[Request] Compl. Updated/Modded Intel S3420GP BIOS

Hello Everyone,

I have an Intel S3420GP motherboard,

I want to mod the bios of this motherboard and update all possible modules,
I want to remove unnecessary modules if possible,
I want to update the CPU Micro Code,
I want to delete all CMS related modules if they are present,

I want to disable the tests performed with the startup (the startup takes too long, the boot process takes a serious time)

I want to add the ReBarUEFI and NvmExpressDxe modules,

I want to remove the necessary lock to be able to flash the bios internally with the fptw tool
(Error 28: Protected Range Registers are currently set by BIOS, preventing flash access. Please contact the target system BIOS vendor for an option to disable Protected Range Registers.)

We could not update with the UBU tool because it does not recognize the bios,

I have the CH341A + SOP8 and SOP16 test clip + Beaglebone Black tools

I request your support from the masters

Intel_S3420GP_Bios_Dump_bY_CH341A.zip (8.9 MB)
s3420gp_tps_r2_4.zip (2.5 MB)

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened (details are listed within the start post)

With UEFI BIOS Updater v1.80.a17 tool,
I get “Unknown platform BIOS” error,

When I play with the default settings of the bios with AMI Bios Configuration Program v.455 and flash it again, the machine does not open,

According to the guide at [Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing, I cannot find any lock mechanism on the bios settings
(Me FW Image Re-Flash", “ME Disable”, “HMRFPO”, “Lock”)

I perform FD unlock operation with ifdtool (coreboot/util/ifdtool at main · coreboot/coreboot · GitHub) and flash it,
PC turns on but I can’t flash it internally

ME System Tools v6 IBX r2 toolkit Flash Image Tool FD all Descriptor unlock and re-flash,
But I still can’t flash internally


I kindly request your support

Flashing tests performed with me cleaning and Neutralize operations using the me_cleaner (GitHub - corna/me_cleaner: Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images) tool yielded successful results.


This is Intel “own” version of Insyde bios core, same as “their” AMI, they are not regular code bioses.

If you want to risk modding this file, use UEFItool and HEX editor, regular tools around will not work.

MiniSetup DXE gives CRC32 checksum error when I make a change with AMI Bios Configuration Program v.455

What can I do to mod this bios?


What program is this ?

sapp4ire / lnsider_Bl0S_TooIs · GitLab These tools did not work :frowning:

The tool it’s Andy’s Slic tool… but you’re probably too young or too new to this…

I told you already, these are INTEL bios files, their OWN revision of the main code supplied by bios vendors like Phoenix, H2O, AMI…
Else i would have pointed you, the oficial/leaked InsydeH2O tools around…

I’ve always seen the SLIC adding tool, but I’ve never tried it because I’m not interested in SLIC.

It is a tool similar to a tool like UEFITool, thank you to those who wrote it. :slight_smile: Tool to Insert/Replace SLIC in Phoenix / Insyde / Dell / EFI BIOSes | My Digital Life Forums

Yes, I am new to Bios modding, I have done many operations such as updating AMI bios with UBU,

opening hidden menus, changing default settings, adding NVME Dxe, me_clener,

but I have never encountered this type of bios (Insyde).

I am very interested in Coreboot, I bought a second hand Lenovo t440p and am working on coreboot compilations.

We have a lot to learn from masters like you. :slight_smile:

I would appreciate it if you recommend a tool that I can use to make changes to this bios (Insyde).

No i can not and dont know any tool that work flawless, in these Intel bios files.
I said already that you’re best options are to use UEFItool and HEX editor.
That’s it, good luck.

Hello again,
Is it possible that Andy’s Slic tool gives an incorrect output?

Intel S3420GP Bios says AMI everywhere
When I enter Bios it says “Apito Setup Utilty”

Console outputs are below

I’m no “master” or “teacher”, just a forum user.
Yes it is, as you found out and the tools are not up to date, glad you did it, good luck now.


No, i already told you that. And told you also that “regular” AMI tools wouldn’t correctly work…go ahead do you research…who knows you may find the right solution/tool.

Buddy give me a help here… maybe if he reads it, from more than one user, he will be more convinced…ty.

AMIBCP v3.47 “Couldn’t open the file!”
AMIBCP v3.51 “Couldn’t open the file!”

AMIBCP v4.53.0050 "Opening, editing but EfiCrc32GuidedSectionExtractionGuid (FC1BCDB0-7D31-49AA-936A-A4600D9DD083) section under AmiTseSetupGuid (C811FA38-42C8-4579-A9BB-60E94EDDFB34) gives Checksum invalid "

AMIBCP v4.55.0.70 "Opening, editing It is done but EfiCrc32GuidedSectionExtractionGuid (FC1BCDB0-7D31-49AA-936A-A4600D9DD083) section under AmiTseSetupGuid (C811FA38-42C8-4579-A9BB-60E94EDDFB34) gives Checksum invalid "

AMIBCP v5.01.0014 “Platform Identification failed.”
AMIBCP v5.02.0031 “Platform Identification failed.”
AMIBCP v5.02.0034 “Platform Identification failed.”

Do you know of any other version of AMIBMC?

MMTool with S3420GP

sudo flashrom -p internal -r oem.bin
sudo flashrom -p internal --ifd -i bios -w S3420nvme.bin
(remove power source , i wait 10-20 seconds , and first boot will be slow)

i get a 422 error with two picture uploads.

@ byhexadecimal , please let me know if you have questions.

my flashrom cmds are from a live debian 11 in bios mode with kernel parameter “iomem=relaxed”. idk if the kernel parameter is required for internal flashrom function on S3420 (i need for other hardware).

sudo apt update
sudo apt install flashrom

update 12/30/2024

intel s3420gp is able to boot via pcie nvme with “NvmExpressDxe_Small” (tested with 905P 380GB M.2 NVMe).

also , the board boots when AltMeDisable bit is set via ifdtool:
./ifdtool -M 1 dump.bin

edit: i need to re-test me_cleaner

I had to external flash my s3420gp since only the bios region has write access via flashrom internal function: