Sabertooth X99 machine running W10 RS4 v1803 Build 17134.48
v3.2 branch:




v4.0 branch:


For me the better choice is to remain to v3.0 branch !

@Fernando Done, it’s good ?
@100PIER The v3 seems a little better
Are you talking about 3.2 or 3.0 for you ?

@100PIER > I just tested ATTO with my Optane 900P, I don’t get this impressive drop at 8MB+ in v4.0.0.1007, actually it’s the contrary the perf get slightly improved (:-)). I guess something’s been messed up in this version for your drive.

@100PIER :
Thanks for the additional benchmark tests.
What is your opinion: Shall I re-add the Intel NVMe drivers v3.2.0.1002 WHQL to the start post? As you know, performance is only 1 quality criterion of a storage driver. Stability and compatibilty (here: with as many Intel NVMe SSD models as possible) are very important as well.
Within the next 2 weeks I will do some driver comparison tests myself with my Intel 750 NVMe SSD.

@tistou77 :
Thanks for having posted the benchmark results into the NVMe Performance thread (with some additional information). It is fine like you did it.

My opinion it is a good idea to re-add the Intel NVMe drivers v3.2.0.1002 WHQL to the start post. It is a quite stable version and performant version.
If you look at in detail the ATTO test result, there is a severe performance issue for v4.0 version (I have paint in yellow the abnomaly).
This issue is permanent and can reproduce easily. I have done the test multiple times under W10 RS3 and W10 RS4.
I don’t understand the source of the problem.
If you have the opppotunity to test on your machine this will definitively demonstrate that it is a pure driver issue.
Coming back from V4.0 to v3.2.0.1002 WHQL on the same machine I no longer get the abnormal low performance really visible for the user.
For instance a system (i750 device) backup operation is significantly longer when using v4.0 version.
May be v4.0 is optimized for new Intel SSD, but for old Intel SSDs device Intel NVMe v3.2.0.1002 does offer performance and stability.

Is it possible for you to post the ATTO bench result for your Optane 900P ?

Sure @100PIER. I re-did the ATTO benchmark for v3/v4 just after a fresh Windows restart (in my previous test, I didn’t do the v3 ATTO bench after a fresh restart), now the results are roughly the same.


ATTO v3.png


ATTO v4.png

Thanks @soupiraille . The ATTO results are quite perfect for the both Intel NVMe drivers versions driving your performant 980 SSD model.
The v4.0.0.1007 problem for i750 SSD model does remain a myster for me.
So, I do use only v3.2.0.1002 at the moment.

Thank you for your tests!

@100PIER > by the way, if you read previously, Intel has silently updated the NVMe drivers v4.0.0.1007 on 04/25/2018, while keeping the exact same version number. So if you still have the February v4.0.0.1007 version, it may be worth trying the April v4.0.0.1007 (which is on the first post of this very topic or here).

Thanks @soupiraille , in fact i used the latest v4.0 version modded recently by Fernando.
I have downloaded few minutes ago the version Client x64 version offered on Intel site and installed it, rebooted the PC, and started ATTO bench.

Definitively this v4.0.0.1007 is a disastear for my i750 400GB device as you can observe the huge abnomalies (yellow):

-for Transfer Size > 4 MB the Read and Write performances are a disastear.


So, definitiveley I forget this v4.0 branch which does seem optimized for Intel Optane SDD devices only !
Nota: for small transfer size this device does offer better Write performance than Read performance.



I have a HP Zbook G3, I am looking to install win 7 64bit, via SCCM 2012 R2, all I am looking for is a driver that actually works with these drives, so I can load win 7 onto it, is there an actual extracted driver that works ie contains the .inf and .sys file, the .exe is no use, I have any tried so many methods to make this work but nothing seems to help.
any help appreciated


@plaf1411 :
Hello Paul,
welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

What lets you think, that you need a specific driver to get Win7 or Windows Server 2012 RS2 installed onto your HP Zbook G3?
Which driver for which device do you mean?
If it should be an AHCI driver for the on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller, it will be supported from scratch by the Win7/WS2012 in-box MS AHCI driver. If you want to integrate or to load a specific Intel AHCI driver, you should post the HardwareIDs of the on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller.

Dieter (alias Fernando)