[Request] Asus UX21E Bios unlock, hidden settings

Hello, I would like to unlock the bios on Asus UX21E to try to slightly improve the performance of the laptop. Is it possible to unlock this Bios? I managed to take a bios dump using fptw and the ROM file using Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0
BIOS UX21E.214.zip (1.9 MB)

Is there any chance to unlock the bios?

A knowledge of a working method to install a custom bios version guarantees the bios can be unlocked. Such an old device has no boot guard.
What FPT you used?

I used FPT in the ME System Tools v7 version downloaded here from the forum, because this is the version of MEI the laptop has

I used the command fptw.exe -d -bios biosreg.bin

Ok. If you’d use it again, but for writing bios region, will that work?

I can’t flash the bios via fptw

We can try prr.exe tool made by Svl7 to unlock access to flash areas. But it requires DOS.
Asus UX21E support legacy boot, right?

Yes supports the ability to disable UEFI boot. For example the old pre-winPE Hirens Boot works

It will be needed. Make sure you can turn it off and on with no issue.
xenobi.zip - this is your not modded yet backup ready fore flashing.

Hmm. What is this error. FPT or DOS? Must be DOS as echo command does not throw confirm message. First time encounter this one.

Has there been any other output before what it is shown picture 3?

Hmm, the message appears after clicking Enter, in the 2nd photo you can see the message that appears for a split second. Then the message from the 3rd photo appears. No other information is displayed apart from what I sent

Please, make another attempt with FPT for Windows. But put the laptop to sleep and then wake it. After that use FPTW.

Sleeping and waking up did not change anything, still the same error under Windows. I have one more idea in the Bios, there is an option to enter Asus easy flash, you can, for example, update the BIOS there. When I want to select the dumped biosreg.bin, the message “build date is to old!” appears.

Edit: I managed to run the EFI shell on the laptop, turned on Me FW Image Re-Flash, but it didn’t change anything. It seems to me that the best solution would be to flash the BIOS via Easy Flash from the BIOS menu

Is there a chance to unlock this bios? As I said, there is an option to update via Easy Flash in the BIOS

But it says build date is to old.

Maybe the version and build date could be increased?

Maybe. I can try to.
The error is same when trying to install original bios?

Yes, the message about the old version appears both when updating the original from the Asus support website (version 214 is the newest) and when uploading the Bin file dumped from ftptw

AMIBCP reports 11/23/2012 for this bios. It was 11/22/2012.