[Request] Asrock Z77 extreme4 BIOS NVMe modding

Due to the trouble I met, I turn to ASROCK. It is my favorite brand as they always keep updating bioses even for their outdated products.

Now a used Asrock z77 EXT4 is on its way to me. When I prepared the insertion of NVME, I encountered “file size excess” problem. I am not able to solve this, Would anyone please help?

I also consider the small version of NVME module. But based on my experience on Asus z77, the small version malfunctions OS Sleep(S4). So, please insert the normal NVME module.

Thanks in advance.

File can be found here. Asrock z77 EXT4 2.90 BIOS

or attachment

Z77 Extreme4(2.90)ROM.zip (4.28 MB)

There is an existing Asrock z77 EXT4 NVME BIOS in this forum. But the module is NvmExpressDxe.ffs dated 2016. Now it’s NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs.

I don’t know the difference among generation updates.

@once375ml :

The insertion of the NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs works (without touching any Pad-file), if you use the UEFITool v0.28.0 instead of the AMI MMTool v4.50.0.23. I just have tested it.

It seems I have to re-read your UEFITool section.

I only fully understand your section of MMtool.

Would you please just upload your moded bios?

I would like to leave the bios modding research a little bit behind my current work.

I haven’t written >this< guide with the intention of offering already modified BIOSes on request. My last post contains enough extra help for you to get the NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs module properly inserted.


I think I have succeeded. Modded by UEFITool, verified by MMtool. Now, need for reception of motherboard to confirm the success.