I tried to edit the power limit on a 4090 zotac trinity , to put lower and higher power limit, using the tutorial from this Nvidia bios modding checksum, but always failed to do
Anyone can explain or make a tutorial to do this type of bios editing ?
I am truely sorry that it was not clear in the original post, however I was only speculating about how one could modify their vbios. I was only able to edit the file itself to change the limits, as described by the strategy in the post. However, I have not found a way to bypass the checksum and the signatures protecting the bios from being flashed, hence why it doesn’t work.
I apologize for the confusion
Yes, but doesnt this was solved with the new nvflash ?(omg)vflash | Fully Patched nvflash from X to Ada Lovelace [v5.780] | TechPowerUp Forums
> As long as 32-bit & 8-bit checksum on usermod is correct, biosmod flash and bypass FE / VendorCert / XOC Cert / MasterCert ~ golden card system. Basically flash what you desire, as long as EEPROM size can take it .
Have you found a way to fix the checksum of the vbios? The quoted text states that the checksum must be correct, yet in my method I did not find a way to fix it. This might be why the vbios doesn’t work.
Nop, i didnt find a way to fix that
that the problem, i think i modify the correct value in hex for the TDP, but fail to flash it