[Request] BIOS mod ASUS VivoBook 15 X510UR

Ok, I’ll do this on Sunday, as I won’t be available tomorrow.

@karfel I’ll try looking tomorrow, do you think a CH341A + SOIC8 will work? Or is it another model, or does it need a voltage adapter? I remember something like Gigadevice 25q series.

do you think a CH341A + SOIC8 will work?

Yes, that’s even better and the safest option for flashing.

does it need a voltage adapter?

Depend on the IC model. You have to take a look at the board and do some googling.

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Ok, As I said, I will try to find it, if I don’t find it or I still find it, I will proceed with the BIOS unlock. I’ll come back later with more information.

GigaDevice 25B64CSIG

I didn’t find the programmer, so I thought it would be better to postpone this until I buy an EPROM programmer. Once I have one, then I can do it as many times as needed… But it will probably take a while.

@karfel I decided to unlock this right away and followed the tutorial ([Guide] Usage of AMI’s AptioV UEFI Editor + FPT Flash Method), but it didn’t explicitly provide the ifr.txt. I noticed it created a body.bin, so I used ifrextractor.exe on this file and obtained the following information:​

Note that I used the BIOS backup I made (Dump.bin).


Is this really the information I need to have to proceed?

FPRR and BIOS Lock, yup.

It should display something beyond that, right?

setup_var_cv PchSetup 0x93F 0x1  # Lê BIOS Lock
setup_var_cv PchSetup 0xEFE 0x1  # Lê FPRR

that’s weird, last time i used was like this:
setup_var 0x8FB 0x00 ← bios lock
setup_var 0xEFE 0x00 ← FPRR

0x00 mean disable and you should use varoffset lol on bios lock not question id

Error: offset is out of range.

try again just with setup_var 0x8FB or setup_var 0xEFE

Same error.

from what i can see, the value is already 0x00, you could try flashing with the original dump region without mod to make sure it’s already turned off.

It was a success, Now all that’s left is to buy the EPROM. And write the modified file to the BIOS.

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@karfel I decided to do this right away. I tried the first file, nothing appeared…
GbE region does not exist. That was a message before he started…

Fpt.efi -bios -f name.rom

Unsuppres: (I had to disable the protection again)

I will try to take a look again in the afternoon.

Ok, but look at this. This happens when starting Windows, it’s probably a video driver. I will put the backup.

safe to ignore it.

it’s probably a video driver.

It’s my fault, lol. I used the wrong BSF file for the VBIOS update.

here, try mod1 first.

Mod 1:

(now have video in Windows)

Mod 2:
Ok, that’s good progress.
(I don’t know if something should happen when I click, but nothing happens, and have video in Windows)

here, try mod 3 first.